Facebook with more than 6 billion users worldwide is absolutely the biggest social media platform. Facebook is the place to make new friends, chat with our friends join groups, post status or even pay games, promote our business and many many more. Users of the social media Facebook can reach many peoples through groups or they pages. We have already shared a guide on how to Invite All Friends To Like A Page On Facebook. We can also reach many peoples not only from groups or pages but even through our profile page. Now-days peoples, in a smart way, make females profile page and grow that profile by accepting friend requests of buy increasing they followers.
> Check Out: How to Change my Facebook Profile Name Before 60 Days Limit (2 METHODS)
How To Accept All Friend Requests On Facebook At Once – (2020)
Normally we can accept the friends on Facebook one by one, but the problem is when we get to many friend request and it is a consume time accepting then one by one. So, doing this by just a simple click it i really a great thing to save a lot of time. To now more about how to accept all friends requests on Facebook at once follow the article below.
Steps To Accept All Friend Requests On Facebook at Once.
- First open the given link below in your browser or visit here
- After opening the link all your Pending request will be visible there.
- Next Click F12 to open console box or you open it by right click through Inspect Element.
- Next copy the below given code and paste it in console box. Like shown in the image below.
javascript:for( i = 1;i<document.getElementsByName(“actions[accept]”).length;i++){document.getElementsByName(“actions[accept]”)[i].click();}void(0);

- After pasting press Enter and wait for sometime until all pending request will get confirmed.
- Scroll down to make sure all request are accepted. In case there is a See more option, click on it.
- Run again the scrip to accept request of pending request.
- Follow the same process until all the request will get accepted.

WARRING: Don’t accept friends requests in excessive. Always try to accept up to 50 per hour. This will reduce the chances of getting block.
> Read Next: How To Make Single Name On Facebook Account
That’s all! hope you find this trick on how to accept all friend requests on Facebook at once useful. Please let us know your thoughts in the comment section below, follow us on twitter and facebook for more news and updates.