Many people think leadership as a vocation, but in reality, leadership is a psychological process – to infuse others around to let personal agendas and to cooperate for the good of the group. Organizations are larger, working groups are more organized and complex than those many years ago in which the psychological patterns on which you are still interacting today were originally developed.

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One of the reasons why leadership counts so much is to turn a collection of talented individuals into a coordinating team – but only if it is built in a way to help the team achieve high performances together. And as the secret of performance is engagement/commitment, it takes a leader to engage and motivate subordinates to make it possible. In order to become a successful business Leader like Arviv you should always follow these characteristics. Arviv Toronto is a well known Entrepreneur & Investor from Canada.

Why it matters that a leader engages and motivates his subordinates?

Psychological research shows that engagement is the key factor that determines individual performance – in other words, the extent to which employees think, feel and act in ways that show attachment to the organization. Engaged/motivated employees have energy, pride, enthusiasm and a positive attitude towards work. Organizations whose employees are involved are more profitable and deliver twice as much to shareholders than those whose employees have a low commitment.

3 characteristics of leaders who involve and motivate subordinates:


Even if it can sound a cliché, being a leader is first about the people in your team and then about you. If you manage to help them be better, you will also be a better leader. The flexibility and the way you empathize with the team members to understand their needs, qualities, defects, and abilities that they have to perfect, helps you to be always present, current and “on the go”. People are not perfect, you are not perfect, and team dynamics must be the first thing you think about when you guide the implementation of any project.


Although as a leader you are almost always busy, you must always find time to listen to your team members. Very often a newcomer may think you are giving him too little importance, so be careful to give the same support to each team member.

The leader is the mirror of his team – the performance of those you work with is your performance and vice versa, and this is directly proportional to the trust your people have in your abilities, but also in your confidence. They interact with them, ask for their advice when you have a question or want to learn more and pay attention to their mood. In short, a leader has to position himself as a trusted man who will help them find solutions always, not as a boss who will punish them at the first opportunity.


Of course, courage is needed for anything you do alive, but for a leader courage means, first of all, taking risks that can have repercussions on the entire activity of the team or company. This leads many to remain in a comfort zone that does not evolve in the long run. When you take risks, you have to realize that they are packed with failures and mistakes – be brave and when you have to assume the negative results. Talk to your team members about both success and failure; analyze with them where you are wrong and what you need to correct for future projects. A true leader knows that it’s natural to make mistakes, and he’s always willing to share with others in these experiences..


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