Because getting in a car accident can be a bit of a surprise, no one’s ever really prepared for this event to take place. However, knowing what actions or steps you should take following your car accident can help make the entire process go much smoother for you.

So once you’ve left the scene of the accident and are trying to piece everything back together, here are three things you should add to your to-do list in the days following your car accident. 

Check In With Your Doctor

Regardless of how bad you think your injuries might be immediately after you’ve been in a car accident, Shad Withers, a contributor to, recommends that you always check in with your doctor to see what his or her professional opinion is on your physical well being. 

Because there’s a lot of adrenaline that comes out after being in a car accident, you may not notice or be able to tell if you’ve actually be hurt until a few hours or days after the accident is over and your body has calmed down. But at this point, you might have done more damage to your body. So to be on the safe side, it’s best to always check in with your doctor after you’ve been in a car accident. 

Get A Copy Of The Accident Report

In almost all car accidents, the police will be called to help you. As a part of their role here, Mila Araujo, a contributor to The Balance, shares that the police will file a legal accident report about what happened at the scene.

To best state your case to both your insurance company and any lawyers who might be involved with the accident, it’s important that you get a copy of that official accident report. The way that you’ll want to get this report will vary based on where you live and when the accident took place. But with this accident report in hand, you’ll know exactly what’s on the record about what happened at your accident. 

File The Right Claim With Your Insurance

One of the first phone calls you’ll want to make after your car accident is to your insurance provider. 

When speaking with them, Jacqueline Curtis, a contributor to Money Crashers, recommends asking about what type of claim to file. You should be able to file either a Not-At-Fault claim, an At-Fault claim, or a Total Loss claim. The type of claim you’ll want to file will depend on your exact situation, so make sure you speak with your insurance company about which option will be best for you. 

If you’ve been in a recent car accident, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you know what to do next.


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