Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Motorcycle Suspension Parts

People buy a motorcycle and ride it for different reasons. Some do it because it is their passion, while others do it for the freedom and thrill it brings. Regardless of your reasons for doing so, a motorcycle is an investment that does not come cheap.


Thus, it is important that you invest in quality motorcycle parts and gear to ensure its longevity. Among the motorcycle components, vehicle components like Kayaba motorcycle suspension parts are arguably the most important.


Unfortunately, not all motorcyclists are aware of this, so some individuals do not invest greatly in them. Here are some of the frequently asked questions regarding motorcycle suspension components to address this lack of awareness.


What are Rear Shock Absorbers?


According to an article by How Stuff Works, rear shock absorbers provide two main functions. The first function is for damping, which helps control the friction force exerted when riding. This removes unwanted suspension motions that often occurs whenever a motorcycle bumps into an uneven road or track.


The second function of rear shock absorbers is to support the bike’s weight in the back area. Whenever you buy this motorcycle suspension component, make sure that you get a durable one. This way, your shock absorbers won’t break down easily and will not cause imbalance during motorcycle riding.


Are Steering Dampers Important?


The main function of steering dampers is to make a motorcycle more stable. Installing them to a motor vehicle protects the rider from uncontrolled movements known as “wobbles” or oscillation.


This prevents any undesirable scenarios that may throw off a rider from a motorcycle that leads to vehicular injuries and accidents, which is why they are important.


Another benefit of this motorcycle suspension component is that it decreases rider fatigue since you no longer have to exert that much effort to control your motorbike.


Getting high-quality steering dampers from reputable brands, such as Kayaba motorcycle suspension is a must, and is not something that you should overlook as a motorcyclist.


What are Steering Head Bearings?


Steering head bearings are also known as steering stem bearings. This motorcycle component ensures that you can steer your vehicle properly. Without the right steering head bearings, you are greatly increasing the risk of vehicular accidents from happening, which leads to the undermining of your safety.


Also, it is important to remember that steering head bearings need regular replacement. This is because of the typical wear and tear that occurs whenever you ride your motorcycle.


Thus, if you frequently use your motorcycle, you should invest in high-quality steering steam bearings to decrease the chances of accidents from occurring and improve your motorcycle’s performance.


What is the Significance of Motorcycle Suspension Forks?


Motorcycle suspension forks are of the utmost importance because it is responsible for front suspension and brakes. It also allows the rider to rotate the front wheel on the steering axis. You would be better off investing in high-quality suspension forks to not suffer from ongoing issues with your motorcycle suspension in the future.




If you love motorcycles and are passionate about riding them, you should undoubtedly invest in high-quality components, especially motorcycle suspension parts.


In this way, you are improving your safety while using a motorbike, increasing your vehicle’s lifespan, and improving your bike’s performance as well. Check out a reputable seller of motorcycle suspension parts today, and experience its benefits and advantages!

















Sandals for Men: How to Sport Birkenstock Sandals like a Pro

Sandals for Men: How to Sport Birkenstock Sandals like a Pro

For men, summer is incomplete without sandals. It is a hassle-free yet stylish way to flaunt your summer look. But most men aren’t comfortable with sporting sandals because they are not familiar with how to wear men’s sandals in a stylish setting. It can turn out to be a fashion blunder if your footwear doesn’t match your overall outfit. Therefore, you must understand the basic principles to avoid fashion faux pas. Whether you purchase men’s strappy sandals or slide-in ones, it is crucial to consider your style, age, and body.


Sandals are an important part of men’s footwear collection. While simple, they are premium cushionfoot beds that provide comfortable foot support. There are plenty of brands that are providing mens sandalsand Birkenstock just excels in what it does for comfort and style.


A Brief History Of Birkenstock

The brand has been able to carve out a credible identity in the market with its orthopedically inspired shoes. Over the centuries, Birkenstock has provided unparalleled products to the customers. It was in 1896 that Master cobbler Konrad Birkenstock started designing footbeds that were flexible and comfortable. Over the years and with the inclusion of technology, Birkenstock footwear became the epitome of comfort. The footwear from this brand is healthy, comfortable, and good for your feet.


How To Pair Birkenstock Men’s Sandals?

Birkenstock has an extensive collection of men’s sandals that you can fall for. Here are how you can pair them.


Sandals with Shorts 

During the summer, sandals and shorts are a truly winning combination. You can wear the Birkenstock men’s rubber sandals with shorts for casual summer events at the beach or even the city. Depending on your taste and body, your shorts can vary in length, while the sandal you choose will influence the type of shorts you wear. If you are trying to achieve a sportier beach look, try Birkenstock men Arizona Birko-Flor sandals, designed for support and comfort.


Sandals with Long Pants 

If you are getting ready for a casual occasion, or if the weather isn’t sunny, it doesn’t mean that you have to give up your summer look. You can wear men’s comfortable sandals with long pants as well, whether you are strolling in the city and enjoying a good time at the beach. The best combinations include cotton pants and a t-shirt with Birkenstock’s Arizona Essentials EVA. Cropped trousers work best if you want to show some ankles.


Clog Up The Party

The most beautiful and most versatile of all the different styles are the men’s clog sandals from Birkenstock. There are many varieties and versions available, which can give you a selection of color options and aesthetic designs. The best part about these sandals is that you can wear both sporty outlooks, casual ones, and even luxurious ones. The Boston Oiled Leather Brown is a versatile pick from the clog sandal collection.


Birkenstock has always offered plenty of reasons for men to dress like gentlemen and complete their look with men’s sandals. One pro tip would be to avoid wearing socks with sandals – never!

Tips for Gaining Free Instagram Followers &Real Instagram Likes in 2021

Tips for Gaining Free Instagram Followers &Real Instagram Likes in 2021

As 2021 comes nearer, the content sharing social network Instagram announces that it has more than 1 billion users logging in at least once a month, of which 500 million logs in daily. You can download the Instagram app for Apple smartphones from the App Store, for Android devices from the Google Play Store app stores. To learn how to use Instagram safely and get more popular, this article tells some tips for gaining free Instagram followers as well as real Instagram likes.

Utilization of Apps 

This is absolutely one of the maximum widely recognized approaches people get their like numbers to excessive as may be stage on Instagram. You may see diverse packages supposed to get you extra likes. These packages are normally for shopping that you could spend money to buy likes and followers for your posts.

Here is a free and safe Instagram followers mod apk – Followers Gallery.Followers Gallery is a100% high-quality app created to help any Instagram users get unlimited Instagram likes and followers easier.

This professional platform gathers tons of real Instagram users, who spend free coins to get active Instagram likes and followers quickly. You have 3 different ways for getting coins:

  1. Registration

For the first time you register an account on, you’ll have a lucky draw chance and get some free coins, with which you can buy free Instagram likes and followers through Followers Gallery.

  1. Do tasks

You may also earn more coins on Followers Gallery by following or liking other people if you’re interested.

  1. Spend money

Of course you can spend money to get as many coins as you wish instantly! Tap the coin-shaped menu at the bottom, and you will enter the ”Store Price Plan” page.You’ll get lots of Instagram followers after having enough coins.


With the coins, you can get massive Instagram likes and free Instagram followers, Followers Gallery will save you much time, money and energy.In order to get Instagram followers and likes everyday, you can choose ”Daily Plan”, which helps you get more Instagram followers and likes every day at fewer coins.


Tag location

Tagging location helps people from the area to recognize you and to follow you as well. People looking for photos would like to engage with you and there is a good chance that you would get morefree Instagram likes on your photos if you take the location as well.

Make most of your bio

It is a prime problem that you do not make the best use of your bio. Whatever you are thinking you must add it in your bio so that people can understand better about you.

Promote your dedicated hash tag

You can make sure that it is in your profile but also use it wherever you can so people start recognizing you with the hash tag and whenever they see that hash tag they are always reminded of you.

8 Tips to Work On Your Relationship During the Coronavirus Pandemic

8 Tips to Work On Your Relationship During the Coronavirus Pandemic

COVID-19 has affected how everything is done. From businesses to learning institutions to places of worship, everything is no longer the same. Unfortunately, the effects of the pandemic have been reflected at a personal level, especially in relationships.

Although you love your partner or spouse, the idea of isolating yourself at home is overwhelming. How do you maintain harmony to avoid hurting each other? Here we provide the best tips to keep your relationship healthy and strong during the coronavirus pandemic.

1. Get a Psychic Reading Together

Psychics have played a vital role in shaping the history of humanity. People (both rich and poor) have turned to psychics when faced with challenging situations from ancient times.

From presidents like Abraham Lincoln, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and Jimmy Carter to present-day celebs like Khloe Kardashian, Amber Rose, Bobby Brown, many people rely on psychics to get answers to life questions.

Love and relationships are among the reasons why most people consult psychics. To get an accurate reading, you need to connect with the best psychics. Since there are many online psychics, choosing the right one is challenging.

That’s why you need to check the psychic’s review and ask for recommendations before selecting the right psychic for you. On this Kasamba’s review, you will get a better idea of what to expect from Kasamba psychics. Visit the website to determine whether the psychics are right for your situation.

2. Keep an Open Communication

No matter the situation you are facing, communication will keep your relationship going. The pandemic has brought many fears with it, and having someone to share your worries with is paramount. Psychics and experts recommend keeping open communication with your partner during this time.

If you aren’t sure how to start open communication with your partner, ask open-ended questions like:

  • What are you thinking about today?
  • How has your day/week been?
  • What can I do to make you better?
  • What should I change to make our relationship better?

Practicing uninterrupted listening is another best way to promote open communication. Allow your partner to talk about their stressors for about five minutes without interrupting them. Your partner should also allow you to speak freely about your concerns, whether health, work, or your future.

3. Go Outside Together

Any reputable psychic will encourage couples to go out together to reduce stress and create better connections. If you can go to the gym, the better. Otherwise, go for a walk, bike ride, or work in the garden together.

4. Find External Support System

Your partner may be amazing but relying on them for all your emotional needs is wrong. To avoid this, stay connected with close friends and family for emotional support. Thanks to the internet, you can connect with the outside world through social media platforms to keep your support system healthy.

5. Designate Space for Different Purposes at Home

You and your better half are spending much of your time indoors. It’s therefore, essential to designate space for distinct purposes at home.

That might include a workspace and a place for yoga and meditation together. Doing this will help create boundaries and a sense of autonomy.

6. Compliments and Appreciation Should Be the Norm

We are in uncertain times, and most people need comfort and kindness. That being the case, it’s imperative to leave small notes of appreciation for your partner.

Be thankful for the small things your partner does in the house. It could be making the bed, boiling water for coffee, or washing the dishes.

7. Learn How You and Your Partner Respond to stress

Everyone reacts to high-stress differently. How you cope with stressful situations is different from how your partner would respond to a similar situation. That being the case, your actions are likely to battle each other.

There’s no particular way to cope with stress. Have open communication to understand each other’s needs instead of questioning their actions. Psychics advise using your differences to find a balance for your perspective.

8. Seek Help from Mental Health Professional if Need Be

While the above tips can help strengthen your relations during the pandemic, it’s advisable to seek help from therapists if the situation worsens. Fortunately, just like psychics, most therapists are working remotely. Reach out to them if you need help.

Coronavirus pandemic has affected many relationships globally. Whether it’s financially or emotionally, the above tips will help keep your relationship stronger during the pandemic. Consult an online psychic anytime you’re faced with uncertainties, and you’ll get help.




What Are Squonk Mods and How Are They Different?

Vaping—a popular hobby that has evolved into a worldwide phenomenon.

With vape enthusiasts continuously growing in number, makers of electronic cigarettes or vapes have created these devicesinmany shapes and sizes. Whether it’s to help one quit smoking or for the customization of the vapes, the vaping community won’t see a shortage of new members any time soon.

One such feature of vaping is modification or modding. There are different kinds of mods that exist out in the market today. There are regulated mods, mechanical mods, eGo mods, and squonk mods. The last mod, in particular,shares the name of a creature from American folklore that is said to dissolve itself into tears if it ever gets caught. However, the fact is that squonk mods are anything but sad. In fact, they can be one of the more enjoyable mods a vaper could have.

high end unregulated bottom feed squonk box mods with rebuildable dripping atomizer in hand on dark grey texture background, vaping device, vape gear, vaporizer equipment, selective focus


What Are Squonk Mods?

Squonk mods are similar to box mods. Unlike box mods, however, they have a rectangle-shaped hole on the side, where you could push a bottle made from plastic or silicone.This bottle is called the squonk bottle, and the rectangle-shaped hole is called the squonk hole.

As you press this bottle, liquid shoots up into the wicks (the absorbent fiber-like material in the vape’s mouthpiece) through a feeding tube, allowing you to fully taste the flavor of your juice, as well as produce massive clouds. It also creates a peculiar sound that goes ‘squonk,’ hence, its name. But, this type of mod requires a special bottom-feeding atomizer (the device required to turn your juice into clouds).

If you’re curious about where you can find squonk mods, sites like will be able to help you.

You might still be wondering: “How else are they different from other vape mods?”  Read on!


How Squonk Mods Are Different

Compared to most mods, squonk mods allow vapers to vape without having to drip into their devices. Dripping involves having to manually drip the juice into the vape so that you can taste the flavor of the juice or make clouds. This act means to saturate the vape’s wicks with juice. As dripping can’t be done all the time, squonking makes it all very convenient through the squeeze of the squonk bottle. This also results in one of its better perks: fully-flavored puffs for a couple of hours.

Because a squonker is bottom-fed, vapers won’t have to worry about any leaking. However, over-squonking will result in leaks and some spit-back. This means that your atomizer will overflow with juice, and you’ll be having that in your mouth instead of a cloud of vapor. As if over-squonking was a big problem, under-squonking can also happen. This occurs when you don’t squonk the bottle enough and your vape cloud feels super dry.

Currently, squonk mods aren’t as widespread as other mods in the market; thus, finding a good squonk mod might take you some time. They’re also somewhat more expensive than regulated mods.

In addition, some sellers may try to dissuade you if you’re a newbie vaper and sell you some of the safest vape kits instead.


An Advanced Mod For Advanced Vapers

Squonk mods are not for beginners. As with mechanical mods, it’s important for the vaper to understand Ohm’s Law, as well as vaping safety. The tiniest mistake could be pretty dangerous to a vaper who isn’t experienced or if they didn’t do their homework. For any other vaper who’s had different mods under their belt, squonk away!






Everything you need to know about Asian website dating

There is no better source of thrilling emotions and charming feelings than Asian website dating. If you want to meet your amazing Asian love, all you need to do is to register on a dating service and follow some tips.

Many people dream of living abroad, but not everyone has such an opportunity, so they can only imagine the way their life would be. However, there is one proven and the noble way that can still help you find yourself on the other side of the world, especially if you have a very romantic nature. You just need to enter into a serious relationship with a resident of a European, Asian, or any other state that you like. The world is wide, so it is not that difficult to find your soulmate in the other corner of the planet.

For various reasons, many people dream of dating and starting a relationship with Asians, someone considers them incredibly attractive, someone desires to get to know a peculiar but excitingly interesting culture, and falling in love with an Asian. But most people are well familiar with how kind, sympathetic, attentive, supporting, and caring Asians are, really able to love and cherish their partner. So it’s not surprising that so many people want to see an Asian as their soulmate.

The best way to meet and start dating Asians is through Asian dating sites. The Internet is an amazing source to connect people, which means that in search of a partner you are not limited by geography, time zone, and lifestyle or cultural features. You can communicate with a person living in another country. Online dating is a great way to develop tender feelings. If initially comfort and interest arise, then there is a reason to continue dating in order to establish the foundation for a relationship.

If you want to show serious intentions on an Asian dating site, you should definitely display this in your profile. Mention right away that you are interested in marriage, moving, so unsuitable candidates do not waste your precious time. To be able to meet someone worthwhile, you need to create your own profile on an Asian website dating and fill it with all the necessary information about you.

There are some hints about the mentality of Asians, useful and helpful, that you can have in mind to avoid awkward situations, ruining relations with your chosen one.

  • Asians ask personal questions. Having met an Asian on a dating site and begun to chat and text, it does not matter whether it is a man or a woman, you may hear questions of a personal nature, which in some cultures can seem weird. But in this case, this is fine. Asians are very curious people, and in particular, they show a great interest in foreigners, which is a significant advantage for you. They want to understand all the nuances in order to choose how to treat you correctly and, of course, in order to understand if you are suitable for each other as partners. This is just a feature of the Asian mentality.
  • Emotionality. Asians are extremely emotional in all aspects of their lives. This is another characteristic feature of the Asian way of experiencing life. They overreact to both pleasant and positive things and get upset very easily over little troubles. When chatting with an Asian on a dating site, you can easily offend him without even knowing it. That is why you need to become as familiar as possible with the character traits of your Asian date, and also try to communicate as gently and politely as possible if you don’t want to seem rude. Soon you will quickly and easily get used to this and even stop noticing such important and at first glance unexpected moments.
  • Peacefulness, non-aggressiveness in relationships, a tendency to gently resolve conflicts. The peacefulness of Asians is manifested in the fact that in everyday life they try to avoid sharp conflicts, unpleasant scenes, noisy arguments, and indeed harsh words. From childhood, they are accustomed to the fact that you cannot offend, humiliate a person, belittle someone in any way. They try to always be quite straightforward, but very gentle and polite. This is a huge advantage in a relationship with the person you met through an Asian dating site because all problems in your relationship will always be discussed and resolved. All you need is to be kind and watchful with your partner.

Asians are ideal partners and loved ones who know how to support, care for, and envelop their cared ones with their love. In a relationship with them, you will never feel abandoned or lonely, because there will always be an atmosphere of comfort and warmth around. Don’t waste your chance, sign up on an Asian dating site and you will definitely meet the happiness you deserve.

Guest posting tips

Guest posting tips

Guest posting is a ground-breaking approach to build traffic to your blog. It lets you fabricate associations with new individuals and grow a group of people. You can interface with specialty specialists, learn new things, and improve your composing abilities that will help you fabricate a solid establishment for your vocation. Third party referencing is another outcome you will get with guest posting. Google considers backlinks from high level areas to be a critical factor in indexed lists. In case you’re ready to take advantage of the connections from high power specialty destinations, there’s an opportunity to expand your pursuit snaps and page visits. There are lots of new inventions and guest posting sites list 2021 available here.

Today we will make a rundown of 110+ free guest posting sites and websites to introduce our works in 2020. They as of now have an area authority of at least 50. Compose your guest letters on these destinations to help your rankings and traffic. Composing guest posts on other bloggers’ locales is probably the quickest approaches to get traffic to your website pages.

Acknowledged by Bloggers

In the event that you are searching for a single direction bargain, never contact the blog proprietor. All blog proprietors hope to get similar measure of offers. This implies something other than what’s expected for each blogger, so make certain to ask everybody what they might want in return for letting you keep in touch with a couple of posts.

Propose your arrangement

Start by inquiring as to whether you can get an opportunity to compose on their blog. Whenever permitted, diagram a portion of the themes you need to expound on. Guarantee them that each article will be fit to be reordered onto your blog. Tell these bloggers that you will restore your help by sending guest presents on your blog. Keep in mind, not all bloggers need a similar right back.

Offer your connections

Offer connects to your site or blog with different bloggers. This enables them to choose what to do before they permit you to compose on their blog. Try not to be hesitant to request consent from numerous bloggers simultaneously. In the event that somebody is extremely inspired by your substance, they will consent to let you compose for them. Ask blog proprietors what sort of article they like.

Composing a guest post

Before you even contact the blog proprietors, you ought to invest some standard energy on their websites. To start with, you need to comprehend the idea of the substance remembered for the blog. Also, second, you need to set up yourself with every specific blog’s crowd. It will give you a feeling of spot and readers overall. This will be useful when you begin composing. Invest energy perusing and answering to existing letters. Examine posts with different banners. This permits them to perceive the amount you think about this specific article.

This makes it harder for them to peruse each word you compose.

Give excellent substance

At the point when you at last plunk down and compose your article, ensure you give them content that merits putting on any online website page. You are not composition to sell anything, you are writing to engage and educate this new set regarding readers. Simultaneously you are trusting that they will make the most of your article enough to tap on your connections and visit your own blog. It takes persistence and a ton of obligation to be acknowledged as a guest blog author. This is certainly not a troublesome activity, however now and then it very well may be debilitating.

5 teams with perfect records in Europe this season (2020-21)

5 teams with perfect records in Europe this season (2020-21)

The team listed under this article have been from the different domestic form in this season while excelling under European competitions. With the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic this year, the European club football season got rescheduled and commenced in the last week of September. The reigning Champions League winner Bayern Munich won the super final in Budapest by beating European league winner Seville 2-1. This was their second title in the competition with a hectic stat where the team had to play the first three matches under fewer weeks to cover up the lost time. After the fourth match, the couple was qualified for the next stage. This article will look into 5 such teams with a perfect record in Europe this season. For more updates, stick with crack streams.

#1 TSG Hoffenheim (Europa League)

The team has been seen in totally different forms this year. They made 12 the league table’s position just after the eight games for entering the 2020-21 UEFA Europa League Round. This league of 32  round will have two games to spare. Hoffenheim didn’t win any of the other six league games even after ending Munich’s 32 games with a winning run and defending championship 4-1 top of the Bundesliga table just after the two games. It’s been a different story as they moved to the knockout Round with 13 goals in four games scored by Crvena Zvezda, Gent, and Slovan Liberec.

#2 Arsenal (Europa League)

Arsenal was also in the 12 th position during the domestic league by winning only 4 out of 9 games. However, they won all the four games held in the 2020-21 Europa league while moving into the 32 round, which consisted of two games to spare. They won against Rapid Wein and Dundalk and got into the next stage of the competition. Frenchman Nicolas Pepe scored thrice while midfielder Joe Willock scored twice, and this How Arsenal joined Hoffenheim by becoming the two teams who won all the Europa League matches this season. The result of four-day games in this league has been quite impressive for the top teams excelling in this competition.

#3 Barcelona (Champions League)

Barcelona had found themselves in 13 to position after eight league games under Ronald Koeman’s manager in 2020-21. They won all four matches of this season, which were required to qualify for the Champions League Round of 16 with two games to spare. The team started with a 5-2 home win over Ferencvaros and then won at Juventus by 2-0 with the ultimate Cristiano Ronaldo. After this, Blaugrana competed with double over Dynamo Kyiv into the Round of 16. Lionel Messi has been the usual Championship League’s goals while making the first 3 goals for Argentine’s and being the first player to make the consecutive score in 16 seasons.

#4 Manchester City (Champions League)

Manchester City did not have a starker contrast performance in domestic and European competitions.

Manchester City is another side whose performances in domestic and European competitions couldn’t have been in starker contrast. The team has been in the bottom of the premier league with 12 points from 8 games. They are currently 13th in the league table after beating Porto by 3-1 at their home. Manchester City won the next three games without conceding another goal for making their spot in the Round of 16 with two matchdays to spare. The new player, Ferran Torres, had shown marvelous performance. However, he did not score a six in the premier league but had netted thrice in four championship leagues for making it into the next stage of the competition.

#5 Bayern Munich (Champions League)

The top teams have been failed to get into the domestic and European campaigns of the season. This team came out of glorious expectations. Bavarian giants scored 28 goals in just eight leagues and sat on the top Championship league table with awe-inspiring performance. The team scored 14 times in 4 games in the season in 15 consecutive games. It was better than the four longest wins streak of the competition. Robert Lewandowski had made maximum goals for the team in 2020-21 and been netted only thrice in the competition. The player scored 11 times in only seven games. The team was to beat and need some giants to stop in both the Bundesliga and in Europe.


This was all about 5 teams with perfect records in Europe this season with their detailed journey.

Bonus Slots Games to Try

Slot games are by far the most popular type of casino game worldwide. This is quite something when you take into account the popularity of classic table games like roulette, blackjack and poker.

One of the reasons why it is so popular is because there are so many different types of slots. Differences do not only occur in terms of themes and structure. Slots can also differ concerning whether they have bonuses.

Bonus online slot games are slot games that include bonus rounds or features. These bonuses include free spins, bonus games, a variety of multipliers, gamble features and so much more. If this sounds like your type of game, don’t go anywhere. Find below a list of bonus slots that you just have to try.


Ted is a movie-themed slot developed by Blueprint Gaming. Upon its release, it took the online world by storm. This was mainly because of its long list of bonus games. This five-reel, twenty-payline slot offers you not one or two but five bonus games, plus 6 modifiers. The five bonus games are as follows: Bar Crawl Bonus, Wheel of Fartune, Flash Free Spins, S*Mart Free Spins, and the Ted Big Money Bonus. The modifiers Laser (Psychedelic Super Spin, Gun Infectious Wilds, Beer Shuffle, TV Streak, Psychedelic Colossal Spin and Psychedelic Bonus Boost) can be triggered randomly with any spin. All of these bonus features can increase your wins in a matter of seconds.

Planet of the Apes

Hot on the heels of Ted is another movie-themed slot titled Planet of the Apes. However, instead of being based on only one movie in the series, this slot by Net Entertainment is based on two. They are Rise of the Planet of the Apes(released in 2011) and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (released in 2014). While the slot features all the expected bonuses such as wilds, scatters and free spins, its most prominent bonus feature is its two sets of reels. One set of reels is dedicated to Rise of the Planet of the Apes and the other to Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. This is clear from the different colour schemes and symbols.

Both of the playing areas have wilds, scatters and bonus symbols. This means that you can land a win on either one or even both of the reel sets with just one spin. Additionally, you can also trigger a stacked wild feature on one reel set and have it mirrored on the other set. Both of the reel sets also have their own free spins rounds. They are both triggered by landing 3+ scatters. The only difference between the two is that with Rise of the Planet of the Apes you only get 10 free spins, while you get 15 free spins on Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. Planet of the Apes thus not only offers you double the fun but also double the bonuses.

If you are looking for a slot game filled with bonuses, then give these two a try.

World Famous Slot Gamblers

World Famous Slot Gamblers 

Playing slots isn’t something that you might at first think would bring you much fame. You might hope that it would bring you fortune, of course, but that would probably be about it. However, when that fortune really is a large amount – perhaps adding up to many millions of pounds, dollars, or euros – then your name is going to become well known at least in gambling circles, and perhaps further afield as well – read more about Rembrandt Casino review.

Here are some of the best known slot winners of recent years. 

Tommy Glenn Carmichael

Tommy Glen Carmichael played slot machines in the 1980s, and he won a lot of money – tens of thousands of dollars every night he played – up until 1996. What happened in 1996 to stop this seemingly lucky man from playing and winning? He was caught cheating. 

In fact, it turned out that he had cheated all along. By taking slot machines and pulling them apart, Carmichael was able to understand the very mechanics of them, and then use that knowledge to win big for many years. Unfortunately for Tommy, he was jailed for his crimes, and that, rather than his winning ‘streak’, is what he is remembered for. 

Unknown Man From Finland

In 2013, an anonymous slot player from Finland won big on the slots. He played online, and when he was done he had won the jackpot of 17.8 million euros. This is a record-breaking amount of money to win through online slots, and although the man chose not to disclose his identity, what he did will never be forgotten, and his life will never be the same again. It is this kind of win that makes so many people so eager to play, and keeps them playing for many years. 

Jon Heywood

Jon Heywood could be considered one of the very luckiest and most famous slot players of all time. In 2015, Jon staked 25p on an online slot – Mega Moolah, to be precise. He was a soldier who had spent time in Afghanistan, and the occasional flutter on an online slot machine using small stakes was his way to relax. 

This time, rather than spending his money and walking away, Jon activated the mega jackpot, and won a huge £13.2 million. At 26 years old, Jon Heywood was a millionaire many times over, and all it cost him was 25p. 

Mega Moolah

The Mega Moolah slot game mentioned in relation to Jon Heywood’s lucky break has actually created a large number of millionaires. There is Mark A, from Canada, for example. He won £5.1 million playing Mega Moolah in April 2015; he had only signed up for the site the week before. 

Georgios M also had good luck playing Mega Moolah. From Greece, Georgios won £5 million in 2009. He only staked £5.

Then there was Klaus from Finalnd who also won in 2009. He only played with 50c, but that 50c netted him a huge jackpot, making him the thirteenth millionaire made on Mega Moolah. 

Finally, an anonymous woman played Mega Moolah on her smartphone and won £2.1 million in 2014.