6 Strategic Ways to Control Business Costs

6 Strategic Ways to Control Business Costs

The goal of any business is to make the maximum profit possible and reduce costs to zero. However, most of the companies & business people do not know how to cut down costs. You will learn how to reduce costs and save on your finance. Money is the backbone of your business. Therefore it should be handled properly. Otherwise, it will compromise your business. Below mentioned are the six tips that will help you reduce costs in your business.

Use your resources properly.

The business that you are running is supported by the resources that you have. It could be human resources or any other resources. Ensure that you use your resources properly to avoid their exploitation. Remember t that you invested a lot of money to get the resources that you have. If you get to lose even a single resource, you will spend a lot of money on recovering it. On the angle of human resources, which include your employees, treat them well so that they can be productive at their jobs, and help your business proliferate.

Hire equipment instead of buying

There is some equipment that does not necessarily need to be bought because their usage is short-term. Such materials should only be hired. This will aid you to save your money at the same time, accomplish your project. If you are planning to expand your company’s building, go for construction machinery hire because purchasing it will affect your budget adversely. If you know you will need certain equipment for long-term use; then you can invest in it and purchase it.

Plan for emergencies

This is where many companies fail. Emergencies can happen any time, and if they are not planned for, they can adversely affect your businesses. A good example is the corona pandemic that affected 90% of businesses across the world. That was a lesson to business people that they should learn to plan for emergencies. Come up with strategies for handling various emergencies when they arise, and this will protect you from losses.

Adopt technology

The best way to cut down costs today is by embracing technology. You no longer need to spend money on advertising your company. With the help of social media networks, you can publicize and market your business effectively. Technology will also help you protect your company effectively and reduce labour, thus saving money you would have used to hire some personnel.

Negotiate prices

You should learn how to negotiate prices because this will help you to save a lot of money. Many sellers always use the trick of perking the price of things because they know you’ll bargain for a fair price. If your company is big, learn how to negotiate when forming mergers and acquisitions. If you think you are not good enough in the sector, you can hire a business advisor to help you in negotiating when making deals.

Manage time

One of the most effective ways of controlling the costs of your business is by managing your time. Why should you manage time? This is because time is money, & if you manage it inappropriately, you will lose a lot of money. Therefore, it is crucial for all business owners to ensure proper time management at their company. Walking to the job will make you reach late, and you will achieve less, thus generating less income. Therefore, it is better to spend some cash on transport to get a job on time and do more to generate more income.


The tips highlighted above will help you to control your costs and maximize your profits effectively.

Check this post –> https://www.neoadviser.com/how-to-select-best-devices-to-increase-the-functionality-of-a-business/

Also this –> https://www.neoadviser.com/how-to-run-a-successful-subscription-based-business/

immigration law

What Are the New Immigration Laws in 2021?

What Are the New Immigration Laws in 2021?

When it seems like nothing has been changed since 2020, due to the fact that we are still fighting a global pandemic, this is minimally opposite in United States. A national event had somehow become international on November 3rd when the 59th Quadrennial Presidential Election was held. This followed a great news to many as Joseph R. Biden Jr. was elected the 46th President of the United States.

The upcoming administration of President-elect Joe Biden is expected to reverse President Donald Trump’s immigration policies. Therefore, a lot had already signed up as audience for these incoming changes. Here are some expected and new immigrations laws in the United States in 2021.

Under Biden Campaign

President-elect Joe Biden had listed his program regarding immigration reform and included what some are expecting to be new immigration laws under his administration:

  • Asylum Grants
  • Reversing Trump’s Public Charge Rule
  • Lift the Muslim bans
  • Protection of “Dreamers” and their families
  • Change of Trump administration’s policies regarding separation between parents and their children at the border

There are quite a lot to expect from his campaign and the stated above are just mere half of his key promises. To put it short, the President-elect plans to do a full 180 on the Trump administration.

What Can We Further Expect this 2021?

Specific Country Entry RestrictionsLifted

Under Trump’s administration, there exist an Executive Order that restricts certain countries from entering the U.S. Such countries stated were majority of Muslim nations and countries distinguished as threats. These countries are Myanmar, Nigeria, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Sudan and many more. With Biden’s administration, it is expected to be lifted within his first 100 days.

Back With DACA

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is a program founded by former President Barack Obama that aims to protect entities brought illegally to the U.S. as minors from being deported. However, during Trump’s reign, United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) was stopped from accepting new DACA applications.

Contrary to what the President-elect believes, Biden is heavily expected to bring back the program to extend its protection to individuals living in the U.S. from deportation. It is also reported that the Supreme Court had already ordered USCIS to start processing DACA applications again but have yet to respond.

Furthermore, the new administration should be able to officially open the process of application to fully assure protection over young children who arrived in the U.S.

Asylum Grants Still Unpredictable

Trump administration had also restricted asylum for immigrants who have traveled through Central American countries. Under his order, asylum seekers who failed to submit and apply for protection in a transit nation prior to arrival in the U.S. port of entry is denied of grant.

Although there are high chances that this will be changed under Biden’s orders, asylum protection is by far the most difficult to expect, according to the experts.



While there are still a lot to consider and expect regarding the new immigration laws this 2021, it is safe to say that a lot will be a change for the better – and not for the worst. This change can not only revolutionize dreamers but also make America great again. For more information, as your immigration attorney.

Check this post —> https://www.neoadviser.com/immigration-law-for-overstayers-in-the-united/


Useful Photoshop Shortcuts You Need to Know About

Useful Photoshop Shortcuts You Need to Know About

Adobe Photoshop is a versatile tool that is used by millions of people worldwide. From editing photos to designing website interfaces, this tool is extremely useful. If you are a photographer or a graphic designer, you should definitely know your way around this software program. By editing your photos in Photoshop, you can achieve impeccable results and revamp your portfolio. Since every photographer is expected to master at least one editing tool, why not set your hand at this highly coveted program? Photoshop has a lot of shortcuts that can be used to save time and achieve faster results. On that note, here are some of the most useful shortcuts that will make your designing and photo editing projects easier. 

  • Marquee Tool

If you need to select a specific shape on your image layer, the Marquee tool can easily select the retained shape area. For both Windows and Mac, select the shortcut M. This will enable the Rectangular Marquee tool. To select the Elliptical shape, press Shift+M. Upon using the Elliptical shape, press Shift and drag the tool to make a perfect circle. 

  • New Layer

In Photoshop, every new design and editing work is based in layers as it makes your workflow smoother. If you need to change a particular part of the artwork or photograph, working in layers lets you make the change only in the specific areas, thereby saving your time and energy. For Windows, use Shift+Ctrl+N, and for Mac, use Shift+Cmd+N.

  • Quick Mask 

If you need to make any local adjustments within the image layer while keeping the rest of the image intact, use the Quick Mask option. To use this function, press the Q key after selecting the area in question. You will notice a red translucent mask formed in the unselected area. Press B, which is the shortcut key for the Brush Tool, and make changes as needed. Apply white color to delete the mask or apply black color to add a mask to the selected area. 

  • Lasso Tool

If you need to select a random (undefined) shape on your image layer, the Lasso Tool can help. Press L on the keyboard to activate this function. To switch between the Polygonal Lasso Tool and Magnetic Lasso Tool, press Shift+L on both Windows and Mac. The Magnetic option lets you select specific magnetic points and edges over the image layer, and the Polygonal option lets you select an area by clicking and placing points over the edges of the desired shape. Press the Alt/Opt key to form straight lines. 

  • Duplicate Layer

For every photo editing project, duplicating the image or making a copy of your current (image) layer is highly recommended. If you need to deselect certain elements, the expert editors at parkerphotographic.com/how-to-deselect-in-photoshop-step-by-step/ recommend working on the duplicated layer instead of the original as you can easily revert to the first image in case you make a mistake. If the copied layer is no longer needed, you can simply delete it. For Windows, use Ctrl+J, and for Mac, use Cmd+J.

  • Crop

This is the easiest and most effective command among all. Once you select an image layer, press the C key to activate the Crop function. The grid formation allows you to move your mouse and crop the image as required. You can also access the Straighten Tool from the panel. 

  • Move

To move a selected area from one place to another within the same image layer or in your workspace, press the M key. The selected areas can be dragged or moved using the keyboard arrows or the mouse. 

  • Deselect a Layer 

Before using the shortcut command to deselect a selected layer or part of any layer, the active lines of the selection should be visible. For Windows, use Ctrl+D, and for Mac, use Cmd+D.

  • Clone Stamp Tool

This is another useful retouching app that most photographers often use. The Clone Stamp Tool copies a specific area of the image on the layer (the area copied is equivalent to the clone stamp size) and pastes it at your preferred points. To access this tool, press the S key. To increase or decrease the size of the stamp brush, press ] or [ respectively. When clicking on the area to be copied, press Alt/Opt. Click on the area where you wish to paste your copied selection. 

If you are a beginner who is still trying to find your way around Photoshop, you can use these shortcuts to save time and improve your skills. If you are confused about whether or not you should learn this design and editing software, we highly recommend that you do. This versatile software will make your tasks easier and help improve your design and photo editing skills tremendously. 

Check  this  –> https://www.neoadviser.com/adobe-has-trained-an-ia-system-that-identifies-photo-manipulation-with-photoshop/


Build A Successful Business With These 7 Tricks

Build A Successful Business With These 7 Tricks


When it comes to starting your own business, you want to get off on the right foot so that your business can be a long term success. For many prospective entrepreneurs, they don’t lay down the right foundational parts of their business plan in the beginning, and then their business can face a lot of uphill challenges, and some never get past this and fail.



Therefore it’s important if you are a prospective entrepreneur or even a current entrepreneur that you follow some key tricks that could lead to a prosperous and effective business. So here are seven tricks needed to build a successful business.

1) Analyze the Competition


A lot of people like to start a business, not knowing the type of competition and the geographical spacing of competition, leading to an unexpected revenue below projections. It’s important when you do your preliminary research, that you understand who your competitors are in the industry, and space yourself in a way that you have not oversaturated an area. Look into how they do business, and figure out if there is a different way to do yours that might reduce your operational costs, or if there’s a sales tactic that might entice customers to try your business out.

Understand the Rewards and the Risks


Many people who go into business jump into the deep end per se with very little knowledge of how to swim in the business world. The reality is that the lifecycle of being an entrepreneur starts with a lot of work and not a lot of reward. The costs of a start-up are heavy, and you will likely have to burn the midnight oil until you can grow your brand enough that you can hire staff and you can reap the rewards of owning a business.


It’s important early on you are immaculate towards your customers, so that they will come back to you for future business as well as word of mouth to new clients.

3) Organization

It’s a concept that seems so simple, and yet so many entrepreneurs fail to hone in on the basic concept of organization. Have a clear business plan in place and identify clearly how much your business’s expenses will be and what your project revenue will be. Consistently creating task lists on a daily basis is imperative for effective workforce management. Make sure you utilize software programs for finances and orders as much as possible so offices are not full of paper. These are little things that make a business feel and appear professional.

4) Seek Out Opportunities to Distinguish Yourself


The last thing you want to do when you enter into a competitive business world is striving for normalcy. If you open a shop where you know you have competitors, trying to be like them will not pan out. Even if you deliver the same level of service, customers are not going to jump ship just because you are the new person in town. Find ways to offer discounts that don’t eat intensely into your profit margin.


Work on your people skills so people can build trust in you. Trying to do things differently makes you stand out and will bring in more clients than trying to mimic what someone else is doing.

5) Make a Habit of Strong Record Keeping


While it may seem like standard bureaucratic policy, strong record-keeping is crucial to surviving long term in the business industry. It’s important that you keep records of all activities in case of a lawsuit against an unruly client, or a potential audit for tax reasons. More importantly, if you had a client a few years ago and they come back to you for more business, it’s good to have a documented history so you can be informed on what you did for them and how to serve them even better this time.

6) Maintain a Consistent Business Model


While it’s important to adapt to any changes in culture or consumer behaviours, it’s really important that you find a business model that works for you and stick to it. Don’t try to change pricing too much unless market forces on supplies force you to. Don’t be trying to constantly lure clients in with sales and discount service, because all it might do is eat into profits and show a lack of stability in your business.


Ultimately being fair against the competition and putting out the best level of service you can is what will keep clients happy and loyal to your business.


7) Staying Focused


Perhaps the most important secret to being successful is to stay focused. The day to day of ownership can erode your passion and creativity and desire, so it’s critical you treat each day as a new opportunity and try to engage your staff as much as possible. This business is like your child, so give it the attention it needs so you can love it and cherish it as it blooms into a success.

Also check : https://www.neoadviser.com/how-to-run-a-successful-subscription-based-business/

Whatsapp Privacy Issues in 2021

Whatsapp Privacy Issues in 2021


Whatsapp privacy issues in 2021

WhatsApp, the Facebook online messaging platform, is the world’s most popular messaging apps. It is used by over one billion people, sending over 65 billion messages per day.

1. WhatsApp Web Malware

The WhatsApp user base makes it an evident target for cybercriminals, several of that specialize in WhatsApp internet. For years, WhatsApp has enabled you to start a website, or transfer a desktop app, scan a code with the app on your phone, and use WhatsApp on your laptop.

App store on your smartphone—the App Store on iOS additionally Google Play on Android—are additional strictly regulated than the web at high. after you get WhatsApp on those stores, it’s oftentimes clear that the app is that the official one. that won’t true of the broader net.

Criminals referred to as hackers, and scammers have all taken account of this. There are cases of attackers moving off malicious software package as WhatsApp desktop applications. If you’re unlucky enough to possess downloaded one in every of these, the installation will unfold malware or unless compromise your laptop.

2. Unencrypted Backups

whatsapp backup issue 2021

The messages you send in WhatsApp square measure are end-to-end encrypted. This implies that solely your device, which of the recipient, will decipher them. The feature prevents your messages from being intercepted throughout transmission, even by Facebook themselves. However, this does not secure them once they’re decrypted on your device.
WhatsApp permits you to duplicate your messages and media on android and iOS. This is often an important feature because it permits you to recover accidentally deleted WhatsApp messages. there’s a neighborhood backup on your device added to a cloud-based backup. On Android, you’ll be able to duplicate your WhatsApp information to Google Drive. If you’re exploiting AN iPhone, then your backup destination is iCloud. These backups contain the decrypted messages from your device.

The computer file keeps on iCloud or Google Drive isn’t encrypted. As this file contains decrypted versions of all of your messages, it’s, in theory, vulnerable and undermines WhatsApp’s end-to-end encoding.

As you’ve got no selection in backup location, you’re at the mercy of the cloud suppliers to stay your information secure. though no large-scale hacks have affected iCloud or Google Drive to this point, that does not mean that it is not potential. There square measure different means attackers might use to achieve access to your cloud storage accounts too.
One of the supposed advantages of encoding is, for higher or worse, having the ability to forestall government and enforcement from accessing your information. because the unencrypted backup is kept on one of all 2 U.S.-based cloud storage suppliers, all it might take could be a warrant, and that they would have unchained access to your messages. If you are doing a favor to duplicate your WhatsApp information to the cloud, it mostly undermines the service’s end-to-end encoding.

3. Facebook Data Sharing

whatsapp issues with facebook data share

Facebook has been the topic of abundant criticism in recent years. one in every of those criticisms is of Facebook’s effective market monopoly and anti-competitive actions. Regulators decide to minimize anti-competitive behavior by evaluating any takeover tries.

So, once Facebook set that it needed to feature WhatsApp to the ‘Facebook Family,’ the ECU Union (EU) solely approved the deal once Facebook assured them that the 2 firms, and their knowledge, would be unbroken separate.

It did not take long for Facebook to travel back on this agreement. In 2016, WhatsApp updated its Privacy Policy to permit sharing of information from WhatsApp to Facebook. though they did not reveal the complete extent of this information transfer, it enclosed your sign and your usage information, like after you last used the service. Your WhatsApp messages may be in danger attributable to this.

They additionally declared that none of your data would in public visible on Facebook, implying that it might instead be hidden in Facebook’s inaccessible profile of you. Following the backlash to the present announcement, WhatsApp allowed users to opt-out of this information sharing arrangement. However, within the intervening years, they quietly removed this selection.

This is probably in preparation for Facebook’s future plans. In Gregorian calendar month 2019, it had been reportable that Facebook planned to merge its electronic messaging platforms. the primary stages of this were enforced in late 2020, as Facebook joined traveler with Instagram Direct. However, this behavior diode to calls to manage the massive school corporations, together with associate degree FTC proceeding to force Facebook to sell WhatsApp.

4. Hoaxes and Fake News

In recent years, social media firms are criticized for permitting pretend news and info to unfold on their platforms. Facebook, especially, has been condemned for its role in spreading info throughout the 2016 U.S. Presidential campaign. WhatsApp has conjointly been subject to those self-same forces.

Two of the foremost notable cases are in India and Brazil. WhatsApp was concerned about the widespread violence that occurred in India throughout 2017 and 2018. Messages containing details of fancied kid abductions were forwarded and unfold across the platform, custom with native info. These messages were widely shared across people’s networks and resulted in the execution of these suspect of those pretend crimes.

In Brazil, WhatsApp was the first supply of faux news throughout the 2018 elections. As this sort of info was really easy to unfold, business individuals in Brazil found out firms that created unlawful WhatsApp info campaigns against candidates. They were able to do that as your telephone number is your username on WhatsApp so that they purchased lists of phone numbers to focus on.

Check this post >https://www.neoadviser.com/heres-how-the-new-Facebook-design-will-look-like/

How Will Cybersecurity Be Automated in 2021?

How Will Cybersecurity Be Automated in 2021?

One of the biggest trends that is anticipated to affect cybersecurity this year is automation. When it comes to solutions for better network management and automation, it will be imperative for organizations and government entities to follow these trends. Otherwise, they’re left vulnerable to a staggering increase in cybersecurity attacks and incidents.

There was reportedly a webinar for U.S. federal agents in August of 2020. The webinar was for agents who are experts in cybersecurity and from cybersecurity directors from organizations like NASA.

The takeaway was that we’re moving away from the notion that you can account for each alert. Instead, there needs to be a significant reliance on artificial intelligence, machine learning, and automation in general.

Based on information from an IBM report, organizations that have invested in automation have average data breaches of around $2.45 million compared to $6 million for the organizations that haven’t made a similar investment.

The following are some of the key things to know about the automation of cybersecurity in 2021 and what trends are likely to be most relevant.

What is Cybersecurity Automation?

Cybersecurity automation broadly refers to products meant to automate specific tasks that fall within the parameters of security. Most organizations probably already have some level of automation as part of their cybersecurity arsenal.

An example of common automation in cybersecurity is the use of products that manage vulnerabilities.

Beyond the simplest and most prevalent types of automation, there are more specific types of security automation.

For example, there is security automation and orchestration or SOAR. There’s also custom software and code used to automate analysis and processes.

As organizations are emphasizing their digital transformation priorities, the complexities of their IT environments are increasing. That ups the risk of cybersecurity threats, alongside with the fact that it’s difficult to source security talent.

Why Automation?

Automation in cybersecurity isn’t just something for large enterprises. It can and should be used by small organizations too.

When you automate cybersecurity, then your team can focus on the more complex challenges.

This is especially important right now. The COVID-19 pandemic shifted work to a remote environment at a rapid pace, meaning many companies were left facing extensive threats and vulnerabilities. Being able to target their focus is helping businesses and their security professionals tackle the most pressing issues, while automation handles the rest.

Data Correlation

One way that automation is becoming more relevant in cybersecurity is for the correlation of data. Most vendors of security solutions gather large amounts of data related to threats. Unfortunately, that data isn’t often put to good use.

For data to be useful, it needs to be turned into action.

When data is not just gathered but appropriately analyzed and used,  it becomes easier to predict what an attacker might do next. You’re several steps ahead rather than behind.

Plus, just like automation is improving cybersecurity, it’s also making it easier for attackers. They are able to have more large-scale attacks that are similarly automated, so you need to be able to fight fire with fire in these instances.

Rapid Protection

Another key area of focus in cybersecurity automation will be making sure that after a threat is identified, then protections can be put into place faster than the attack can move throughout a network. Again, this wouldn’t be possible without the help of automation.

Automation can help preserve resources while simultaneously keeping up with an attack before it leads to downtime.


Robotic Process Automation

Robotic process automation is a phrase you’re likely to hear quite a bit in the coming years.

Robotic process automation means the use of robots, which can include virtual software bots, to automate repetitive security tasks. What this would mean is that a robot would handle tasks like scanning and monitoring, as well as basic threat detection.

Then, cybersecurity as a whole in an organization becomes more efficient. It removes the need for the human security team to have to manually do these repetitive tasks.

It also cuts out human error, which remains one of the biggest cybersecurity threats any organization faces.

Robotic process automation can help improve response time and alert notifications and can help identify attack surfaces. It can also help with automated patching and updates, and it fills the talent shortage that is inevitably going to be felt in a big way this year as far as security experts.

If you haven’t already done so, now is the time to start planning for the automation of all aspects of network management as well as your cybersecurity.

Check this post —> https://www.neoadviser.com/paypal-makes-a-sudden-move-in-the-cryptocurrency-industry/

Common Mistakes People Make When Decorating a House

Common Mistakes People Make When Decorating a House

There are very many elements to decorating a house which means that there are many things that can possibly go wrong. Decorating a house properly is about the things you do and also about the things that you fail to do.

If you seriously observe how most people decorate their homes, certain trends will start to become apparent. In particular, you will start noticing the mistakes that are commonly made when decorating. These mistakes include:

Choosing the Paint Color First

The first thing that most people think about when they want to decorate their home is the color. Applying a different color of paint is certainly a major decorative action. However, the mistake is that people do it too early. There are hundreds of paint colors you can use and if you make a mistake, you can simply repaint it which means you have a larger margin for error.

Contrarily, if you make a mistake with a centerpiece, you just cannot remove it and get a new one. Therefore, choosing the paint should be one of the final decisions you make when decorating a house.

Choosing a Small Area Rug

Area rugs are a fantastic accessory you can use to decorate your house, particularly exotic animal skin rugs. However, the rug can have serious implications on the interior design of your home. A common mistake you will see in most homes is an area rug that is too small for the space in which it is located. Many people select area rugs without taking accurate measurements of the space which is a grave mistake.

The result is furniture legs that are not on the rug and scuff the floor which is very common. So, if you are selecting area rugs, it is better that it is slightly oversized than undersized.

Hanging Artwork Too High

Art is a crucial element of the interior décor of most homes. However, a common mistake you will see people make is in regard to how they hang their artwork.

Hanging artwork too high and close to the ceiling is a prevalent mistake. It makes it very hard to get a clear view of the art piece negating its importance in the room. When hanging artwork, you should try and keep it as close to eye level as possible. The distance will vary depending on your height but it is better to go slightly lower than higher.

Short Curtains or Drapes

Curtains and drapes on windows are a feature in essentially every household. On the other hand, how the curtains and drapes fit into the interior décor is very different. You will commonly see windows with curtains or drapes that are too short which is an error. They should hang as close to the floor as possible depending on the height of the windows.

When thinking of curtains and drapes, you should think of shorts or pants. If they are too short, they will have a negative effect on the appearance of the house.

Going for Style Over Comfort

When most people decorate their homes, the most important thing is aesthetics. Therefore, they often choose items for their style rather than their function.

Choosing style over comfort is a great mistake, especially in the bedroom. When you acquire beddings from a place like Vision Bedding it is difficult to know if they are functional. You will have to test them to know if they are or read the reviews from others.

You should always think about how you are going to utilize an item before buying it. Even though decoration might be the primary purpose for its acquisition, functionality will be the deciding factor for its maintenance.

Using Restrictive Themes

When decorating a home, it is common to see people choose a theme for the entire house or a specific room. A theme can be a great idea but most people use themes that are too restrictive.

It is a decorating mistake because such themes make decorating incredibly difficult and cumbersome. The reason is that instead of buying items that you love, you have to look for items that match the theme.

Moreover, if you no longer want the theme, you have to change very many elements of a room. It is best to use a theme that you can easily change or add decorations to for longevity.

Using Too Many Throw Pillows

Throw pillows are a great decorative addition for most houses. They make all the pieces of furniture better and more varied than they otherwise would be.

However, the problem is that most people overdo it when decorating their homes. It is a classic case where too much of a good thing becomes bad.

If you have to move several throw pillows every time you have to sit or lie down then they are too much.

Another mistake is that people display the many throat pillows just the way they saw them in the store. Be creative and come up with your own designs.

Pushing Furniture Against the Walls


Why Businesses with a Tiny Budget Still Need an SEO Agency in Melbourne,

Determining the cost of SEO in Singapore

Determining the cost of SEO in Singapore


Businesses of all sizes in Singapore are aware that their potential customers are using the internet, specifically search engines to find suppliers for the product or service they plan to purchase. Hence they realize that they should ensure that their business website should rank well in search engines for terms which are related to the business, its services, and products. Since most of these businesses lack the in house expertise to improve their search ranking, they plan to hire a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) agency to improve the search ranking. Before searching for an agency, they would like to find out the cost of SEO in Singapore.

Singapore Seo


Singapore businesses should be aware that the cost of SEO for their business website depends on a large number of factors, which are discussed below. One of the main factors is the industry sector and the level of competition. Another factor which is important is the number of keywords for which the business wishes to rank well. Usually businesses will prefer to work with other businesses of similar size. For similar services the SEO agency with a large number of well paid employees will usually charge more than a startup or SEO freelancer with few overheads.

Industry sector

For some mainly online businesses like web hosting and online shopping websites, it is very important to rank well in search engines, since almost all their sales will be online. There is usually more competition for these online businesses, and usually more effort is required to improve the ranking of the website. This results in higher cost of SEO for the business. In other cases, the business is mostly selling offline through retailers or other marketing partners, so online sales are not crucial. So for local seo, the cost is usually less compared to online businesses selling to customers worldwide.


Most SEO companies are pricing their seo packages based on the number of keywords which are relevant to the business website, for which the ranking has to be improved. For each keyword, the SEO agency will check the current ranking in search engines, and then formulate a suitable strategy for improving the ranking, including content. So if the number of keywords which are relevant to the business are less the cost of SEO will be less. In contrast if the business is selling a wide range of products and services, the SEO agency will charge for a keyword for each service/product, increasing the cost significantly.


Another factor which affects the cost is the results which are promised by the SEO agency. If the SEO agency is promising that the website will rank on the first page, it is very confident of the effectiveness of its SEO techniques and will charge more money. In other cases, the SEO agency will only specify what it will do to improve ranking, like technical seo, building backlinks, adding content, improving website design, for faster website loading. If the SEO agency does not guarantee first page ranking in search results, the pricing is usually lower.

5 Best Rooftop Bars In Singapore

Rooftop Bars In Singapore


If you’re done shopping and doing other touristy things in Singapore, then the best thing to do is to unwind. And you can do it in a rooftop bar in Singapore. Below are some of your best options in Singapore.


Ce La Vi (Singapore)

Ce La Vi is located on the 56th floor of the world-famous Marina Bay Sands in Singapore, at 200 meters above sea level. Because of its location, Ce La Vi offers some of the best rooftop views of Singapore. This is a trendy bar frequented by Singapore’s hippest and coolest people But you shouldn’t go to Ce la Vi just to party. You should try their food as well. They have tasty and exciting modern Asian dishes that will surely satisfy your gustatory cravings(which are known in Singapore). After dinner, you can simply lounge and enjoy the views while sipping one of their signature cocktails. DJs start spinning late at night and the party can go on until the wee hours of the morning.

Hotel Jen (Singapore)

Hotel Jen is located in the middle of Orchard Road, the famous shopping street in Singapore. Even if you’re not checked in at Hotel Jen, you can still visit their rooftop bar, which feels like an urban oasis with its tropical garden vibe. If Ce La Vi is the place to go if you want to party in Singapore, the rooftop bar in Hotel Jen is the perfect place for chilling and relaxation. The main attraction of the bar is its large and lovely infinity pool. The pool comes with a pool bar so you can enjoy your favorite drink while taking a dip.

Southbridge (Singapore)

Southbridge is perfect for people who are looking to have the best view of the Singapore River. It is located along the popular Boat Quay river walk. But even if there are dozens of bars in the area, Southbridge manages to stand above the rest with its excellent selection of wines and bubblies and signature cocktails. It is also an oyster bar and one of the best places in Singapore to have fresh oysters served in a variety of ways. Unlike other bras in the area, the vibe here is much more relaxing. The service is excellent as well as almost all places in Singapore.

Mr. Stork (Singapore)

Do you want to lounge in teepee huts while drinking a refreshing cocktail and having a 360-degree panoramic view of Singapore? Then you have to go to Mr. Stork, which is located on the 39thfloor of Andaz Singapore. The bar is located along the busy Bugi street but being 39 floors above street level makes you feel removed from the hustle and bustle of the city. If you’re not into cocktails, then you can order their signature Andaz Pale Ale. Their selection of bar bites is interesting too.

Smoke & Mirrors (Singapore)

At the top of the National Gallery Singapore is a stylish bar known as Smoke & Mirrors. The bat offers an amazing view of Esplanade Park, Padang playing field, and Marina Bay. The view from within is great as well because of the bar’s modern interiors. They have a wide selection of wines, cocktails, and tasty bar food.

For more articles like this which talks about Singapore places or other tourist attraction check : https://www.neoadviser.com/

Also Check this post : https://www.neoadviser.com/how-to-stay-safe-while-travelling/

Phone scams

How to Protect Yourself from Phone Scams

How to Protect Yourself from Phone Scams

As we continue to make advancements in technology as a society, scammers have correspondingly taken their work to the next level as well. It can be tricky to identify when you are being scammed, but there are some recognizable signs to look for. Here are some tips to keep you safe against phone scams.

Who do Phone Scams Target?

By far, the largest target of phone scams is elderly people over the age of 65. This happens for many different reasons. The first of which is that older people tend to use a landline rather than a cell phone. Some of these landlines do not even have caller ID. Therefore, they will pick up the phone every time it rings because they do not see that it is an unknown number. Millennials, in comparison, will hardly ever answer the phone if they do not know who it is.

Another reason that elderly individuals are targets is that they tend to be lonely and eager to talk to someone on the phone, no matter who it is. Scammers can push them into believing a fake story and then end up sending money or information. Usually, the scammer will pretend to be a family member of the elderly person. They will claim that they are in trouble and need money sent to them right away.

Cell Phone Scams

If a hacker were to find a phone number that belongs to you, they can cause a great amount of damage. They can find the number by searching the internet or even pulling an old phone bill out of the garbage. Once a hacker has someone’s phone number, they can call the carrier to find out some personal information. This will make it easy for them to break into online accounts using your phone number and all the information they have gleaned from you.

Ways to Protect Yourself

The number one way to protect yourself from scams is to keep all your information private. Shred your confidential documents instead of throwing them out, and do not post your phone number online. As well, do not give out any confidential information such as your social security number or bank accounts over the phone. If the organization is legitimate, they will have secure ways to get that information from you without making you feel uncomfortable.

If you get a phone call that is pressuring you to decide on something quickly, it is likely a scam. Scammers want you to act fast without thinking it over or consulting anyone else. They may give you a deadline such as ‘claim your prize by the end of this call by giving us the following information’. The easiest thing for you to do to protect yourself from this is to hang up.

Always make sure to do your research about a company. If you have an interest in what they have to say on the phone, tell them that you will consider it and let them know. At that point, you can take your time researching and making sure that it is not a scam. You can assume that it is just a scam if the representative on the phone starts arguing and trying to frighten you.

Try to keep an eye on your elderly friends and relatives to ensure that they do not get scammed. Explain to them about phone scams and ask them to tell you if they are ever unsure of someone’s motives. You can be saving them thousands of dollars by taking a few minutes to discuss it with them.

What If the Scam Already Happened?

If you notice that there is unusual activity on your online accounts or some money has gone missing, take a minute to think back. Were you communicating with someone new over the phone recently? You may be a victim of a phone scam. The first thing to do is make notes of everything that you can remember about the exchange. This includes phone numbers, times, topics of discussion, etc. After this, contact your police department to file a report.

Call your bank to inform them of any fraudulent charges. Hopefully, there shouldn’t be any problem with reversing them, as banks deal with fraud a lot. You will probably need new bank cards and PINs.It is a good idea to repeat this process with any of your online services, such as your cell phone company and insurance provider. With them on the lookout, it is harder for fraudulent charges to slip by.

Check this post —->  https://www.neoadviser.com/how-to-protect-yourself-from-phone-scams/