8 Advantages of Cloud Computing

Upgrade your software to increase efficiency. Click here to read about the advantages of cloud computing technologies.

The cloud services industry grew by over 17% in 2019. Do you know what’s powering that staggering momentum? Businesses like yours.

Companies of all sizes are discovering the benefits that working in the cloud can bring to their organizations. Cloud computing solutions have become an important asset for any kind of business either small or big. They are really incredibly valuable as they involve such tools which help businesses to work easily and grow and that’s the main reason why they have become widespread among many businesses. It suggests comprehensive IT resources, speed, cost-effectiveness, software productivity and many other advantages. Consequently, we’re seeing a mass migration away from the use of personal servers and towards pay-as-you-go cloud subscriptions when it comes to hosting business data, applications and even operating systems.

Are the advantages of cloud computing really worth changing your company’s whole relationship with technology over? We certainly think so and we’re hoping to prove our perspective by sharing with you eight perks that could-hosted businesses enjoy.

  1. Cost Savings

The number one barrier that stands between what most businesses need and how soon they’re going to get it is cost. Therefore, it’s a fair assumption that the majority of companies that aren’t exploring cloud computing are fearful of the cost that migrating will bring to pass.

Fortunately, when companies learn more about cloud computing they find that hosting data in the cloud is a lot more cost-effective than they suspect. This is due to the growing amount of cloud providers in the market which is driving down prices. Furthermore, cloud providers usually offer tiers for their packages which allow small companies to pay a lot less than what bigger organizations are paying.

  1. Enhanced Security

As companies begin to rely more on data to keep their businesses running, we’re seeing bad actors take advantage of the situation by boosting their digital intrusion attempts. As a matter of fact, some government agencies report that their systems field as many as 300 million hacking attempts on a daily basis.

Given that the average cost of a data breach runs companies millions of dollars to mitigate, moving to the cloud and enjoying how secure it is in comparison to most in-office server setups makes sense. Also, if your customer’s data was to get leaked while in the hands of a cloud provider, the liability of that event would likely fall on them.

  1. Scalability

When you have an in-office server, your company is building around a finite amount of bandwidth. The moment that your server can’t take in any more information due to storage or hardware constraints, you’ll be forced to buy/install a new one which takes time that you could otherwise spend growing.

One of the key advantages of cloud computing is that you’re working with an infinite amount of storage and the servers that are hosting your data are state of the art. If at any point your data usage is trending towards the top end of your allowance, you can contact your hosting provider, expand your allotment and continue to scale.

  1. Collaboration

Data that’s hosted in a central, internet-accessible place is data that can be shared seamlessly.

Imagine if you had two offices that had separate in-house servers. In order to share files across your teams, one person would have to manually email a file, have their external partner make edits and then request to have the updated file sent back for local storage.

When you’re working in the cloud, no matter where your team members are, files can be edited in real-time without the need to pass updates back and forth. That might not seem like a big advantage but as your company scales and collaboration becomes central to your practice, you’ll love the seamlessness of cloud-based teamwork.

  1. Mobility

Expanding on the idea of your cloud documents being available to team members no matter where they are, imagine how that would impact you on the road? You’d be able to access all of the tools that you use in your office from your smartphone while sitting at an airport.

Cloud-computing enables a transient approach to business which is becoming increasingly important in today’s global economy.

  1. Access to Analytics

Cloud hosting providers aren’t just selling you space on their virtual hard drives. Quality ones are also selling you insight.

For example, a cloud hosting provider might be able to give you data on how your team members are spending time on their computers. That would give you actionable knowledge that could help you eliminate time-intensive, low ROI tasks.

  1. Reduced Waste

Companies that commit to using cloud servers are committing to reducing their carbon footprint. That’s because multiple companies leveraging a single large, cloud-based server means that those companies don’t need to have individual in-house servers.

Sustainability may not be among the advantages of cloud computing that sellers lean on in a pitch but if your business’s sense of community is strong, being environmentally friendly is worth something.

  1. Backups Made Easy

If all of your pertinent data is stored on an in-house server, what would happen if your office burned down? Chances are, unless you have a proactive IT team, you’d be in trouble.

Cloud servers are hosted off-site. That means that local events won’t affect your data. Data that’s hosted in the cloud is also typically mirrored to a separate server which protects you if your primary cloud server fails.

Those barriers between you and disaster insulate your company from adversity.

Start Enjoying the Advantages of Cloud Computing Today

The advantages of cloud computing that we’ve shared scratch the surface of what you’ll enjoy when you migrate your data to the cloud. Our recommendation is that you stop thinking about taking this leap and start weighing real possibilities.

We’re certain that if you explore what’s available to you, you’ll find a service that fits your needs!

Looking for more tips on all things tech? If you are, we welcome you to browse more of the cutting-edge content in our digital publication.


What are the features and benefits of fat bikes?

Actually people are so busy in the world at the moment, with working or school, kids and the friends. It is about a quick tip that people can do and riding a bike each day can be fun way to burn the fats and extra calories and support to lose the weight easily. Achieving the desired weight can also be like simple as strapping on the helmet and going right around the block a few times is must. Overall the fat bikes have lots of benefits and solution to remain fit and gain lots of stamina. If you are interested in riding bike to keep the fitness level accurate so then here you can have the variety of bikes available at best fat bike under 500.

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Good shape of bikes

Here are some things to think about before you pull your bike shorts, though. First make sure your bike is in good shape and the right size for you. Anyone at your local bike store can give you information about the type of bike and which one you should use based on your height and weight. Always make sure the tire is properly inflated as a flat tire will help you to use the maximum amount of energy to travel and run the risk of heating the rims.

Place to hold a bottle of water

Before embarking on your ride, make sure you have a bottle of water to fill your liquid. This will allow you to go further and burn fatter, and here’s the key. Also make sure you have a protective headgear that fits properly to prevent severe nasty head injuries, if you should. Check your local biking rules for your area and always follow them, be on the lanes of motorcycles, comply with traffic signals and keep up with traffic flow. Things like that

Reasons to ride a bike for fitness

There are many reasons to ride a bike than lose weight. Think about how much money you can save by simply driving to the store instead of driving. Don’t mention the benefits of the environment if everyone rode a motorcycle instead of starting the car for a while if you have a small rack or basket on a motorcycle, you can use it to carry a small amount of groceries or whatever you need to buy at the store.

Stationary bikes

If for any reason you do not want to be seen walking around the area, you always have the option of taking a stationary bike, or going to the gym and using it there. Not much entertainment but just as effective, and something about being able to watch television can be said as you pedal along the way to slim yourself down. If you want to lose weight fast, riding a bike is a great cardio workout that is fun and easy so get out and get your old bike off the ground and roam it, your body will thank you.


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7 Steps to Ensure Your WordPress Account is Secure

Founded in 2003, WordPress is a content management system based on PHP and MySQL. With the advent of digitalization, more and more businesses are being exported online, and WordPress is used by millions of companies across the world.

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Looking at the exact numbers, WordPress is used by more than 60 million websites, including a majority of the top 10 million websites. As of April 2019, this is the most popular website management system currently in use.

However, despite its many benefits, like all other applications, WordPress may fall prey to security attacks as well.

According to a study, 70% of WordPress installations are vulnerable to hacking attacks.

A Few Security Tips Can Help You Keep Your Platform Safe and Secure.

Let’s have a look at some of them:

1. 2-Factor Secure Login

2-factor authentication is a secure way to login to your WordPress account. By this method, you need to log in by entering your credentials simultaneously in 2 devices to access your WordPress account.

Whenever you want to log in to your account, you receive a verification alert on a second device, which may be your smartphone or tablet, and unless you verify the same, you cannot log in to your account.

It can be very personalized according to the way you want to use it. Despite being very simple to set it up, it can be very effective, since hacking through 2 checkpoints at the same time is exponentially more difficult.

2. Keep WordPress Updated

Many users ignore this simple act and tend to downplay the importance of keeping your WordPress updated.

However, the updates are provided by the company to bridge any potential security flaws in the existing software.

The updates are meant to make your WordPress version more secure and weed out vulnerabilities. These drawbacks may cause potential data theft and security breaches.

That is why it is of utmost importance to not only keep your WordPress version updated but also keep your plugins and themes up to date.

The process is decidedly simple and can be achieved at the click of a button. It can save you a whole lot of trouble in case of a security breach later.

3. Install SSL Certification

An SSL certification of your website is a symbol of security and allows a secure connection between a server and a web browser (domain).

Linking your WordPress account with an SSL certification is tantamount to declaring 100% protection from potential data theft and compromise.

This certification helps build up customer trust and delineates all-round protection of your sensitive data, which sustains build customer relationship, boost business, and safeguard data privacy.

In this regard, Multi-domain SSL certificates and Wildcard SSL certificates are even more useful, and it can protect your WordPress domain as well as any subdomain you might have.

An SSL certification like Comodo and RapidSSL represents safety, reliability, and integrity and is a great addition to enhance the security of your WordPress.

4. Limit Number of Login Attempts

A massive number of hacking instances are based on the empirical trial-and-error method. When a hacker attempts to log in to your account, they need several attempts before they manage to break in. That’s why limiting the number of attempts to correctly enter your login credentials is a crucial step in ensuring your WordPress account is secure.

You can easily do this by using one of the free plugins available on the internet to specifically reduce the number of login attempts.

For example, WP Limit Login Attempts is a plugin that limits the number of logins attempts by temporarily blocking the IP address.

5. IP Whitelisting

IP Whitelisting is a perfect example of the time-honored adage, ‘Better safe than sorry.’

If your WordPress account is used by individuals other than yourself, you could draw up a list of all users, and indulge in whitelisting their credentials, and grant access from an IP address.

By this process, you ensure that only whitelisted users are logging on from an IP address, which may be your office desktop or laptop. The chances of a security breach of your WordPress account in such a scenario drastically diminishes.

Although you will not be able to access the WordPress account from a non-whitelisted IP address, it holds true in case of any unauthorized login attempts as well, which are simply rejected by your account.

6. Regularly Update Your Passwords

This is also a very under-rated activity when it comes to ensuring data security. However, if not taken seriously, passwords can pose security issues.

One of the first mistakes people make is to use the same password for multiple accounts. This drastically and exponentially increases your chances of being hacked.

A good practice is to change passwords every 8-12 weeks. On top of that, avoid reusing your passwords or making them simple to decide.

Ideally, a secure password should consist of a combination of characters, symbols, and numbers.

This combination makes it infinitely more difficult for a hacker to break into your WordPress account.

Also, make sure to never save your password on devices that are not yours. You never know when they can be used against you at a later stage.

7. Conduct Security Scans

Humans can only do so much. You may not always be able to identify if something is wrong with your WordPress account until it’s too late.

That’s why it’s a great idea to perform security scans of your WordPress account regularly. They are highly targeted and specialized plugins and software, that are designed to identify any breach on your account and remove them immediately.

Many such security scans are also found online for free. One such security scan found online is Hacker Target, a paid security scan which also offers limited free scanning.

These security scans offer a wide range of services like checking application security, plugins, the hosting environment, and the webserver.


WordPress is one of the most popular and useful blogging software available in the market right now.

Being a framework for web development, ensuring its security is of utmost importance to the millions of users worldwide.

With the threats of data security becoming more malicious day by day – not taking the ideal security precautions is not an option anymore.


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Sale of Tzitzit Strings and Menora

In old events most of the pieces of clothing had four corners. Previously, they would fulfill the mitzvah by tying tzitzits in the four corners of the piece of attire. Tzitzit is created utilizing cotton or wool (or made substances. Wool is a material bolstered by most Hasidim and Sephardim). a tallit katan is routinely alluded to correspondingly as “tzitzit.” A tallit has a touch of opening in each edge of the bit of dress wherein a string of woolen tzitzit is hung. Chassidic Jews have two balanced holes in each corner, a solely reliant on Chabad.

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Tzitzit for Women:

In the rabbinic law, tzitzit is well-considered as a helpful and time-destitute as the Torah has referenced seeing an individual ‘s tzitzit, and one couldn’t see them in the fogginess of the night, anyway fairly just in daytime. Generally, ladies are not required to finish positive and time-subordinate statutes yet rather may perform them if they decide to ends change whether ladies may make blessings in such discretionary statutes. With everything taken into account, the Ashkenazi women make the blessings, and the Sephardic women don’t.

Most present-day experts limit the wearing of tallit by women, despite the way that Moshe Feinstein, Eliezer Melamed, and Joseph Soloveitchik bolster ladies wearing tzitzit in furtively gave that their motivations are to the reason for God over the motivations actuated by sure outside advancements like lady’s privileges and not as showed by the estimations of Judaism.

Tzitzit Strings for sale and the Path toward Putting the Tzitzit on the Piece of attire.

All over the place, four strings are drifted through the opening, and wrap down on the various sides, giving the proximity of eight enhancements for each corner. The upper 1/3 of enrichments is a development of five two-wrinkle ties, isolated one from another with four windings sets. Underneath the base pack, the remaining 2/3 of each string hangs unreservedly. Each section of windings and bundles ought to around one inch or 2.5 cm. for a total of four downers of windings and bundles and 8 slithers of free-hanging strings.

The opening in each corner must connect with two slithers from the edge to fulfill the scriptural need that it should be on the pieces of attire. In the event that there ought to be an event of corner tears, it is regularly fixed.

The Menorah with its developing splendor was in reality a wonderful thing, and enlivened grandiose contemplations. Where to buy menora, he set to work and with a specialist hand outlined a plan for a Menorah which to present to his youngsters the next year. He made a free adaption of the theme of the eight arms of equivalent stature which anticipated from the focal stem to one side and to one side, each pair on a similar level. He didn’t see himself as bound by the unbending customary structure, however made again straightforwardly from nature, unconcerned with different elucidations which, obviously, kept on being no less substantial on that record. What he was going for was lively magnificence.


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4 Reasons Why You Should Install Solar Panels for Your Home in New Mexico Today

We can’t live without electricity. Our appliances make our lives more comfortable. Our refrigerators can preserve our food longer. Our air conditioner protects us from the harmful heat during the dry summer, and the list goes on.

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With the electricity demands increasing every year, electricity costs will steadily increase in the future, and with the changes in the environment and non-renewable sources, who knows what energy consumption prices would look like in ten or twenty years. That is why solar panels might be a future-proof investment for your family.

Here’s why you should install solar panels for your home in New Mexico today.

New Mexico Solar Tax Credits

The government acknowledges the benefits of renewable energy. That is why the local state has new Mexico solar tax credits providing incentives for early adopters. You have to act fast because it would not last very long.

For 2019, the new Mexico solar tax credits amount to 30% dollar-for-dollar credit for eligible solar installations and equipment. And it reduces year by year until 0% in 2022. Here is the tax breakdown schedule for both residential and commercial:

  • 2019: 30% tax credit (for both residential and commercial)
  • 2020: 26% tax credit (for both residential and commercial)
  • 2021: 22% tax credit (for both residential and commercial)
  • 2022: 0% tax credit (for residential) and 10% tax credit (for commercial)

And it is easy to claim your tax credits. It may even reduce your tax obligations for this year significantly. Just follow this guide to claim it.

It Pays for Itself

If you invest in safe financial instruments like certificates of deposits and money market funds, solar panels are the right investment for you.

According to recent data, the average consumption per household in New Mexico is around 7280 kWh per year ($900 per year). That is about 610 kWh per month, which is estimated at 75$ (roughly 11.37cents/kWH).

What is good is that the cost of solar power has significantly dropped compared to before. If your consumption is in the average range, you need a 6 kWh solar panels to power your home. It costs around $13,711 after the New Mexico solar tax credits and zero gross-receipt tax.

Give or take, you will get at least 10-15% savings from your current bill.

Your Home Appreciates in Value

The gains don’t stop on your monthly bills. Installing solar panels will also increase the value of your home. According to a study by Berkely Lab, home buyers are willing to pay $15,000 premium for a house with an average size solar panel system. It is a worth-it addition to your portfolio.

Save the Environment

We only have one Earth in our lifetime. Aside from the financials, we owe it to ourselves to protect our planet. The continuous use of non-renewable sources like fossil fuels has detrimental effects on climate change. By using solar panels, we are contributing to solve this problem.

Check Your Usage

You can check your monthly electricity usage in the billing statement. Look for “Kilowatt Hours Used” to find a ballpark figure for your consumption. If you want exact prices, you can request a quote from reliable solar panel providers customized for your needs.

With that, enjoy the fruits of your new-found investment.


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Stay ahead of your competitors with custom made software,

Stay ahead of your competitors with custom made software

Over the last twenty years, technology has made significant progress, especially in the field of IT. That’s why customized software products and operational systems drive business efficiency in organizations around the world. If you want to know the advantages of bespoke software don‘t hesitate to get in touch with us at MEMOS Software, s. r. o. – a leading software development company from the Czech Republic.

Advantages of bespoke software

Memos software will help you to simplify and accelerate an entire spectrum of processes in your organization. Our highly motivated team of experts will ensure that the final product meets your specific needs and wishes. As a result, you will receive a software that will effectively enhance your staff’s work by preventing mistakes caused by poor attention, which usually occur during repetitive administrative tasks.

Providing Expert IT Support

Although based in Prague, Memos software development company Prague offers its services all across the world. Aside from creating excellent customized software, we deliver brilliant software support too. Our expert IT support allows you to upgrade or modify your software at any time, as well as ensure that your systems are secure and cost-effective. If you encounter any problems, we will be there to fix it as soon as possible.

Why choose Memos Software?

Would you like intuitive and intelligible software that meets the criteria of a perfect and functioning system? Look no further. Czech software development company Memos is the right choice for you. Our expertise comes from more than fifteen years of experience in the field of IT. We supply to over 1000 happy customers all across the world and we have also introduced many of our own successful products that help businesses around the world every day.

Get software that will become your competitive advantage.


What is the Purpose of a Financial Plan?

Poor planning in personal finance is everywhere. Statistics show that approximately 79.8 percent of U.S. employees live paycheck to paycheck to meet their ends.

Interestingly, a study by Bankrate further revealed that 23 percent of Americans have no emergency funds, and an additional 22 percent only have three months in emergency savings. This is why it is essential to get a Financial Advisor who will help you draw up a financial plan.

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Generally, a financial plan will not only provide you with a comprehensive analysis of your situation, but it also enables you to reach your goals and objectives. Creating a strategy gives you a roadmap to see the big picture and map out your financial future.

Usually, financial plans include saving and investing, debt repayment, insurance, taxes, estate planning, and retirement planning. Also, it consists of an income statement, cash flow statements, and balance sheets.

More often than not, a financial advisor will assist you in determining your portfolio by taking into account information like regulatory changes, economic trends, and personal preferences. Doing so will enable you to monitor your expenses, spending patterns, and consider investments to enhance your general financial well-being.

Likewise, a financial plan also increases cash flow, thus, ensuring a significant uptick in the capital that can prove beneficial in difficult times. Best of all, the appropriate financial plan acts as a guide in helping you select investments that fit your goals, needs, and personality.

Can a Financial Advisor Help With Debt?

A reliable financial advisor from Carson Wealth can help you set a budget and come up with a debt repayment plan that will expedite the speed of paying your debt. Moreover, financial advisors can also negotiate favorable terms on your credit cards by lowering interest rates and monthly payments.

Financial advisors also ease the management of cash flow to ensure that you can pay all creditors. Verify with the Better Business Bureau before hiring a financial advisor to ensure quality planning.

What is the Difference Between Financial Advisors and Financial Planners?

Financial advisors and financial planners are titles that are usually interchanged. However, bear in mind that they refer to distinctive capabilities and offerings.

Unlike advisors, financial planners are a kind of advisors who specialize in developing an in-depth plan by evaluating your current financial standing and providing recommendations. They also hold licenses and certifications that enable them to handle education funding and retirement planning.

How to Find the Best Financial Advisors?

Always use a curated process in finding a financial advisor who you can work with for years. While finding the appropriate firm or person may take some time, the investment of time is also worth the wait in terms of ensuring financial freedom.

Seek for financial advisors with certificates like College for Professional Traning (CFP), Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), and Personal Financial Specialist (PFA). Usually, advisors obtain these credentials by passing a test that demonstrates effectiveness in a specific field.

Besides that, advisors are also required to follow an ethics policy and meet requirements to maintain such designation. Asking for references and past clients will also help you get an idea of the skills and capabilities of an advisor.

Furthermore, you should also verify their records by checking the CFP Board, Security and Exchange Commission (SEC), and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) to ensure legitimacy. Get some legitimate financial advisor today at Carson Wealth.


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What to Consider Before Hiring a Plumbing Contractor

Finding a plumber is no longer a complicated task with the World Wide Web. All you have to do is probe via search engines for the list of available contractors within the vicinity. After one click, all the overly eager plumbing contractors will surface right before your very eyes.

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The advantage is that you can choose from these many different contractors offering Emergency Plumbing Services. A wide variety of service offerings can ensure that you are in charge of the situation. The downside, however, is that you can get confused as to who among these many plumbers can serve your needs best.

In that case, it’s essential to know what needs to be done and who can deliver the best services.

Choose those who can offer added-value.

If you believe you know what it takes to get the best out of any service offered by contractors, think again. Way back when the competition was not this steep, consumers typically settle for whoever is available.

As there are so many freelance contractors flocking in, hiring the best one to suit your needs becomes an inevitable challenge. To help you choose, here are some tips you can consider before you hire a professional to take care of your plumbing needs.

Know the services you need

The first step in hiring the best people to do a specific job is to get down to the bottom of the problem and know what needs to be remedied. The cure will only come in once the doctor declares his prognosis. Ergo, identify the problem first. Never make the mistake of assuming. Try to validate complaints of your family or housemates and possible ways to fix them.

Identify who can give the best cure.

The next step before finalizing your choice of contractor to offer emergency plumbing services is to identify the people who can help you solve your problem. Once the prognosis is out, narrow down the possible cures. Once you have identified the problem areas in your house, track down the experts who can handle the problem instead of worsening it

Consider value over price.

Do not hesitate to spend your money on the best services. Remember that contracting people for services is similar to buying goods. Goods and services of excellent quality come at a reasonable price. There’s no such thing as free lunch these days. So if you want to get the best, you have to pay the price.

Come up with a shortlist of plumbers you want to work with

Now that you have identified what needs to be done, contact the best plumbers in town. If you don’t know anyone yet, skim through the yellow pages of your telephone directory or go online and do a Google search. Better again, ask your neighbors or your friends for a referral.

Through these, you will ensure that the people you contract are indeed the cream of the crop because they were advertised through referrals. After all, friends won’t tell you to hire the same plumbers they’ve had a bad experience with, right?

Who can you hire with a proven track record?

If you’re still unsure who to hire, contact Payless 4 Plumbing. Aside from a proven track record, the company offers 24-hour emergency service. Regardless of what time you need them to repair your leaking pipes and faulty piping system, they’re ready!

Call them at +1-800-220-0209 now or book a consultation through their website.


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Selecting the Right Parking Lot Striping Paint

Parking lot striping provides a way to organize traffic flow in a parking area. It uses clearly-marked parking stalls and areas for vehicles to park.

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A practical parking stripe layout has durable and identifiable line striping for stalls, arrows for the entrance and exit, directional arrows and more. You should use paint that is easily visible in any weather and any time of the day for the striping to be effective.

Selecting the Right Parking Lot Striping Paint

Choosing the right parking lot striping paint is critical in creating an effective layout. There are several brands of paint available in the market today. These paint types include water-based acrylics, solvent-based alkyd resin paints, solvent-based chlorinated rubber, and many more.

The diluent for solvent-based paints is the mineral spirit, while water is the diluent for its water-based counterpart. The most common paint used in parking lot striping is water-based acrylic. Water-based acrylic paints are durable, have high brightness and visibility, and are environment-friendly.

Properties of a Good Parking Lot Striping Paint

To be effective, a parking lot striping paint should have the following features:

1. Durability

Parking lot striping paints are exposed to the weather. They endure the coldness of winter and the heat of summer. The components of the paint react to harsh weather conditions. They expand when the weather is hot and shrink when the weather is cold. An effective paint must be able to last for at least five or more years without any visible weathering.

2. Brightness

Nighttime and bad weather conditions are challenges to engineers who design parking stripe layouts. The paint they use must be visible to drivers to avoid unnecessary parking mishaps in parking areas. The brightness of the paint influences the visibility of these parking stripes.

3. Material

Some paints are designed to be used in concrete. Others are appropriate for painting on asphalt. The content of the paint must match the surface of the parking lot area it is applied. If the paint is not compatible with the parking lot surface, this will result in unwanted chafing and weathering.

4. Availability

Choose parking striping paints that are readily available in your locality. It will cost you additional dollars if you need to transport the paint. In the same way, it will also save you the trouble of having to stop the project because the paint supply has run out.

5. Cost

A standard cost to line stripe parking lots would only cost 20 to 30 cents per linear foot. An 18 feet and 4 inches wide line stripe would cost $4 to $6. For curbs, it would be 60 to 70 cents per linear foot. Other fees also include the materials and the worker’s expense. If the project is big, you can try offering it to bidders to reduce the cost. Make sure to do your research on each service provider to ensure quality.

Paint striping is critical in parking lot management. Choosing the right paint to use is important. Consult your local hardware personnel if you do not know what to choose.


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Finding the Right Financial Advisor to Help in Your Retirement Plan

You may be one of the million people who want to retire early but are having second thoughts due to a lack of savings. Don’t worry. You can still make a retirement plan and save for your retirement.

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Can I retire yet?” is the question that most people ask whenever they experience sickness and boredom from work. According to a U.S. Census Bureau retirement survey, the average retirement age of Americans is when they’re 62 years old.

Almost 50% of the retirees leave their jobs earlier than planned due to issues like disabilities and severe health conditions. As a result, many of them have no sufficient savings or a source of income during their idle years.

As per the Economic Policy Institute, the median savings for the retirement of all families within the working-age bracket stand at just $5,000. No wonder there are millions of Americans who work beyond their retirement age due to financial needs.

How to Save for Your Retirement

“Can I retire yet?” can be a difficult question to answer. However, don’t let this question linger in your mind forever. You must take the initiative to plan your retirement now. If you have just started working, make an effort to save as much as you can, and invest. If you are already at the twilight of your job, you may increase your savings contributions or delay your Social Security. Here are other tips to prepare for your retirement.

  • Set a goal– Start saving now and set benchmarks as a challenge and motivation towards your retirement goals. In calculating, you should factor in an inflation rate of 4% as a safety net.
  • Limit your spending– Examine where your money goes and find ways to save wherever possible. You can bring lunch to work, limit the use of house appliances, or negotiate for a lower car insurance rate.
  • Contribute to your 401(k) plan– Make sure to accept a 401(k) plan if your employer offers it. It is an effective way to save money with minimal impact on your pocket.
  • Apply for an IRA account– Establish an individual retirement account (IRA) as another nest egg. You can choose either a traditional IRA or a Roth IRA based on your income or whether you have a company retirement plan.
  • Invest your surplus money– Look for other feasible investment vehicles like the stock market or business endeavors. You can seek the advice of credible financial planners to help you.

How to Determine the Best Financial Advisor for You

To effectively manage your finances, you should find a financial planner who can work with you for the long term. You should use a disciplined procedure in your search to make sure you’ll find the right company or consultant. Here are some tips for deciding the best advisor for your needs.

  1. Know the types of financial advisors– Wealth managers have different expertise in fields like investment advisory services, retirement income planning, and financial planning. You should pick an advisor based on the guidance you need.
  2. Validate their credentials– Before hiring, check the records of your shortlisted advisors with the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC), the CFP Board, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), and their membership organizations.
  3. Determine their fees- Know how the advisors charge for their services. Keep in mind that the most credible and impartial ones offer fee-only compensation.
  4. Be aware of fraud risks– Learn how to identify advisors with bad intentions.

Planning for retirement is one way to live a secure future and a better quality of life. By taking action now, you can achieve the retirement life you envision.


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