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Pivotal Moment – 5 Tips To Help You Successfully Pivot Your Business

Pivotal Moment – 5 Tips To Help You Successfully Pivot Your Business

A pivot is a brave step to take when your business is faced with adversity. Pivoting is a risky move as there’s always a chance you make this great big change for nothing. Indeed, many people find that their sacrifice was in response to a temporary shift in the market, and when things return to normal, they have to pivot back again. How can you make sure you don’t fall into any traps like this when you do decide to pivot? Here are 5 tips to help you out:  


  1. Get the right support structures in place


Support is crucial if you’re committed to your pivot. A pivot is not a decision to be made flippantly, you need to strategize the move and build support structures in order to enact it successfully. If you’re dealing with a major transition, giving your workplace some consistency will retain the trust of your clients. Consider a virtual office solution if your pivot entails a change in premises. This keeps you in contact and gives your business the reputation of being well-established, even if you’re in the throes of chaos. 


  1. Do your market research


You need to keep your main goal in mind. If you want to achieve profitability, you need to take steps to re-establish it alongside a sense of safety for yourself in your business. What that might entail will depend on your business, your target audience, and what they are currently experiencing. Your market research needs to tap into the same target market and find new ways to solve the problems they are now facing. 


  1. Make sure there are no other options


Why are you pivoting? This may sound like a ridiculously simple question, but if a pivot is to be successful, you need to consider your thought process carefully. Be honest with yourself about whether you’re experiencing a knee-jerk reaction in response to a crisis, or whether you have calmly and logically considered all other options. It may well be that pivoting is, in fact, the most sensible way forward. However, if you have been operating in crisis-mode because your business isn’t generating profit, you may be reacting from a state of panic. Only you can answer these questions, so dig deep and examine your emotional state and your motivations. 


  1. Consider whether your new idea will still be feasible once your current obstacles have been overcome


Global pandemics are rare, but they do come and go. Market changes are sometimes permanent, sometimes temporary. The demand for certain services and products can be everlasting or fickle. If you’re pivoting in response to market changes, make sure your new idea will either enable you to pivot back effortlessly or remain viable if the markets revert back.  Flexibility is crucial to any brand’s survival, but you also need to plan ahead so you can minimize the need for flexibility. 


  1. Ensure you can mirror your brand’s pivot within yourself


It takes mental and emotional resiliency to make a successful pivot under stress-free conditions. If you’re pivoting under pressure, you have to keep in mind that changing your business identity, services, or products will require you, as a person, to expand your comfort zone. It’s not just your brand that will be pivoting. Your personal identity and beliefs will be going along for the ride. In short, you have to change to make your brand change work. 


Humans are naturally resistant to change, and it requires mental and emotional resources for creatures of habit to adapt. While you embark on this process, be aware of the need for these qualities and treat yourself with kindness.

Read next >https://www.neoadviser.com/how-to-begin-creating-digital-art/

Pivotal Moment – 5 Tips To Help You Successfully Pivot Your Business

6 Strategic Ways to Control Business Costs

6 Strategic Ways to Control Business Costs

The goal of any business is to make the maximum profit possible and reduce costs to zero. However, most of the companies & business people do not know how to cut down costs. You will learn how to reduce costs and save on your finance. Money is the backbone of your business. Therefore it should be handled properly. Otherwise, it will compromise your business. Below mentioned are the six tips that will help you reduce costs in your business.

Use your resources properly.

The business that you are running is supported by the resources that you have. It could be human resources or any other resources. Ensure that you use your resources properly to avoid their exploitation. Remember t that you invested a lot of money to get the resources that you have. If you get to lose even a single resource, you will spend a lot of money on recovering it. On the angle of human resources, which include your employees, treat them well so that they can be productive at their jobs, and help your business proliferate.

Hire equipment instead of buying

There is some equipment that does not necessarily need to be bought because their usage is short-term. Such materials should only be hired. This will aid you to save your money at the same time, accomplish your project. If you are planning to expand your company’s building, go for construction machinery hire because purchasing it will affect your budget adversely. If you know you will need certain equipment for long-term use; then you can invest in it and purchase it.

Plan for emergencies

This is where many companies fail. Emergencies can happen any time, and if they are not planned for, they can adversely affect your businesses. A good example is the corona pandemic that affected 90% of businesses across the world. That was a lesson to business people that they should learn to plan for emergencies. Come up with strategies for handling various emergencies when they arise, and this will protect you from losses.

Adopt technology

The best way to cut down costs today is by embracing technology. You no longer need to spend money on advertising your company. With the help of social media networks, you can publicize and market your business effectively. Technology will also help you protect your company effectively and reduce labour, thus saving money you would have used to hire some personnel.

Negotiate prices

You should learn how to negotiate prices because this will help you to save a lot of money. Many sellers always use the trick of perking the price of things because they know you’ll bargain for a fair price. If your company is big, learn how to negotiate when forming mergers and acquisitions. If you think you are not good enough in the sector, you can hire a business advisor to help you in negotiating when making deals.

Manage time

One of the most effective ways of controlling the costs of your business is by managing your time. Why should you manage time? This is because time is money, & if you manage it inappropriately, you will lose a lot of money. Therefore, it is crucial for all business owners to ensure proper time management at their company. Walking to the job will make you reach late, and you will achieve less, thus generating less income. Therefore, it is better to spend some cash on transport to get a job on time and do more to generate more income.


The tips highlighted above will help you to control your costs and maximize your profits effectively.

Check this post –> https://www.neoadviser.com/how-to-select-best-devices-to-increase-the-functionality-of-a-business/

Also this –> https://www.neoadviser.com/how-to-run-a-successful-subscription-based-business/


Build A Successful Business With These 7 Tricks

Build A Successful Business With These 7 Tricks


When it comes to starting your own business, you want to get off on the right foot so that your business can be a long term success. For many prospective entrepreneurs, they don’t lay down the right foundational parts of their business plan in the beginning, and then their business can face a lot of uphill challenges, and some never get past this and fail.



Therefore it’s important if you are a prospective entrepreneur or even a current entrepreneur that you follow some key tricks that could lead to a prosperous and effective business. So here are seven tricks needed to build a successful business.

1) Analyze the Competition


A lot of people like to start a business, not knowing the type of competition and the geographical spacing of competition, leading to an unexpected revenue below projections. It’s important when you do your preliminary research, that you understand who your competitors are in the industry, and space yourself in a way that you have not oversaturated an area. Look into how they do business, and figure out if there is a different way to do yours that might reduce your operational costs, or if there’s a sales tactic that might entice customers to try your business out.

Understand the Rewards and the Risks


Many people who go into business jump into the deep end per se with very little knowledge of how to swim in the business world. The reality is that the lifecycle of being an entrepreneur starts with a lot of work and not a lot of reward. The costs of a start-up are heavy, and you will likely have to burn the midnight oil until you can grow your brand enough that you can hire staff and you can reap the rewards of owning a business.


It’s important early on you are immaculate towards your customers, so that they will come back to you for future business as well as word of mouth to new clients.

3) Organization

It’s a concept that seems so simple, and yet so many entrepreneurs fail to hone in on the basic concept of organization. Have a clear business plan in place and identify clearly how much your business’s expenses will be and what your project revenue will be. Consistently creating task lists on a daily basis is imperative for effective workforce management. Make sure you utilize software programs for finances and orders as much as possible so offices are not full of paper. These are little things that make a business feel and appear professional.

4) Seek Out Opportunities to Distinguish Yourself


The last thing you want to do when you enter into a competitive business world is striving for normalcy. If you open a shop where you know you have competitors, trying to be like them will not pan out. Even if you deliver the same level of service, customers are not going to jump ship just because you are the new person in town. Find ways to offer discounts that don’t eat intensely into your profit margin.


Work on your people skills so people can build trust in you. Trying to do things differently makes you stand out and will bring in more clients than trying to mimic what someone else is doing.

5) Make a Habit of Strong Record Keeping


While it may seem like standard bureaucratic policy, strong record-keeping is crucial to surviving long term in the business industry. It’s important that you keep records of all activities in case of a lawsuit against an unruly client, or a potential audit for tax reasons. More importantly, if you had a client a few years ago and they come back to you for more business, it’s good to have a documented history so you can be informed on what you did for them and how to serve them even better this time.

6) Maintain a Consistent Business Model


While it’s important to adapt to any changes in culture or consumer behaviours, it’s really important that you find a business model that works for you and stick to it. Don’t try to change pricing too much unless market forces on supplies force you to. Don’t be trying to constantly lure clients in with sales and discount service, because all it might do is eat into profits and show a lack of stability in your business.


Ultimately being fair against the competition and putting out the best level of service you can is what will keep clients happy and loyal to your business.


7) Staying Focused


Perhaps the most important secret to being successful is to stay focused. The day to day of ownership can erode your passion and creativity and desire, so it’s critical you treat each day as a new opportunity and try to engage your staff as much as possible. This business is like your child, so give it the attention it needs so you can love it and cherish it as it blooms into a success.

Also check : https://www.neoadviser.com/how-to-run-a-successful-subscription-based-business/

PayPal makes a sudden move in the cryptocurrency industry

PayPal joined cryptocurrency trading on Wednesday, allowing platform users to buy, sell and store bitcoin and other virtual currencies. PayPal customers can use cryptocurrencies to buy at 26 merchants on the company network starting from the first month of next year, the company said, writes gizmonova.

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We are working with central banks and all forms of digital currencies and how PayPal can play a role in their adoption,” said Dan Schulman, chief executive officer.

Currently, the ability to buy, sell and hold cryptocurrencies in PayPal wallets will only be offered to users in the US. In the first half of 2021 more countries will join this list. Other fintech and digital payment companies have also begun to allow users to buy and sell cryptocurrencies like Square or Robinhood. But PayPal’s extend does not compare to the platforms in question, as it has 346 million active accounts worldwide and a turnover of $222 billion.

Cryptocurrencies have fluctuating value and have therefore been more attractive to speculators and less so to traders and shops. Transactions have been slower and more costly than other systems. Many central banks around the world have expressed their intentions to build digital versions of cryptocurrencies in the coming years.

> Check next: Vivo officially enters the European market

So what do you think about this? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below, follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more news and updates.


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Successful Organization

The Ins & Outs of Running A Successful Organization

When you want to run a successful organization, you need to know how to optimize your resources. Your projects cost money, and you may have several people working at the same time. Use these tips to ensure that you are managing your money, your people, and your projects appropriately.

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1. Rent Your Equipment

You should rent the equipment as much as you can. You likely need a wide range of equipment to complete each project, but you do not need to buy machines that are too expensive. You may not use these machines enough to justify the cost of a new purchase, and you can easily return these machines to the rental agency when you are ready.

2. You Need Insurance

You should purchase an insurance policy for your construction projects. These projects are often very expensive, many things can go wrong, and you require protection. Construction insurance can be used to protect you, your staff, and your equipment. Additionally, you can use a construction policy to pay for lost income when your project goes over-budget or will not be completed on-time.

3. Use Automation Where Possible

You should use automated computer processes as much as you can. Automation is the wave of the future, and you can automate everything from accounting information to lighting and even machines on the site. Automation helps remove some of the tedious work that you must do, and you can program your automated functions to do anything you need. You may also use automation in your office to manage power usage.

4. Audit Your Ledger To Optimize Your Cash Flow

You should audit your ledger routinely to optimize your cash flow. As you audit your ledger, you will discover that your business spends too much money on certain things. You can cut those expenses while investing in something that you need. You may also find that you have hired too many people for certain projects, you are paying too much for supplies, or you are unnecessary paying fines or fees.

5. Check In Regularly With Your Team

Check-in with your team to ensure that you get as much feedback as you can. Your team is working on the construction site every day, and they have information that you cannot gather yourself. Your team might tell you what needs to be done right away, and they can explain how they would reallocate your resources to make the job more efficient.

For example, someone on your team might explain that you need to send fewer people to one part of the project because they are wasting time. Those employees could be sent to another area to get more work done.

6. Vet All Projects Thoroughly Before Beginning Your Work

You should vet all your projects thoroughly when you are submitting bids or planning to begin the job. You need to know how much your projects will cost, how long they will take to complete, and any issues you might have. You need to be prepared for permit issues, zoning issues, or even timing issues. Check the weather, ask your team if they foresee any issues, and ensure that you have a list of problems you can solve before you break ground.

You Can Optimize Your Resources Today

You can optimize your resources today when you use the tips listed above. Your business can purchase the appropriate insurance plan, and you also need to know how to rent your equipment, automate your processes, audit your ledger, and check-in with your team for advice. Each step in this process helps you make more money, do better work, and save time.

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Subscription-Based Business

How to Run a Successful Subscription-Based Business

Online businesses have opened the door to various kinds of e-commerce platforms to emerge. For instance, subscription-based businesses are becoming more recognized by owners and customers alike. If you have a product to sell or valuable information to deliver, you can charge people to access them. But while it is easy to attract clients, it is quite challenging to keep them interested for months or years. Here’s what you need to consider if you want to run a successful subscription-based business and get your customers to stick around.

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Set Reasonable Prices

A pricing system is not only about money, it is about attracting new clients and keeping the existing ones. That’s why you should give it some thought instead of rushing into setting the numbers. First of all, you should figure out your goals and identify your target clients. A long-term strategy is necessary as it will guide you through the pricing process. 

You should set multiple plans for different packages. Sometimes people don’t want all of the options you’re offering, so they won’t pay for them. That’s why you should categorize your target audience and give them a variety of offers that they get to choose from. A good starting point is giving any new client a free trial so they would know what they will be charged for. 

Do Your Research

Jumping headfirst into any business is the biggest mistake you can do. Research is the key to achieve success. After setting your goals, you should know whether they align with the market’s demand or not. Talking to potential customers and handing in surveys will give you an idea about what people want. You can ask them questions about what is the one option they have been looking for. If you know how to be unique in a certain field, you will stand out among the sea of competitors. So, researching other companies is essential as well. 

Implement Dunning Management 

Your business is your source of income. In a parallel universe, all payments would be delivered on time and no discrepancies would occur. However, in the real world, people are late and they miss deadlines, which will affect you both personally and professionally. However, requesting the money yourself can be uncomfortable and ineffective. You may be in distress, which can show in your tone and ruin your relationships with your clients. Showing empathy when requesting payment is critical because when customers don’t feel valued, they will stop using your service, even if it is the best. That’s why implementing a dunning management system can be highly beneficial. 

With a dunning system, an automated email will be sent as a payment reminder. The marketing specialists from FreedomBoundBusiness.com recommend branding the emails because people nowadays are afraid of opening untrusted links. So, you should include your company’s name, logo, and other information that will help them trust you. The system should inform them why they are being sent this message and add a link to their invoices. 

Dunning will ensure that your customers will pay on time, never forget a deadline, and will renew their subscriptions if they expire. It will also save you the time you normally spend trying to keep track of all the transactions and checking them one by one. Instead, with a dunning system, you can use that time to upgrade your business or work on your welfare. 

Maintain Deep Customer Relationships

The subscription business will not exist without committed clients. Your new goal should be ensuring that they will stick around for some time. You can do that by regularly asking them for their feedback. You should reply to every comment and accept criticism because it will help you grow. The longer the people stay, the deeper the relationship between you will become. That is what a successful business is all about. 

Upgrade Your Payment Plans

The subscription business is growing rapidly and every day we wake up to a new offer. So, even after you started at reasonable prices, you should upgrade them frequently. People won’t stop looking for better plans. So, you should offer loyal customers better pricing options and discounts every now and then for being with you for more than a specific period. Moreover, keep things interesting by suddenly offering a free month or add bonus options to existing plans. If you are selling a new product, early-bird discounts work well with the majority of people.

Running a business is not an easy feat. When you decide to open a subscription-based business, you will have to keep working on retaining your clients and attracting new ones. Pricing is your best weapon since money is an important factor that everyone carefully considers. Create a solid pricing plan and constantly upgrade it, and make sure you maintain good relationships with your clients, and you’ll soon be able to watch your business flourish.

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Dropshipping Business

Initiate Your Dropshipping Business With The Help Of Facebook Ads!

The vast opportunity in dropshipping is attracting a lot of people from all around the globe. People are ready with various dropshipping and free Shopify courses to start their venture. However, just doing a particular course would not guarantee success if you don’t know the proper ways to advertise. This article will help you understand the necessity of promoting your business. Besides, it will also tell you some innovative ways to do the same.

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What is dropshipping?

Do you have an interest in the retail market, but don’t want to get into managing stocks and worrying for shipment? In such cases, dropshipping is a brilliant opportunity.It lets you fulfill your wish without making you concerned with product delivery and storage. It allows you to manage a virtual store. You will have more access and authority of product advertisements, the price offered, etc.

Let’s begin from scratch and know how you will have to proceed for your first sale.

Working of this idea:

It is very convenient to run a business from a digital platform due to the rise in online customers. Facebook is one such platform that has a vast number of people connected. It is not just the sharing platform for chatting but also a fantastic tool to enter the digital market.

Before starting to invest in this business, you must apprehend how the entire infrastructure works. Knowing the structure of dropshipping will help you understand your role, and hence, you can do better.

Here your role is of a mediator between the customer and buyer. You directly deal with the wholesalers and then obstruct a higher price while selling to customers. All you need is a good plan and marketing strategy.

Choose a category

Choosing a niche to work on is very necessary. First, you have to come up with a merchandising idea. The first question will be what do you desire to trade?

You can choose from two options:

First, target the products according to changes in trends. You need to stay updated for every upcoming inventory. If you like technology, then follow the overarching live events.

The second option is a slow market builder. It comprises getting a small store with a particular section of products with observing the marketing brand keenly. It is a slow but steady option that targets to conquer a group of loyal and regular customers.

However, irrespective of any choice that you make be sure that the items you offer are not readily available. If people can get the stuff easily at a better price, they won’t come to your virtual store.

Select stock to Dropship

Once you find an answer to which niche suits you the best, it’s time to take the next step. Make a list of products that you wish to trade. The list should involve in-depth research on several shopping sites like Amazon, eBay, etc. Take your own time to identify the best-suited products that can be proper for sustainable growth.

Once this process completes, closing a deal with a supplier will be the next step. As suppliers are not very good at promoting, they rely on dropshippers to do so.

Make a catchy Facebook page.

After choosing the product, it is time to get the customers. But how do you do that? People will not magically know that you are starting a new business that they should check out. Hence, you must advertise your venture. Nothing can be better than advertising on Facebook. You need to press a few buttons on the laptop and create a Facebook account.

Set up a business page and tag the brand name. Post about a few products and observe the audience with each post getting viewed every day. A detailed description is not necessary. Just use some catchy slogans to make it appear more attractive and less time taking to read and understand. Understand the kind of traffic that you are getting. Target the audience suitable for your product using the features of the ‘Facebook target audience’. Study about all the features that Facebook offers and make the best use of it.

It’s an excellent chance to boost the upcoming activity on the page. It will also help you make a statistical analysis that simultaneously helps in deciding the target audience. Before moving forward with this endeavor, practice making striking, captivating dropshipping ads. It will help you to expand your profits exponentially.

Start the campaign of Facebook ads.

After setting up the page, you can now start to organize ads. The Shopify ads are also a very considerable measure to popularize the advertisement in a presumptuous way.

It instantly magnifies the number of views and clicks due to the use of charismatic and appealing effects.

It’s true that Facebook is not only a chatting platform but also works as a digital marketer. However, you need not take this situation for granted. The majority of people still use it for only socializing with others. So, be cautious. Don’t directly start advertising about the product and insist people to buy it. Instead, first, try to spread awareness about your venture until you receive a strong response. Facebook has the facility of letting you organize an awareness campaign. You can login to your business account and start the same. Once your business idea becomes famous among the people, and people start trusting your venture, you can launch the idea.

Now you can build ads that lure people to check your account. These ads can take users to your business pages. But make your ad professional and to the point. Don’t make it longer than ten seconds.

Moving further with “to sell” motive:

After the shakeout of the brand name’s perception, you need to move a step ahead. Post the ads directly with the hashtag must buy things’. Once you allocate a pact in commerce, you will be kind enough to transform such traffic to legitimate funds.


These above steps also acquaint you with the Chris record. It tells about the strategies that you need to create revenue in the new market trend.

Now, you are aware of the necessity of Facebook ads to make your business idea popular. After your concept becomes famous, you can finally start making profits.

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Event Planning Business

Things to Do Before Starting an Event Planning Business

The notion of having an event business can be exciting. Whether it is the idea of designing a venue or selling tickets, there are several reasons as to why you are inclined to starting your own event planning business. Over the years, the event industry has grown consistently, making it a profitable venture for anyone looking to generate income. The prospects of the industry, however, has also made competition tighter than ever as new entrants continue to come in.

Though the event planning space may seem daunting due to the competition and presence of well-established names, these should not stop you from pursuing your passion in the craft. Despite being a newer player, you can still succeed in your field by taking the time to prepare and plan. Similar to any other business, you must take some steps before you enter the industry officially, so you do not feel lost once you start looking for clients.

Establish a Network

In the event planning industry, you will always work with different suppliers, so it helps to have a trusted and reliable network you can contact. Naturally, you need not have a complete database of contacts immediately as you will be adding to it continuously as you gain experience. However, it may help to have an initial list of suppliers, such as caterers, photographers, and invitation makers, you can contact for your events.

Aside from suppliers, you may also need to build a team to help you organize events. Juggling all the tasks alone can do more harm than good. So, find people who can help you manage your operations on the administrative side and the actual event planning side.

Gain Skills and Expertise

When clients look for event organizers, they will peep into your reputation and expertise in the field. Thus, as a newer player, you have to make sure you are equipped with the right skills to plan an event successfully. Aside from proper organization, time management, and budgeting skills, you also need to hone your verbal and written communication skills, as well as your creativity, adaptability, and advertising skills.

An optional step would be to look for certification programs that will help you learn the skills and add credibility to your name. Getting a professional certification in the industry will certainly be beneficial for you as clients will be more enticed to book your services.

Create a Business Plan

If event planning is your passion, then you may sometimes feel like it is less of a business and more of a craft. However, the reality is that it is still a business, which means you need a feasible business plan that outlines your strategies and objectives. A well-made business plan will serve as the backbone of your business since it will guide you in making decisions and help you convince investors if you are interested in partnering with any.

Secure Funding

In any business, one of the biggest hurdles you may encounter is funding. There are several financing options you can look for your startup. This way, before you fully establish your business, you will have enough capital. If you cannot self-finance your business and prefer not to take out a bank loan, you can focus on creating an excellent business proposal and pitch this to a crowdsourcing platform in hopes of getting investors.


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