3 Tips For Saving Money On Your Electric Bill This Winter

When it comes to utility costs, lower is always better. Not only can using less electricity help to save you money, but it can also do good for the environment as you’re reducing your dependency on this form of energy.

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But while many people love the idea of using less energy, sometimes your desire to stay warm and cozy in the winter months can outweigh your inclinations to save money or protect the environment. So to help you find simple ways in which you can accomplish all of these goals at once, here are three tips for saving money on your electric bill this winter. 

Be Strategic With Your Windows

Winter is the best time to be strategic about your windows. While you want to let in the sun to heat up your home naturally, you also don’t want to let the cold seep in through any cracks or gaps that might be present.

To get the best of both worlds here, Energy.gov recommends that you keep the shades of your windows drawn open during the day, especially when it’s sunny and that sun is coming directly into some of the rooms of your house. By doing this, you’ll be able to heat those rooms without using your actual heater. And once the sun goes down, use heavy drapes to keep out the cold and keep the heat you’ve attracted during the day inside your rooms for as long as possible. 

Consider Installing Solar Panels

As was mentioned above, the sun can be plenty strong enough in the winter to use it as an alternative form of energy. Because of this, you might want to consider installing solar panels now to help offset the costs of your monthly energy bills.

While the initial cost of installation can be large, Geoff Williams, a contributor to U.S. News and World Report, shares that if you install a system that will produce more energy than your home typically uses, not only can you practically eliminate your electric bills each month, but you can then sell some of that energy back and make a little money, too. 

Turn Down Your Thermostat

One of the biggest uses for electricity during the winter months is your heater. Whether you’re using central air or space heaters, these systems can use a lot of energy if they’re running on a consistent basis. But by simply lowering your thermostat, you can save yourself a lot of money on these costs.

According to Jeremy Vohwinkle, a contributor to The Balance, by turning down your heat at night or when no one is home, you can save a lot more money than you would if you just kept your home at a consistent temperature. 

If you’re wanting to reduce your monthly electric bills this winter, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you find ways to do just this.


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Digital Technology For Your Small Business

Digital tech is what will keep your small business trucking along for more than just a few months.  If you have the right tech tools in your box, you’ll have the ability to reach the maximum audience with precision and purpose.

Take some time to invest in the stability of your operation’s future, and research various tech tools.  Here is a brief look at some digital technology for your small business. 

Automate when you can

Utilize the digital software available to your business today.  Automate processes when you can, and save money on paying someone to do the job.  Find the most fitting AI for your business, and let programming make your business operation far more efficient. Even businesses like gyms and yoga studios can gain a significant advantage from using gym tracking software. This gives the clients and the trainers more time doing other things instead of doing things manually when they can be automated.

The IoT

The Internet of Things rules the realm in any industry today.  The more you can get your business out there online, the more likely you are to boost your operation’s brand visibility.  

Stay tech savvy, and give your business the best chance online.  Learn to champion the web and create pinpointed digital content.  

Conquering SEO

Though SEO (search engine optimization) has been around for quite some time, there are still some small business owners who are oblivious to its existence.  If you want to be successful with your online efforts, you’ll need to learn how to use the various concepts of search engine optimization.  

A proper guide to SEO will teach you how to design digital content that is easily visible to a specific audience.  When users search relevant terms, you want your content to be first on the list of results.  

Marketing for mobile

When you do spend time and effort on digital marketing, you’ll need to steer towards a mobile audience.  Mobile users dominate the population of web users today, so it makes perfect sense to cater your marketing efforts to the majority.  

Design your menus to be easily accessed by the push of a button.  Make sure your display works correctly on all types of screens, and make sure users can read the text you include in your design.  

Cloud computing 

Capitalize on the benefits of the Cloud for business.  Cloud computing saves business owners money and boosts data security.  

Cloud collaboration is also made possible by various platforms, the most popular being Google’s G-Suite.  Professional communication and collaboration were given an upgrade when Cloud computing came to pass.  

Rise of remote operations

The Cloud has helped make way for remote business operations.  The aforementioned collaborative tools offered by G-Suite are invaluable to remote business today.  

The ease and efficiency of Cloud computing have been a large influential factor on the rise of remote operations in today’s business industry.  There’s no lag when you’re trying to talk to someone on the other side of the world.


Bad Credit Auto Insurance

Bad Credit auto insurance refers to the outcomes of scenarios that become out of control. People who own cars prefer saving their money rather than spending on car insurance. Credit scores can be poor at any time whether you lose your job or become faced with any other unforeseen circumstances and the charge that you need to pay to the insurance company is relatively high.

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Fixed Premium

Almost all states allow the use of credit scores to insurance companies. Credit code means to fix the premium for auto insurance. Some of the states allow the use of this credit code just in case for new customers and it has been proven through various statistics that the people who have high credit ratings tend to file insurance claims less compared to the people who have it less.

Therefore, the insurance companies have made specific classifications. According to these classifications, people with low credit rating are categorized as best auto insurance with bad credit.

It is general that the people who are having lower credit ratings tend to spend much more than the people with high credit ratings, just to get the same coverage.

What Determines the Price for Car Insurance?

Your age, driving record, the location, and the vehicle that you are driving—these are the things that have an impact. Your age defines your driving expertise. The younger your age, the less experienced you are in driving. Similar is the case with the location. Your location determines the price of your car.

One thing is evident for those who live in Texas, driving with no credit check auto insurance Texas can cause you a penalty. You can miss one or two payments, but it depends upon the track record of your debts.

Bad Credit Car Insurance Monthly

If missing payments is a routine, then it could let your credit score go down. You can pay your car insurance monthly if you can’t afford to pay a lump sum annually. But it will be expensive to pay monthly as compared to the annual payment.

Bad Credit Auto Insurance may get your credit ratings at a lower point but controlling your financing and paying the payments with some hard work can help you take care of premiums.


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How to Access the Dark Web in 2019

How can you get into the dark web? This is not so complex as it may seem to be. The dark web can not be accessed using normal web browsers such as Google Chrome. This opens up using browsers such as the tor search engine that you can use to open up Orion Links. You will, however, need an extra layer of protection to make your identity invisible on the web.

What is available on the dark web?

Sites like Wikipedia, Google, Amazon, Youtube, etc do consist of a small part of the internet. Beyond these, some sites are not available for the general public. This is where the Dark Web exists.

 The Dark Web is a general terminology for a group of websites on an encrypted network with hidden IP addresses such as 192.168.l.l that helps keep them hidden. As the IP addresses are not tabulated in any order or so, by the traditional search engines, they can only be browsed using browsers such as The Onion Router or TOR.

You can find almost anything on the dark web for example weapons, drugs, weapon trade, pornography, human organs, and even hire a murderer.

The deep and the dark web has been recently in the news for numerous illicit reasons. The Silk Road is a website that is related to unscrupulous affairs due to which it was shut down by the FBI, twice and its founder has been put behind bars for the rest of his life. The dark web is sort of timid. You will need to find out about it all by yourself. The dark web is a fraction of the deep web. The sites on the deep web do not have a permanent URL. This means you have to find out a way to have access to the web.

How to access the deep web?

  • To have access to the deep web, you must have a Tor browser on the system.
  • Download the Tor browser
  • Install the software after you’ve downloaded it. Head over to the Tor website and from there click on the “ Download the Browser” on the top right-hand corner of the page.
  • Click to open the downloaded file to start the installation file
  • Follow the installation guideline to complete the process.
  • Once installed, the browser is ready for use. Also, you may need an advanced VPN service on the system that you use to access the deep/dark web.
  • Many websites on the dark web will need you to register using an email address. You must log in using an untraceable email address Many sites like PrestoMail or TORbox that comes with the TOR search engine help you create an account that will consist of an untraceable email address.
  • Use a VPN service to make sure your original IP address is untrackable for others accessing the web. Although not made public but government agencies are attempting to track what you do on the dark web. Therefore it will be unwise to start without using a VPN.

Precautionary measures to enter the deep web 

Although the deep web is said to be a paradise for hackers, it is important to keep the protection measures to prevent the theft of private information you may have saved.

Some measures you can take to ensure the safety of your files

  • Activate the firewall
  • Update both the operating system and the antivirus as well.
  • Do not trust anyone on the deep web
  • Disable the webcam to avoid being spied on.
  • Never download anything even though it seems to be harmless.
  • Disable JavaScript and cookies in the Tor Browser

Some actions you can do using the dark web in a buoyant manner

  • Exchange information in nations with internet censorship – Some nations censor content that promotes homosexuality, political dissidence that is not a norm in those nations. The Dark Web can provide a medium to get these contents to the general public in those countries.
  • Expose abuse of power – The Dark Web provides a platform for journalists and political activists to report on stories that can get them with the political establishment in the nation who is adamant violating someone’s right to privacy.
  • Purchase restricted items  –  Some painkillers and sleep aid are common in Europe but are not available for purchase in Middle Eastern or  Asian countries. You can use the dark Web to purchase such goods online.

The final remark would be as follows: Be aware of the people who would like to be your friends here on the Dark Web. Strictly remember that using the dark web is not like making friends on different social media sites like Facebook, Viber, or Whatsapp. Also as advised above: Do not share your personal details on the Dark web

Feel free to share any experiences you may have had about accessing the Dark Web.


Activities for Team Building

Anyone who has gone through a company onboarding process, orientation, and the like would have probably encountered role-playing simulations or interactive games that are mandatory in the company. Typically, these sorts of activities are not favorites among the workforce.

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Team Building Activities are supposed to be fun, educational, and engaging. Properly implemented (rather than forced), these activities help the team members understand one another – about their problem-solving and cognitive skills, creativity, etc.

Among a variety of games and activities, some will help isolate your team’s weaknesses and strengths. Here are three team-building games that are not only fun but also an explicit test of character:

Silver Lining

Activity Time: Approximately 5-6 minutes

Players: 2+

Tools: None


  • Team member one is instructed to share a negative life experience with team member two. This experience can be either a personal or work-related situation.
  • Member one discusses the same experience again, but this time the focus is on the positive aspects only.
  • Partner two helps explore the positive aspect (silver lining) of the negative experience. The game continues until all the players have translated negatives into positives.

Objective: The participants discover how to reframe negative situations into positive learning experiences as a team. This activity aids in fostering more exceptional communication skills, along with developing the thinking skills beneficial for nearly all work and personal life situations.

Treasure Hunt

Activity Time: Approximately 60 minutes

Players: Two or more small groups

Tools: Pen, paper, and timer


  • Split the group into teams of two or more.
  • List several group activities, the sillier they are, the better. For example, tasks can include taking a selfie with a stranger, taking a picture of a random object, adding a foolish word to the end of each spoken sentence, etc.
  • Give the list to each team with a completion deadline (time frame).
  • Set the timer for one hour. Whichever team completes the most tasks in the shortest time wins.

Objective: This activity creates a bonding experience, encouraging your team members to work with colleagues from other departments.

The Rope Square

Activity Time: 15 – 30 minutes

Players: 5 – 20 people

Tools: Several feet of rope and blindfolds (enough for each participant)


  • Instruct your co-workers to stand in a circle while holding a piece of the rope.
  • Select half of the group to be “speakers.” These participants will be the only players allowed to talk during the activity.
  • Instruct everyone to put on their blindfold and place the rope on the floor.
  • Make everyone walk a short distance away from the circle.
  • Set the timer for your desired time (fifteen to thirty minutes or whatever your preference is).
  • Ask everyone to walk back and try to form a square with the rope, without removing their blindfolds.

Objective: This activity seeks to foster communication and leadership skills. By instructing half of the team to be silent, this game introduces an element of trust, forcing the players to guide each other creatively.

Going Forward with Team Building

Overall, the outcomes of these team building activities show the strengths (and weaknesses) that your team can build upon and use to improve productivity.

Often in the corporate world, monotony has its way of creeping into the everyday work-week. Introducing these games will not only break up the boredom but also create a higher degree of comradery among your cohorts. With a little time for play, you will have not only an energetic workforce but also a much more creative atmosphere.


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IMEI Code: Is Your Mobile Original or Fake?

IMEI Code: Is Your Mobile Original or Fake?

The IMEI code is the 15-digit number that makes your phone unique from any other phone (such as MAC Address for PC). You can find this number on the back of the phone by removing the battery or dialing *#06# and the 15-digit IMEI combination will appear immediately.

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IMEI code: The mobile has become the most widely used device in the world. Many users today have at least 1 or more cell phones. It has become an indispensable, almost indispensable, tool in our daily lives. The handset is also known as the “Smartphone” thanks to the many actions it takes to help users’ needs.

> Check Out: Do You Want to Know Where Your Mobile Was Made? It’s Very easy!

And the “intelligence” of these devices continues to grow and amaze me daily. Mobile phones can be used as compasses, as car navigators, as temperature gauges, as thermal cameras etc. It is no longer necessary to kill your brain because your “smartphone” thinks about almost everything.

All phone manufacturing companies are concentrated in places like China (but also the iPhone are made here) or India where the cost of production is minimal.

IMEI Code: Is Your Mobile Original or Fake?

Sometimes the quality of the Smartphone also varies from where it is manufactured. But how to get better acquainted with our handset? There are many people who ask us whether the cellphone they use is original or not. We are absolutely against buying non-original cell phones. The fake mobile ? has been around since the early years of Android but over time they are more and more like the original. The resemblance is not only apparent from the aesthetic part but is also getting closer and closer to the performance.

The surprising fact is that the price is completely different from the original. This can be explained in many ways. Anyone who manufactures fake cell phones pays no copyright fees. Even all the certifications necessary for the manufacture of an electronic device are not carried out by the manufacturer. These products are very dangerous to use because they can cause damage from one moment to another. But even though performance may come close to the original handset, it will never be the same. You can check all the details and key features of the handset directly after switching on the handset and then view the exact details in the technical tab on our website.

IMEI code

“You have to be very careful when buying a new handset. The first thing to do is look at the IMEI code.

The IMEI code is the 15-digit number that makes your phone unique from any other phone (such as MAC Address for PC). You can find this number on the back of the phone by removing the battery or dialing *#06# and the 15-digit IMEI combination will appear immediately. The number will be something like this: 674544251332144. Now we will explain what these numbers mean: IMEI code is divided as follows: AAAAAA-BB-CCCCCC-D.

  • AAAAAA – TAC (Type Approval Code) identifies the manufacturer and model of the handset;
  • BB – FAC (Final Assembly Code) identifies the place of production;
  • CCCCCC – identifies the serial number of the handset;
  • D – CD (Check digit) identifies the check digit to verify that the IMEI number is correct, and is found by the Luhn formula.

Now all you have to do is to write down the IMEI code on a letter and check if your mobile is real or fake by visiting www.imei.info and entering your code. Apple mobile verification can also be done from the Apple coverage website that you will find below.

> Check Out: Top 8 Secret Phone Codes (Android and iPhone)

Serial Number Verification and IMEI

IPhone Serial Number

To get the iPhone serial number you should follow these steps:

  • Settings ➡ General ➡ Info / About Phone ➡ Serial Number
  • Write down the serial number
  • Go to page: Check Coverage Apple and enter the serial number
  • If the serial number exists then your iPhone is original. On the contrary, the message “This serial number does not exist” means that you have a fake cell phone in your hand.

IMEI Code Android

To get your Android’s IMEI code you need to follow these steps:

  • Type this number: *#06#
  • Write down the IMEI code
  • Go to page: IMEI INFO and enter IMEI code
  • If the code exists and the mobile is the same as the one you have on hand then your mobile is original. On the contrary, the message “IMEI code does not exist” means that you have a fake cellphone in your hand.

> Read Next: Do you need an antivirus on Android? What about on the iPhone?

IMEI code: Always check it!

Another service is also https://sickw.com/. Although paid, this is a very valuable service if you are looking to find out if a cell phone is original or fake. Hope you found this article useful, follow us on twitter and facebook for more news and updates.


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Enable Fingerprint Lock on WhatsApp For Android Devices

How To Enable Fingerprint Lock on WhatsApp For Android Devices

WhatsApp messenger is definitely used by hundreds of people everyday to chat between each other and they loved ones. But nowdays users are more and more taking care of they privacy and often they want to keep they conversation secret and hidden from they’re friends or family.

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How To Enable Fingerprint Lock on WhatsApp For Android Devices

Facebook-owned company seems now that is focusing more on its user’s privacy by adding another security feature like the Fingerprint Lock. The feature was first released for iOS users, and now Android users may also enable Fingerprint Lock on WhatsApp. Fingerprint Lock adds another barrier of protection that makes more harder the life of hackers and stalkers. In they latest blog post they stated that the Face ID and Touch ID feature are now available for WatsApp on Android users.

> Check Out: Do You Want to Know Where Your Mobile Was Made? It’s Very Easy!

Steps to Enable Fingerprint Lock on WhatsApp For Android Devices

NOTE:  Before going through the steps to Enable Fingerprint Lock on WhatsApp you need to update your Whatsapp to the latest version. By doing that, go through the steps below.

Step #1. Open your WhatsApp on your android phone

Step #2. Go to Setting section

Step #3. Next, go to Account section, than to Privacy

Step #4. Here you will se “Unlock with fingerprint” option, just turn it ON

Step #5. Next confirm your fingerprint and choose Automatically lock option from the 3 option: Immediately, After 1 minute or After 30 minutes.

Step #6. This is also the option to Show Content in Notification which you can turn it on/of.

WhatsApp fingerprint unlock feature.
WhatsApp fingerprint unlock feature.

Once Fingerprint Lock feature is turned ON on your WhatsApp, you will access you’re chats only by using your fingerprint. But even with the fingerprint lock enabled, other users can still answers to the calls or they can reply to some of your messages from the notification shade.

> Read Next: Do you need an antivirus on Android? What about on the iPhone?

Final words

Previously users on WhatsApp on Android used to download some third party app to add this layer of protection. Now, with the latest update, you can active fingerprint lock on WhatsApp on Android directly through the app settings. Like it? Let us know you thoughts in the comment section below, follow us on twitter and facebook for more news and updates.


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What Inventory Management Software Integrated with Xero Can Do for Your Ecommerce Site

The past few decades has been one of the most pioneering time periods in the history of humanity. The rise of the Internet and other web-based technologies has affected numerous aspects of our society and it seems that this trend is just getting started. The Internet has ensured the advancement of our civilization through a myriad of entities, and has led to the creation of ubiquitous technologies like smartphones and laptops. The advent of these web-based technologies combined with a changing atmosphere has led to a totally altered economy that requires the Internet to function. All businesses utilize the web in some capacity, and this will continue even further as the 21st century progresses. In 2019, one of the most revolutionary facets of the economy is the ecommerce industry and the major change it has brought about on the retail field.

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The Status of Ecommerce   

In the past few years, ecommerce has become one of the most important entities in the entire economy. While there are numerous web-based industries with a myriad of different companies created, ecommerce has certainly been one of the most influential. Ecommerce sales have skyrocketed in recent years, and this massive development within the industry has led to a change in the ways that the economy is run. Millions of people around the world have begun to start their own ecommerce stores because they are aware of the possibility to earn an amazing living, the ability to work from home, and the capability to be your own boss. There certainly is immense potential in the ecommerce industry; however, there are many challenges that entrepreneurs in this field face on a daily basis. Inventory management is one of the greatest difficulties of successful ecommerce practices, so it is imperative to effectively handle this facet if you want to build a lucrative company. Learning how to efficaciously manage your company’s inventory requires top tools, such as inventory management software integrated with cloud-based accounting software, Xero. 

Features of Inventory Management Software Integrated with Xero

Xero is an extremely high-quality cloud-based accounting software, so when you have an inventory management program that is integrated with it, you will be provided with a myriad of advantages. Xero inventory management allows users to have a 2-way sync between their inventory management and Xero, ensuring numerous benefits for all sellers. Xero inventory management provides access to the creation of sales invoices, reporting of stock movements, and purchase orders; all of these features are critical to success in the ecommerce field. The synchronization between Xero and the inventory management program allows for stock transactions, purchase invoices, and more, to be utilized by both amenities to create a concordance that assimilates both services. Along with those advantages, Xero inventory management programs will also allow for a real-time view of your business’ cashflow and the capability to get paid faster with online invoicing. Learning about the many features of inventory management software with Xero lets you understand why it is so crucial for ecommerce success.

Final Thoughts

As the world becomes more intertwined with the Internet, ecommerce sales will increase. If you run your own ecommerce store, learning about one of the top tools available, which is inventory management software integrated with Xero, will allow your company to thrive.


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What Magento Inventory Management Software Can Do to Benefit Your Ecommerce Store

In our modern society, there have been a considerable amount of changes to the world that have greatly affected all facets of life. Much of this change has come from the rise of the Internet and other technologies, and it has led to the world becoming more connected than ever. This has led to a transformation throughout our society, and one of the most transformed elements has been the economy. The economy has become extremely interconnected with the Internet, and all businesses utilize the web in some capacity. While the economy has become more connected with the Internet, numerous industries have changed the way that they do business. Along with the changes in many industries, new fields have been created by the Internet as well. Although there are numerous web-based industries throughout the economy, ecommerce has been one of the most pioneering in the 21st century.

Learning about Ecommerce

Ecommerce has been around for a few decades, and it has led to a major change within the retail field. Ecommerce is extremely imperative to our society in 2019, and without it, our world would be able to function in the capacity that it currently does. Many major ecommerce retailers have emerged in recent years, such as Amazon, along with companies like Target and Walmart having their own ecommerce stores. As well as major players in the ecommerce market, there are also many smaller businesses that run their own stores on ecommerce platforms like Magento. If you run your own Magento ecommerce store, you already understand the multitude of challenges faced by ecommerce entrepreneurs. One of the most difficult challenges that Magento ecommerce entrepreneurs have to deal with is inventory management. Inventory management is one of the hardest facets of ecommerce, so it is important to use the best technologies to aid you with this process.

Inventory Management for Magento Ecommerce Entrepreneurs

The best sellers on Magento understand how to stay ahead of their ecommerce competitors – utilize the top tools to help with inventory management. The most successful sellers utilize Magento inventory management software to help them handle their operations. The top benefit that Magento inventory management software can bring is inventory matching. Each time a seller updates anything (such as products, SKUs, or variants) on their inventory management program, the update will automatically occur in your Magento store as well. Another great benefit is the ability to manage sales orders, which includes the importation of all associated data when a customer makes a purchase. Magento inventory management also has the capability to sync stock levels, which enables your business to continue moving and ensure that your customers are content. Learning about the various advantages of inventory management software for Magento sellers should allow you to understand why investing in this software will be beneficial to your business.

Final Thoughts

As ecommerce becomes more popular throughout the globe, Magento sellers and other ecommerce entrepreneurs will utilize inventory management software. If you want to ensure that you stay ahead of your competitors, make sure that you invest in this program to make your business a success!


3 Things You Should Do After Being In A Car Accident

Because getting in a car accident can be a bit of a surprise, no one’s ever really prepared for this event to take place. However, knowing what actions or steps you should take following your car accident can help make the entire process go much smoother for you.

So once you’ve left the scene of the accident and are trying to piece everything back together, here are three things you should add to your to-do list in the days following your car accident. 

Check In With Your Doctor

Regardless of how bad you think your injuries might be immediately after you’ve been in a car accident, Shad Withers, a contributor to Nolo.com, recommends that you always check in with your doctor to see what his or her professional opinion is on your physical well being. 

Because there’s a lot of adrenaline that comes out after being in a car accident, you may not notice or be able to tell if you’ve actually be hurt until a few hours or days after the accident is over and your body has calmed down. But at this point, you might have done more damage to your body. So to be on the safe side, it’s best to always check in with your doctor after you’ve been in a car accident. 

Get A Copy Of The Accident Report

In almost all car accidents, the police will be called to help you. As a part of their role here, Mila Araujo, a contributor to The Balance, shares that the police will file a legal accident report about what happened at the scene.

To best state your case to both your insurance company and any lawyers who might be involved with the accident, it’s important that you get a copy of that official accident report. The way that you’ll want to get this report will vary based on where you live and when the accident took place. But with this accident report in hand, you’ll know exactly what’s on the record about what happened at your accident. 

File The Right Claim With Your Insurance

One of the first phone calls you’ll want to make after your car accident is to your insurance provider. 

When speaking with them, Jacqueline Curtis, a contributor to Money Crashers, recommends asking about what type of claim to file. You should be able to file either a Not-At-Fault claim, an At-Fault claim, or a Total Loss claim. The type of claim you’ll want to file will depend on your exact situation, so make sure you speak with your insurance company about which option will be best for you. 

If you’ve been in a recent car accident, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you know what to do next.
