Top best under $300 smartphones you can buy!

Top best under $300 smartphones you can buy!

The latest Apple and Samsung smartphones can cost at least $900, but that doesn’t mean you have to pay hefty fees to get a new solid phone in your hands.

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The options to consider are endless and for a fraction of the above price you can find one with the hardware we usually see at flagships. But you have to sacrifice a little in the camera and screen department with the budget options of Motorola, Nokia, Samsung and Apple.

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This is our selection of budget options for $300 or less.

#1. Motorola Moto G7

At just $250, the Moto G7 is definitely a budget phone but it doesn’t look like it. The Moto G7 has two 12-megapixel and 5-megapixel rear cameras.

Motorola Moto G7
Motorola Moto G7

It also has an almost 6.2-inch HD+ screen with no frame at all in line with the design of some high-end smartphones. Click here for the full details!

#2. Samsung Galaxy A7

While three-lens cameras are becoming a standard in flagships, Samsung brought this setup to the budget Galaxy A7 model. It costs $260 and has three cameras including a 120-degree wide-angle.

Samsung Galaxy A7
Samsung Galaxy A7

By comparison, the Galaxy S10 has a 123-degree wide-angle camera. The Galaxy A7 screen is 6-inch 2280× 080 pixels and 24-megapixel front camera. But it comes with micro USB port instead of USB-C. Also the two additional cameras are only 5 and 8-megapixel in size. Full details here!

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#3. Nokia 7.1

The screen is almost bazel-less. But the second camera is only 5-megapixels.

Nokia 7.1
Nokia 7.1

Nokia’s Android phone has a 5.8-inch screen, just like the iPhone XS. It has a dual camera system and costs $300. Comes in two 32GB and 64GB variants and just like the A7 it has a 3.5mm headphone port. Full details here!

#4. Xiaomi Pocophone F1

For $300 you get the power of a true flagship because Xiaomi‘s phone has the Snapdragon 845 processor. As it’s been a year since its debut, consumers are eagerly awaiting the Pocophone F2.

Xiaomi Pocophone F1
Xiaomi Pocophone F1

The phone has 6GB or 8GB of RAM, a 6.18-inch 1080×2246 display, and two 12-megapixel and 5-megapixel rear cameras. What should differentiate it from the aforementioned alternatives is the unmatched performance of a flagship processor.

What’s more, it has USB-C and 18W fast charging. 

#5. Apple iPhone SE

Apple iPhone SE may be three years old but if you are an iOS fan and have a limited budget this remains a solution. The iPhone SE starts at $250 and doesn’t have all of Apple’s flagship stunt. But the specifics are good and updated to iOS 13 this fall. Remember this is for the low-budget Apple faithful.

Apple iPhone SE
Apple iPhone SE

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So this is our list of top 5 best budges phones under $300. Hope you found it useful. Please let us know your thoughts in the comment section below, follow us on twitter and facebook for more news and updates.


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Top Ways to Make Your Car More Eco-Friendly

Going green today has become a way of life for responsible people. One can try every possible opportunity to reduce their carbon footprint.  A major cause of concern, however, is the car you drive because cars and eco-friendliness do not necessarily go hand-in-hand and buying a green car with tier 4 final approval is not an option for all.

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However, the situation is not so dismal. You can adopt easy habits that can make your conventional car reduce emissions and make them go easy on the environment. Check out a few proven ways to make your gas-guzzler more eco-friendly irrespective of its model, make or year.

  • Replace the engine to a modern version

Since 2008, the EPA made it mandatory for all vehicles to be tier 4 final compliant, which reduces toxic emissions by about 80 percent. While it may not be possible for all cars because of the available space constraints, it can be achieved in a few select models. If your engine is swapped to a modern tier four complaint ones, you can make a major move towards a healthier environment.

  • Do not drive with under-inflated tires

Most of us do not bother about tire pressure and end up driving with under-inflated tires but they do not roll as efficiently as their fully inflated counterparts. This makes fuel consumption go up as the engine has to work harder to yield the same power and performance, making your tire reach its death early. Hence, by checking and maintaining the recommended pressure of the tires, you can save fuel, your tires and reduce polluting emissions.

  • Invest in eco-friendly tires

Very few people are aware that you have the option of eco-friendly tires available in the market. They are crafted from eco-friendly materials such as synthetic rubber blends and have a far improved rolling resistance that reduces gas emissions, thereby boosting gas mileage. They are of a higher quality and a much better choice to adopt.

  • Get regular tune-ups

A regular tune-up of your car is the easiest way to increase its fuel economy, reliability and longevity. The oil in the car is used repeatedly, making it turn viscous which reduces its lubricating properties and does not facilitate the smooth movement of the engine components. Regular tune-ups reduce the resistance and ensure a smoother performance. It can easily boost your gas mileage by four percent and improve fuel efficiency by forty percent.

  • Fix the fuel system

There are plenty of components in a fuel system like the fuel pump, filters, lines, injectors, etc And if any of them is faulty, it reduces fuel efficiency. Getting them checked, maintained, and serviced regularly will reduce the carbon footprint significantly. The smell of the fuel near your car is a sure shot indicator of the fuel system going haywire.

  • Drive slower

Driving fast might look like a fashionable thing, but it’s a waste of your money and increases the pollutants emitted by your car. Driving slowly will earn you fewer traffic tickets, increase your fuel efficiency and mileage, as well as reduce the risk of an accident.

Wrapping up

There are plenty of other steps that you can take to reduce the carbon footprint of your car like keeping your car-load light, using a greener car wash, getting your emission system checked and maintained, etc. It takes just a few healthy habits to drive more greenly.


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8 travel tech tips for frequent fliers

Travel can be a life-enhancing experience.

Whether you find yourself jetting off most often for work or pleasure, you’ll meet fascinating new people, immerse yourself in interesting cultures, absorb awesome knowledge and emerge from this cathartic process a better person for it.

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But the practicalities of travel often curb your enthusiasm. You’re hassled by things like getting to the airport on time, finding a parking space, struggling through security and, once you arrive, avoiding getting lost if you don’t know the lingo.

Enter technology in all its problem-solving glory – there’s now almost certainly an app, website or gadget that can make your business trip or vacay smooth, calm and cool.

With that in mind, here are 8 travel tech tips for frequent fliers.

  1. Power pack

Once your gadgets run out of juice, the fun’s over – but buy an Anker PowerCore 20100 and you can charge your iPhone, iPad Mini or Android multiple times, super-fast.

  1. Cable control

Digital devices come with many unwieldy cables, but the JanSport Digital Burrito wraps up all of your cords, headphones and charging accessories neatly so they can be stashed safely in your backpack.

  1. Mobile Wi-Fi

Wi-Fi’s more widespread than ever, but there are still a few frustrating blackspots where you’ll be incommunicado – unless you’ve got a mobile hotspot like the Verizon Jetpack MiFi 8800L. It connects you to the powerful Verizon network for an impressive 24 hours between charges.

  1. Teensy-weensy steam iron

If you’re traveling state to state or abroad on business, you’ll want that power outfit to be properly pressed prior to important meetings. So pack the Steamfast SF-717 travel steam iron – it’s barely bigger than your hand, has dual voltage and a non-stick plate and ensures you look razor-sharp.

  1. Wheely good luggage

Pack proficiently and you can avoid the trouble of check-in luggage for a flying business trip – this can be facilitated by investing in Micro Luggage from This 26 liter capacity hand luggage with kickstand that lets you zoom to your gate is just as handy as it sounds.

  1. Find flights fast

When you want to find the best choice of flights fast, look no further than the famous Skyscanner app. It’s been around for eons in digital terms, but still outperforms its competitors and serves you up the perfect choices for your budget and desired dates.

  1. AI Translator

Learning a few key phrases of the local language at your destination prior to traveling is always wise, but an AI translator tool like the Naver Papago can fill in the gaps should you struggle with the fine points on arrival. It enables easy conversations with locals and translates text in photos.

  1. Parking locator

Getting to your departure airport in your own ride is often more convenient than public transport and you’ll arrive feeling less antsy after cruising in the comfort of your own environment. You’ll need to stow your car somewhere safe though – find airport parking at for Orlando, Ontario and practically every other US air hub.

That’s our list! Share your travel tech tips in the comments section.


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3 Tips to Getting Started with Video Content Creation

Content creation is quickly becoming a popular method of connecting with others online. Creators can flex their skills in various areas such as video and music to attract a following in different communities. If you are interested in giving video content creation a try, consider the following methods of approach.

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Travel Videos

A great way to get started with content creation is to document your traveling experiences. This gives you the opportunity to share your journeys with others while also keeping a video record of places you have visited. Consider using a drone such as the Phantom 4 which gives you the ability to capture amazing videos from a bird’s eye view of places you’re visiting. This offers a unique perspective of areas that can be appealing even to those who regularly visit the locations you are documenting.

Sports Videos

You can use a variety of sports-friendly cameras to capture live action at its finest. Strap on a camera for an adventurous ride down a nearby mountainside or take video on your next whitewater rafting trip. These high-intensity videos provide viewers an opportunity to feel the excitement you are experiencing while engaging in a multitude of extreme sports.

Video Blogs

For those who prefer more traditional content creation set-ups, video blogs (also known as vlogs) may be right for you. Clear out a designated area for shooting blogs and make sure that it is free of any personal items or mess you don’t want to be included in your video. Make sure you have good lighting in the area. Pick topics that are relevant to your target community’s interests. You can do anything from daily blogs that cover your thoughts to more activity-specific blogs, such as a weekly cooking vlog.

Let’s Play Videos

If you are an active gamer, you can consider Let’s Play videos. Let’s Play videos consist of recorded gameplay that is often accompanied by voice narration that is either taken during gameplay or added later. Let’s Play videos are an excellent opportunity to both provide a sense of community when gaming in addition to giving insight to various tips and tricks. Creators can take various approaches, such as providing walkthroughs for different games or simply providing viewers an opportunity to experience the game with the content creator’s persona. For creators who are uncomfortable with voice narration, there is also the option to create a gameplay video sans commentary.

With the right tools and motivation, you can create quality videos that can attract like-minded viewers.


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Data Quality Management Tips for Better Business

Many components are required to function properly in order to maximize a company’s bottom line. Arguably the most important aspect of an organization is the company’s data. Data is used to perform a variety of important business functions and is essential in retaining a company’s reputation. If the data’s quality is compromised in any way, there can be devastating effects that linger with the native organization for years on end.

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What is Data Quality?

The quality of data refers to the assessment of a data’s readiness to perform the functions of the business that is in. There are numerous aspects to a data that determines whether or not it is high or low in quality. This can range from its completeness and recency to its accuracy and reliability. Constant checks have to be put in place in order to ensure that the data is ready for use. This is where the importance of data quality management comes into play.

What is Data Quality Management?

The management of data quality is a multi-faceted process that involves setting performance targets, establishing rules for the data’s use and performing many other security checks. This is a necessary cycle that all businesses have to undergo in order to preserve its most important asset. While it can be a tedious process at times, it is a necessary thing to do considering the long-term benefits of constantly using high quality data. Fortunately, there are many ways that a business can go about improving their management of data.

Management Methods

One of the first things that any business should do is create a data quality firewall. Seeing as how data is a company’s most important financial asset, it has to be protected at all costs. Oftentimes, bad data has the capacity to travel quickly and impact business functions. However, building a firewall will be able to detect this bad data if it enters the system. It can also detect corrupt data and send it back to the source that it came from so it can be properly rectified.

Forming a data governance board is also something all businesses should seek to do, because this board will be able to define new targets, analyze the status of the quality of data constantly and drive certain measurements. This board can also be directly linked with data stewards that you can appoint. These are roles specialized to those who will control the integrity of the data embedded in the system already. However, it is imperative that these stewards are selected specifically from the business units, because they will have the best understanding of how the data relates to business functions and the needs of the organization. This increases the chances that a business will always have access to high quality data.

Another important tip that many businesses tend to look over is making sure that it is the business themselves handle the quality of data and not delegate that responsibility to the IT team. This is because it is the business unit ho are the primary users of the data and will have a better first-hand knowledge of its contents. In doing so, better methods of utilizing the data can be adopted, and data that improves business functions can be used at the organization’s disposal.

As you can see, using high quality data is essential for any business to thrive in today’s market. Follow some of these management tips, and you will see any business improve in their daily functions.


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Photo booths for weddings are becoming a thing today

A wedding is one of the most treasured events in a person’s life. Wrapping it up with quality and super clarity in video and pictures keeps the feeling as new as the day you were getting married. For many couples, it is vital to have friends and family talk about your wedding event and how everything fell in place. What to better to sum it all up than having wedding photographers capture every moment with style? There are many ways of engaging creative photography at a wedding, for instance, by using creative wedding booth ideas. So how do you get it right and not ruin your day with booth photography?

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Booths will meet your expectations if you do it right

An exhibit booth rental is among the solutions for some of your wedding photos and videos. It starts by getting the right photographer and videographer and understanding their method. Then, you need to share your expectations and work towards getting the right booths. Rental photo booths often come with professional and video editors. With a professional touch, your wedding will match the quality of experience you ever had in your mind.
For several years photography has not been given the respect it deserves. This lack of respect is because of its manipulation by a few individuals. These individuals never placed any consideration of how the real thing should look like. They never gave weddings a reason to last longer or even encourage the others to follow in the footsteps.

The perfect photos

It is important to note that when you involve the right team at your wedding. This way, you ensure they will not only do it for business but also their passions. Besides, they would have to do a good job to get the next client from your wedding. Unlike any other photos and portraits, wedding photography needs more attention. Think of the resolutions of the camera, high tech sites, among others. You can bypass the most common rule that says ‘you get what you pay for.`
Even if this is your second marriage or if you are looking for a way to celebrate your anniversary, and give it a unique style that may match the initial feeling. Find the right team of wedding photographers, and ensure the team documents your memories in the best way possible.

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Find professionals who love doing what they do. These guys will give their best to make sure that your event turns out to be the most colorful you have ever attended. If you are in plans of having, an event that you wish to keep memories about, it is important to consider working with people you can trust. Ensure that they can walk you down that memorial aisle to ensure that it lasts forever. A professional team is reliable and convenient. They promise to be there on your wedding grounds during the preparation sessions to make sure all activities in the day are captured exceptionally well on camera


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Protect Your Company Privacy with VPNs

How to Protect Your Company Privacy with VPNs

Your company information must be well protected! Read below how to secure your company privacy through VPN.

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With an average security breaking cost of $4 million, only a few companies on the planet can afford it without a problem. A business VPN can protect the privacy of your company. A VPN securely connects every company device, whether local (on-site) or not (off-site). This allows users to avoid fraud by “fishing” schemes, international perpetrators, and even competitors.

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Here are some ways a VPN can protect your company.

Improves Cyber ​​Security

Securing internet lines and firewalls is not enough to protect the millions of users who have been attacked in recent years. Antivirus protection is just as good as the people who programmed it and the users who updated it. A large percentage of malicious software and viruses can penetrate antivirus without any problem.

Improves Cyber ​​Security
Improves Cyber ​​Security

Most internet connections have no security or encryption unless the data is sent over VPN.

Using VPN enables any user to encrypt data from start to finish. By protecting sensitive customer information, internal documents and employee communication, VPNs can save company money. This improved security guarantees that information does not “leak” and that companies keep their secrets intact.

Lost trade secrets cost millions. Just ask Sonny for more.

Secure Data Sharing and without risk

Within colleagues or businesses, data is shared between different groups all the time. Without a business VPN, data is easily vulnerable to pirate attacks.

Secure Data Sharing and without risk
Secure Data Sharing and without risk

Documents attached to emails, document storage services or any network outside the company’s own control must be encrypted. Using a business VPN, you can have all Internet communication encrypted. In these cases, only allowed users and with the right key can decrypt and use the data.

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Business VPNs help avoid important data retrieval cases we’ve heard in the news in recent years.

Internet Censorship Can Lower Productivity

If you or your staff travel or work in countries that apply Internet censorship (eg China, Turkey, Russia, etc.), this can make it challenging to get the job done. Employees need to avoid any obstacles in order for their work to progress and they succeed in doing what they do best. Not only do VPN providers allow for a fast connection, but users can select locations from where their connection needs to be shown where it is coming from.

Internet Censorship Can Lower Productivity
Internet Censorship Can Lower Productivity

For companies that create products or services that are not allowed in some countries, VPN allows easy and simple access.

In some countries, Google, email or even Youtube access is restricted. Connecting to a US or European VPN allows you full access and functionality without overriding censorship.

Using VPN Can Save Your Company

Whether or not you had any of the above problems, leaving your company vulnerable to pirate attacks is risky and costly. An attack can lead to the whole system being stolen or intercepted by your competitors. Instead of discarding your work, keep company secrets with VPN.

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That’s all! Hope you found this article about how to protect your company privacy with VPNs useful! Please lets us know your thoughts in the comment section below, follow us on twitter and facebook for more news and updates.


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Vaping- An Efficient Alternative To Smoking

Research has shown that vaping can help you quit smoking. Giving up smoking is a slow process and you crave nicotine while you try to give up smoking, this is where vaping helps. It is not yet FDA approved as a quit smoking treatment but it has proved to be a viable alternative for individuals who do not benefit from conventional treatments.

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Vapes help you quit smoking

E-cigarette and vapes are considered as an ideal alternative for smoking. When you consume nicotine through Pax 3 Vape, the device mimics the feel of real smoking and you will feel fixated on the oral sensation. Vapes allow people to puff while reducing the consumption of nicotine. When you vape, you can get the nicotine that you crave and it will help you work on lesser levels. You can also cut down on the nicotine level and vape only when the body looks for a feeling of puffing a cigarette. You will not have to live with the fear of getting hooked on nicotine. The device can satiate your craving for nicotine and there is a huge selection of liquids that will give you the high you seek. You can enhance your vaping experience after you find a device that best suits you. 

Enjoy the flavors

Many people turn to vaping because of the large clouds they can produce or for a strong nicotine hit. Vaping can also give you a number of flavors that traditional cigarettes cannot. Vaping provides flavors ranging from tobacco, pies, cakes, fruit smoothies, alcohol and cereal. There are endless options for you to choose from. Vape Nitro has everything you might need to satisfy your craving. Excellent tasting flavors are not totally dependent on the quality of e-liquid, however, this is an important factor. The type of device you own will have a significant impact on how you experience the flavors. 

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There are first and second generation vaping decries that create minimal amount of flavor and there are vape pens which provide a moderate flavor. In order to better experience the taste, you can try new models that are long-lasting and easy to use. Vapes allow you to adjust the temperature as per your needs so that you get the best flavors. If you want flavor, you can opt for vapes with lower resistance. They come with larger coils which means more e-liquid can come in contact with the wicks and it can be heated at one time. 

If you are vaping to get rid of your cigarette addiction, you need to enjoy the entire process. Choose a device that you are most comfortable with and then opt for an e-liquid that has your favorite flavor. As a beginner, you might want to experiment with different flavors and temperatures until you find the one that you absolutely enjoy. You will realize that the craving for nicotine eventually dies down and you begin to enjoy the process of vaping.

Author Bio:

Sophie Read is working with Outreach Monks as a freelancer. Her expertise in marketing and project management has helped many companies grow exponentially. With a keen eye for upcoming technologies and the latest news on gadgets, she has contributed to emerging industries.


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Do you need an antivirus on Android? What about on the iPhone?

Do you need an antivirus on Android? What about on the iPhone?

Everyone knows that an antivirus is necessary for the computer. There are endless malware and viruses ready to steal even the smallest information from your computer.

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But have you ever wondered if our smartphones or tablets also need antivirus? what about iPad? BlackBerry or Windows Phone?

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The simple answer is: Yes. You need some kind of security app for your smartphone and tablet. All these devices have security issues. But how possible it is to face malware on these platforms depends on the type of device you use.

Malware on Android and Antiviruses

Malware on Android and Antiviruses
Malware on Android and Antiviruses

Android app stores, including Google Play, have always had issues with security and malware penetration. Even with the introduction of Google Play Protect and the rise of Google Play security measures, Android malware has managed to penetrate despite the situation improving.

One of the biggest threats is Ransomware. Attacks of this kind are declining on consumers but are increasing on businesses. As a result, the main problems for Android devices remain theft of credentials and information and bad ads.

Protecting your Android smartphone or tablet from malware and ransomware, an antivirus can save you a lot of trouble. In fact, this platform is the biggest mobile malware target. Some reports indicate that 95% of the attacks go to the Android operating system.

Luckily there are some quality security and anti-malware apps on Android. But what matters is how effective an Android antivirus is.

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We recommend that you check out the latest AV-Test Android report for the best antiviruses. Currently Avast Mobile Security, AVG Antivirus Free, Bitdefender Mobile Security, Kaspersky Internet Security, McAfee Mobile Security, Norton Mobile Security, Sophos Mobile Security and Trend Micro Mobile Security have all received the highest points in protection and usage.

You can also install firewall applications for your Android device such as DroidWall. However, most of these applications require administrator privileges exposing them to other risks. Adding a firewall gives you a level of protection given how cybercriminals attack android devices, a firewall is not necessarily needed.

Malware on iPhone and Antiviruses

Malware on iPhone and Antiviruses
Malware on iPhone and Antiviruses

You’ve likely heard people say you don’t need an antivirus or security app on macOS or iOS, but they are totally wrong. You need malware protection on macOS and even iOS.

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The malware situation on the iPhone is different from Android. In fact very different. Apple imposes tougher measures and controls on the App Store and the iOS app development process. In fact, the “Apple wall” reduces the chances of downloading malware to the App Store significantly.

Apple has created iOS from scratch with security in mind. Apps that fully scan the system are not allowed in the App Store. Antivirus applications on the App Store have limited functionality and focus primarily on protecting against malware vulnerabilities, attachments and downloads.

Fortunately this makes them less effective. However if you make your iPhone jailbreak to download apps from stores other than the App Store, you can expose yourself to malware. In other stores, the chances of getting malware are as high as in Android.

The famous KeyRaider malware on the iPhone came from a third-party store and targeted the jailbreak iPhone. Also these phones do not have the latest security updates leaving them vulnerable.

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On iOS, firms that run standalone tests don’t run tests and big antivirus names don’t offer full antivirus apps for iOS

Malware on BlackBerry and Antiviruses

Malware on BlackBerry and Antiviruses
Malware on BlackBerry and Antiviruses

BlackBerry devices can be divided into two camps: those using the BlackBerry (BB) operating system and the latest ones running Android. The latter have the same risks as we described in the Android space.

Those who still have a BlackBerry system installed are also vulnerable to malware. The BB10 is the latest BlackBerry operating system. Currently, at the moment we are writing, it has not received an update in five months. Furthermore support for BB10 will end in 2019.

Chinese company TCL Communications manufactures new generation of BlackBerry phones. TCL is licensed to manufacture devices by this name but all new devices use Android operating system and not BB.

What does this mean in terms of security? Well the number of people using WB is decreasing over time. The number of targets and the cost of attacking the WB is greater. It is therefore less profitable to attack BlackBerry devices.

What’s more, BB10 malware is not as much of an issue as Android and doesn’t get as much attention in testing.

Malware on Windows 10 Mobile and Antiviruses

Malware on Windows 10 Mobile
Malware on Windows 10 Mobile

The successor of Windows Phone 8.1, Windows 10 Mobile has strong connections to the desktop operating system. But Windows 10 Mobile will end on December 10, 2019. Last year’s Autumn update was the last.

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At the end of the support users should switch to an alternative mobile operating system. Windows 10 Mobile will become vulnerable to attacks as the problems to be detected will not be addressed.

You need an antivirus application on mobile devices!

As you can see, whether you need an antivirus application, it depends on your mobile operating system.

If you have an older Android device you should use an antivirus application as this category of Android devices are more exposed. With iOS you have a much safer operating system than Android but installing a security tool for scanning e-mail or download files can help you stay safe online.

As far as BlackBerry and Windows 10 Mobile are concerned, both operating systems are in the end-of-life, and the best option left to you is to switch to an operating system device that receives constant updates.

> Check Out: Android Is Better Than IOS – ? Reasons

That’s all! Hope you made is clear about the need of an antivirus on your mobile device. Please let us know your thoughts in the comment section below. follow us on twitter and facebook for more news and updates.


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How does Artificial Intelligence Work?

“Everything we love about civilization is a product of intelligence, so amplifying our human intelligence with artificial intelligence has the potential of helping civilization flourish like never before – as long as we manage to keep the technology beneficial. “Max Tegmark, President of the Future of Life Institute.

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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is defined as the replication of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and simulate their actions. The goals of artificial intelligence include reasoning, perception, and learning. Artificial Intelligence has the power to rationalize and perform actions that have the highest chance of meeting to a specific objective.

From SIRI to self-driving cars, artificial intelligence (AI) is progressing at a fast rate. While science fiction often portrays AI as robots with human-like characteristics, AI has the potential to comprehend anything from IBM’s Watson to Google’s search algorithms to autonomous weapons.

The term artificial intelligence came into being in 1956 but it has become more well-known today due to its advanced algorithms, improvements in computing storage and power and increased data volumes.

We are surrounded by artificial intelligence (AI) directly or indirectly. The tasks which were earlier reserved for humans are now been taken over by machines. Artificial intelligence would soon be the prominent transformative technology that would change human lives.

One of Britain’s pre-eminent scientists, Professor Stephen Hawking quoted to BBC – “The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race.” He said that the primitive forms of artificial intelligence developed to date has proved a boon but he fears the consequences of making something that can surpass or match human-beings.

Today every field has a high demand for AI capabilities – mainly question answering systems that can be used for risk notification, legal assistance, medical research, and patent searches. AI performs high-volume, frequent, computerized tasks consistently and without fatigue. Artificial intelligence revolution has unimaginable potential, to transform wide-ranging areas that were unimaginable earlier. In short, in the coming years, AI would revolutionize every aspect of our lives.

Artificial Intelligence works by combining large amounts of data with fast, intelligent algorithms and iterative processing, letting the software to learn automatically from features or patterns in the data. A subfield of AI, cognitive computing strives for a usual, human-like interaction with machines.

Since the role of the data is now more important than earlier, it can create a competitive edge. If you have the best quality data in a competitive industry, even if everyone is applying the same techniques, the best data will always win.

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Technologies that support Artificial Intelligence

  • Machine Learning (ML) – It is an application of AI, focusing on the development of algorithms that can analyze data and make predictions. Machine learning (ML) in simple terms is a machine’s capability to learn from the experiences and examples it understands from the data it receives. 
  • Deep Learning – Deep learning originates from Machine learning, which principally focuses on evaluating more layers and layers of patterns of data as in the neural networks of a real human brain. The machines learn from negative and positive reinforcement of the jobs they carry out, which requires continuous processing and reinforcement to progress.

Neural Network – It is a type of (ML) machine learning which is formed of interconnected units (perceived as neurons) that processes information by relaying information between each unit and responding to external inputs. This process analyzes data multiple times to search associations and develop meaning from undefined data.

  • Cognitive Computing – A subfield of AI, cognitive computing that strives for a human-like interaction (natural) with machines. Using cognitive computing and AI, the vital objective is for a machine to mimic human processes through the ability to interpret speech and images – and then revert logically in response.  
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) – NLP is the capability of computers to understand, analyse, and generate human language, including speech. The second stage of natural language processing is natural language interaction, which allows human beings to communicate with computers using normal, day to day language to perform tasks. E.g. Skype Translator, which understands the speech of multiple languages in real-time to facilitate communication.
  • Computer Vision – It is a technique which depends upon deep learning and pattern recognition to identify what’s in a video or picture. When machines can process, scrutinize and understand images, they can capture videos or images in real-time and understand their surroundings.

In addition to the above, there are several technologies which enable and support Artificial Intelligence:

  • Graphical Processing Units or GPUs – They are important enablers to AI as they provide the massive computing power needed for iterative processing. Big data plus compute power is required for training neural networks.
  • The Internet of Things (IoT) – It generates a huge amount of data from the devices connected, most of which are unanalyzed. The internet of things is anticipated to connect over 100 billion devices in the coming future.
  • Advanced Algorithms – These are being developed and pooled in new ways to study more data quicker and at various levels. This intelligent processing is crucial to identify and predict rare events, optimizing unique scenarios and understand complex systems.
  • Application Processing Interfaces (APIs) – Portable packages of code which help to add artificial intelligence functionality to software packages and products. They can add image recognition capabilities to home security systems and question and answer capabilities that describe data, create headlines and captions, or call out motivating patterns and insights in data.

A report generated by Gartner suggests that by 2020, AI would generate an estimated 2.3 million jobs. This figure was calculated by taking into account the 1.8 million jobs made simpler by automation. 

How can you learn AI

Now that you know what AI is and the technologies that use AI, you might be intrigued to learn AI and make a career in it. If that’s the case, this is a great time since more and more organizations are implementing AI for various business processes. There are various ways of learning AI, but the best way of doing it is by opting for an AI training course. Once you complete the course, you will be well-versed with the nuances of AI and it will ensure that you have a great career in the AI industry.

The goal of Artificial Intelligence is to provide software that can reason on input and provide an explanation on output. Although AI is not a replacement for humans it will provide human-like interactions with software and offer decision support for specific tasks.


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