How to Install and Play Retro Games on Your Phone

You can play any game you like on your phone. The simplest method is to go to the Google Play or App Store and download the one you like. But, what if you want to play retro games that wasn’t designed for your device? Obviously, you can’t just download and play them. An easy alternative is to find a game that was ported or adapted to run on Android or iOS platforms. The choice is limited and you can find just a few methods. We will present you a guide which will allow you to play any game on any Smartphone.

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1. Use an emulator

The first step is to download a free emulator that is available at providers such as Gamulator. This is an app that will be installed on your phone like any other app. Yes, you can create a shortcut anywhere you want and you can install as many emulators as you like. They all work in the same way and they have the same purpose. One of the most popular emulators is RetroArch due to its compatibility with countless retro games.

Once you have installed an emulator, you will need the next main thing. Keep in mind that some emulators are designed for one type of retro games only. For instance, you can find an emulator that opens Sega Megadrive games only and it won’t support others.

2. Get the games

Now you can download the games you need. For example, if you want to play NES games, you will download NES emulator. Games are present as the ROM files and they can be downloaded for free from the same website as we mentioned earlier. Place the games on the memory card. You will probably need a lot of space considering these files are usually big in size and they can occupy the entire memory card.

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3. Load and play

Now open an emulator you downloaded and click open or load. Locate the ROM file of the game you want to play and enjoy. The emulator will do all the hard work instead of you and all you need to do is to play. Once you are done, close the game, open another one and continue playing.

These days you can even get controllers that will attach to your smartphone. As a result you get the ability to play the games in the same way as they were developed a while back. The last and not least, keep the phone battery charged in order to skip possible data loss.


This method works on all smartphones and on even older devices. It is free and it can be used literally for any game you like. All you have to do is to choose the compatible emulator and download suitable ROM files. After that, load and play as long as you want. In addition, you can try different emulators to find the one you like the most.


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How to Make Your Workspace Look More Professional and Unique

Renovating your office is one of the most difficult things that you have to cope with at one point in life. This is because the appearance of your office plays a key role when it comes to attracting clients. Therefore, you need to make sure you are doing it perfectly if your office is to look unique while at the same time suiting your style. If you are planning to renovate your workspace, then you have definitely come to the right place.Here are some tips you can rely on whenever you wish to make your office look more professional and unique.

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  • Have a Nice Reception

Most offices tend to look unprofessional when there is no one sitting at the reception. This is because visitors need to be invited by a smiling face the moment they set foot in your office. When your clients feel valued and appreciated, they will have a reason to seek your services again. Therefore, you should make a reception one of your first priorities if you want to get the most out of your business.  Even if you have less space, you should try setting a little desk after which you can hire a happy, sharp person.

  • Consider Your Lighting

It is mandatory that you pay close attention to the lighting system of your office. This is regardless of whether you own an established business or a startup. However, the lighting system should not force you to dig deeper into your pocket if it is to look presentable. Simply go with something simple as long as it offers excellent results. For instance, you can consider making use of a floor lamp as it is going to make your office classy.

  • Have The Right Furniture

As an employer, you need to have the needs of your employees in mind whenever you are setting up your office. This is because employees need to feel comfortable whenever they are working. For this reason, you need to have the right furniture if you are to make their work easy. Therefore, you can opt for a side lounge where your employees are going to relax after spending most of their time behind an art deco desk working. When employees feel relaxed, they will not suffer from work related stress thus improving their performance. In the end, your business is going to benefit big time since things are going according to plan.

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You can make your office look more professional and unique in so many other ways. All you have to do is understand the needs of your clients and employees before incorporating any design in your office.  Furthermore, you need to hire the right team to do the design if you find it hard in managing on your own. It is only then that you will be able to come up with a perfect office design. With such an office, you are set to not only attract clients but also improve the performance of your employees.


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Living Free: 5 Reasons Why You Should Always Know A Lawyer

Don’t move on with the thought that there’s no real reason why you should ever need a lawyer.  It’s dangerous. The legal checks and balances present in the U.S. require an extensive knowledge of the law to successfully navigate many of life’s most challenging situations.  

You may not be under threat of going to prison, but there’s more to living free than simply being outside of the cage.  Check out a brief investigation into a few reasons why you should always maintain a relationship with a lawyer, and learn how to truly live free in regards to the l

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Driving presents unpredictable circumstances

Unless you live in one of the nation’s largest cities, it’s safe to assume you drive.  Driving presents a constant risk of injury. If you are injured in a car accident that wasn’t your fault, you may need a lawyer by your side.  

Not every car accident injury turns into a legal feud, but it’s wise to cover all your legal bases.  Being injured in a car accident can heavily impact your future, and you may need the compensation you are due to keep your head above water.  

Family matters can get hairy at times

Though you said “til death do us part,” your marriage isn’t guaranteed to last throughout your lifetime.  When marriages do fall apart, the ability to have a rational conversation typically follows. If you have children with your soon to be ex, legal support becomes even more vital.  

There are family lawyers who specialize in divorce and custody disputes.  Find a legal professional who has experience handling your particular challenges, and make certain that you come out of the dispute unscathed.  

Legal guidance is necessary for entrepreneurs

Starting your own business requires you to cover many different “bases,” and it’s wise to have a lawyer by your side.  A lawyer is especially helpful when you are officially structuring and creating your business entity.

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If you are ever injured on the job

When you are hired for a job, you fill out a whole bunch of paperwork.  That paperwork often includes a contract that essentially states that as long as you are sober on the job, your employer is liable for your care should you be injured.  

You can’t collect workers’ compensation or disability payments for an on-the-job injury if you were drunk or inhibited in any other way when the accident occurred, so make certain that you uphold your end of the contract.  

Make certain your last wishes are honored

If you have a lot of tangible assets accrued throughout your lifetime, you’ll want to rest assured that they are dispersed according to your wishes after you pass.  Hire a lawyer to assist you in writing up a legal last will and testament, so the law is on your side even after your death.  


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Here's how to stop automatic updates in Windows 10

Here’s how to stop automatic updates in Windows 10

Finally after much criticism of unsustainable updates, the company brought up a feature where users could temporarily stop updating.

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However, Microsoft can only do this for a month, and the feature is designed to help you avoid problematic updates.

In short, you need to be careful about how you use it.

Here’s how to stop automatic updates on Windows 10

  1. Open Settings and navigate to Update and Security
  2. Click on Windows Update
  3. The first option you should search is Pause Updates for 7 Days
  4. If you want to stop the updates for more than that, click Advanced Options below the option.
  5. You will find another Pause Updates field that lets you choose which date you want to post updates in the next 35 days.

One of the reasons why Microsoft does not allow further stoppage of updates is because the company every month sends the security updates needed for the security of your Windows 10 computer.

> Read Next: Kuo: All 2020 iPhone models will have 5G network

So what do you think about this? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below, follow us on twitter and facebook for more news and updates.

neOadviser – TECH

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3 Key Traits of a Successful Business Leader

Many people think leadership as a vocation, but in reality, leadership is a psychological process – to infuse others around to let personal agendas and to cooperate for the good of the group. Organizations are larger, working groups are more organized and complex than those many years ago in which the psychological patterns on which you are still interacting today were originally developed.

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One of the reasons why leadership counts so much is to turn a collection of talented individuals into a coordinating team – but only if it is built in a way to help the team achieve high performances together. And as the secret of performance is engagement/commitment, it takes a leader to engage and motivate subordinates to make it possible. In order to become a successful business Leader like Arviv you should always follow these characteristics. Arviv Toronto is a well known Entrepreneur & Investor from Canada.

Why it matters that a leader engages and motivates his subordinates?

Psychological research shows that engagement is the key factor that determines individual performance – in other words, the extent to which employees think, feel and act in ways that show attachment to the organization. Engaged/motivated employees have energy, pride, enthusiasm and a positive attitude towards work. Organizations whose employees are involved are more profitable and deliver twice as much to shareholders than those whose employees have a low commitment.

3 characteristics of leaders who involve and motivate subordinates:


Even if it can sound a cliché, being a leader is first about the people in your team and then about you. If you manage to help them be better, you will also be a better leader. The flexibility and the way you empathize with the team members to understand their needs, qualities, defects, and abilities that they have to perfect, helps you to be always present, current and “on the go”. People are not perfect, you are not perfect, and team dynamics must be the first thing you think about when you guide the implementation of any project.


Although as a leader you are almost always busy, you must always find time to listen to your team members. Very often a newcomer may think you are giving him too little importance, so be careful to give the same support to each team member.

The leader is the mirror of his team – the performance of those you work with is your performance and vice versa, and this is directly proportional to the trust your people have in your abilities, but also in your confidence. They interact with them, ask for their advice when you have a question or want to learn more and pay attention to their mood. In short, a leader has to position himself as a trusted man who will help them find solutions always, not as a boss who will punish them at the first opportunity.


Of course, courage is needed for anything you do alive, but for a leader courage means, first of all, taking risks that can have repercussions on the entire activity of the team or company. This leads many to remain in a comfort zone that does not evolve in the long run. When you take risks, you have to realize that they are packed with failures and mistakes – be brave and when you have to assume the negative results. Talk to your team members about both success and failure; analyze with them where you are wrong and what you need to correct for future projects. A true leader knows that it’s natural to make mistakes, and he’s always willing to share with others in these experiences..


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How to Find the Best Car Insurance Plan

Finding inexpensive automobile insurance on the internet might seem incredibly simple. Nearly every website claims it has the best rates available. Clearly this can’t be true. It can be practically impossible for the average car owner to compare plan against plan to know if they’re getting the best possible value for the money spent.

Do you invest the hours upon hours necessary to visit every major company’s website, tediously recording the plan details and costs for each one you visit? Do you crawl your way through a complex, chart-riddled comparison site which somehow manages to secretly weight the companies which give them the largest kickback?

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Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a trusted partner you could work with who brought together only the very best of plans so you could compare apples to apples with ease?

Companies vs Companies

It seems sometimes as if there’s a new car insurance provider on every corner of the street. They are all in competition with each other for one basic opportunity – to have you sign up with them and give them your payment. They can angle to hook you with a lower premium, a sweeter set of options, the best customer service, or a variety of other lures.

A customer who does their due diligence can benefit from this competition. If a customer wants a certain kind of feature – for example, towing to a garage within 100 miles of a break-down or accident – the customer can shop around to see which auto insurance company offers the best rates for that feature. The challenge is that there are a number of parameters with any car insurance policy. Figuring out the combination for them all could easily take weeks of effort.

And there’s always the behind-the-scenes issues. No company would ever let you know they are padding their prices because they’re maintaining a building in an expensive city or because their executives have plush offices. That’s where a customer’s research can save them money. But who has time for the hours of work involved?

Compare Quotes from the Comfort of your Phone

Compared with years past, the modern internet world makes it far easier to compare auto insurance plans with each other. But this convenience often comes with its own challenges. In the old days when you visited insurance companies in person, you got a sense for how long they’d been around. For the type of customer service they offered. You could talk with neighbors and friends to get an idea of how frequent problems were.

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In the modern, online world, however, for all you know an online webpage may be run by a teenager in Russia who has created a nice-looking website with his school software. Sure, the plan’s price is cheap – because when your car breaks down on a highway at 2am, nobody answers the phone. And the only garage they work with is located three hundred miles away.

Comparing a variety of insurance plan estimates is not a simple task. And when you add in important factors like the company’s stability, their financial situation, and their customer service history, it could become a full-time job to properly sort them out.

A One-Stop Auto Insurance Solution

Fortunately for the busy vehicle owner, Alliance insurance company has invested years of effort to simplify the chaos. To begin with, they have weeded through the insurance company options to select only the most reliable, cost-effective, and customer-oriented plans on the market. Every plan they offer has been researched and vetted. These are the best options out there.

By simply submitting a single request for a quote, will sort through those top-notch companies to determine which plans meet your specific needs. Whether you want to add in features such as glass coverage, because you live in a wooded neighborhood, or whether you prefer to trim your options down to the bare bones to nurture your finances, the company will customize the perfect plan to keep you safe and protected.

Sign up for cheap auto Insurance quote and discover just how much better your car insurance safety net could be!


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Tech Events To Visit in Singapore

Singapore has become a world leader in technology; 80% of the world’s top 100 tech firms all have headquarters in the city and they continue to increase investment within Asia. In fact Singapore has been rated as 6th in the Bloomberg Innovation Index, above both the USA and Japan. This is why it is the go-to destination for companies and businesses looking to ultimately boost profits through technological innovation. Going to some of the main events is great for networking and could even help drive your business to the next level.

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Techspo Singapore

This year’s Techspo takes place on September 18th and 19th at Marina Sands Convention Center. The event is packed with exhibitors, all trying to show off the future of innovation and technology. It is an educational opportunity to see how Saas, AdTech, Martech, Internet and Mobile tech can impact your business growth and boost profits. Whether you are an entrepreneur or a student, there are inspiring thought leaders and professionals to learn from at Techspo.

World AI Show

If you are interested in cybersecurity, analytics, RPA (robotic process automation), and of course AI, then this show, that runs every July at the Marina Sands Hotel is for you. Currently 50% of the Singapore businesses that cover retail, finance, telecoms, IT and insurance have already adopted some form of AI. Of those that haven’t, 31% plan to do so in the next year. Think of a visit to the world AI show as being an investment into your own business. It is worth cashing in the airmiles to go and attend one of the most innovative and forward-thinking events of the year. A flight to Singapore is a drop in the ocean in comparison to how AI could help your company expand and move forward.

DX Asia and Blockchain Summit

Singapore’s premier blockchain event, taking place in August at the Suntec Singapore Convention Center is the ideal opportunity to learn how blockchain tech can push your business forward. The event features visionary speakers that are leaders in their field. This kind of expertise is extremely valuable – attendee companies include BMW, DHL, Barclays, Bank of Singapore, Paypal, Visa, IBM and KPMG. Whether you are an established company, or a startup looking to embrace blockchain, this is a must-attend event.

Singapore is a world hub for innovation and technology. Using your airmiles to attend some of the best tech events can help to push your business forward into the future.


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4K/HD Wallpaper Of Game Of Thrones Season 8 (+Season 7)

4K/HD Wallpaper Of Game Of Thrones Season 8 (+Season 7) [UPDATED]

As a big fan of one of the greatest TV Series of all the time, of course Game of Thrones,i’d like to make my devices catchier with the best 4K/HD Game Of Thrones Wallpaper.Below, in this article we will share the top best Game Of Thrones season 8 (+ Season 7) wallpapers in 4K/HD quality.

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4K/HD Wallpaper Of Game Of Thrones Season 8 (+Season 7) [UPDATED July 12/2019]

So, whatever you are looking for Jon Snow Game Of Thrones wallpapers or Dragon Game Of Thrones wallpaper in HD quality, below you find that and also many other characters you like.So Follow the gallery below of the top best 2019 Game Of Thrones Season 8 Wallpapers.

> Check Out: Wonder Woman 1984 HD/4K Wallpapers Free Download (Mobile and PC)

[NEW UPDATED July/12/2019] Game Of Thrones Season 8 Wallpaper 4K/HD 

More Game Of Thrones Season 8 Wallpaper 4K/HD 

Game Of Thrones Season 7 Wallpapers 4K for Mobile [iPhone & Android]

> Check Out: Avengers 4 Endgame 4K/HD Wallpapers Download (Mobile & PC 2019)

While Game Of Thrones Season 8 Finale is a few month wait, you can keep connected to this TV Series with above best Game Of Thrones Season 8 HD wallpaper.If you have any favorite please let us know in the comment section below,follow us on twitter and facebook for more news and updates.


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Steps to Download PS4 Emulator for PC (Working 2018)

Steps to Download PS4 Emulator for PC

Here we will go through steps to download PS4 Emulator for PC so you will play PS4 games on your PC, if you don’t have any PS4 gaming console.Many love to play PS4 Games, so use PS4 Emulator for Pc and after you can play all PS4 games on PC or Android.

neoAdviser's notice!

Please check out our latest updated article about the Top 3 Best PS4 Emulators for Windows PC in 2020. This emulator is also included along with the updated download link! Thanks.

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What is PS4 Emulator?

With PS4 Emulator you be able PS4 games on your Windows PC.PS4 Emulator listed below is the first Emulator which it can play Ps4 games on Windows.The best thing its free to download!

PS4 Emulator Features

#1. PS4 games variable frame rates on PC.

#2. No Ads.

#3. Also, support multiple gaming devices.

#4. PCSX4 run natively on windows.

#5. Available Free.

#6. Easy to Use.

Steps to Download PS4 Emulator for PC (Working 2019)


Requirements before you start installing PS4 emulator.You Need 64 bit OS of Windows 8/8.1/10 with .net framework 3.5 and VC++2015.Also your PC most have 4GB of RAM as minimum.

Step 1: First, Download PS4 Emulator on your computer.

Step 2: Go to download location.

Step 3: Now, you are Right click on the Downloaded file.

Step 4: Extract to your Folder.

Step 5: Open the extracted file and run the pscx4 app.

Step 6: You need to Configure the settings of PS4 emulator.

Step 7: Click on config >graphic.

Step 8: Select the recommendation of your PC.

Step 9: Now, you have PS4 emulator on your PC after you can open and run it.

Step 10: Open PS4 Emulator and click on “File> Iso file.

Step 11: Select the game you have saved or download your games.

Step 12: After, click on open.

Step 13: Nlick to Run> start game.

Step 14: Done.

> Read NextDownload Xbox 360 Emulator for PC & Android

However, following the above mentioned steps you ca easily Download PS4 Emulator for PC.If you have any question, please let us know in the comment section below,follow us on twitter and facebook for more news and updates.


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Take Your Product Banners And Designing To Next Level

For your brand to attract a worthy traffic uniqueness is a major aspect which should be adhered to. This is true especially if you extensively use images in your marketing prospects.

For deigning purposes to improve your brand, you can opt for Fotor which is an online photo designing platform. The platform allows you to come with various designs of features you can use for your brand’s marketing campaign.

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You need to sign up for an account to be able to use the designing platform which gives you access to various editing features.

Let us have a look at some of the optimization tools you have at your disposal by signing up with Fotor.

  • Photo Editor

The online photo editing tool provided by Fotor allows you to make some changes to your image to make it more appreciable, which can translate to worthy traffic to your site. Using the photo editor you can change the contrast and lighting of your image or even use shadows to make it stand out.

The filter option also does justice for your product images by enhancing their appearance. You can also crop or add some minor details to the image. Additionally, you can create a college using the editor to bring out some storytelling on your images.

  • YouTube Banner Maker

YouTube is a very significant social media platform which you need to have an active account with. On YouTube, you can get a hint of trending videos, get informatory videos and also share your brand in a visual format.

Your YouTube channel needs to be distinct to attract a worthy following with huge conversion potential. To improve the visibility of your channel and increase subscribers, you can design a YouTube banner.

Fotor has a YouTube banner maker which you can use for this purpose. To use the tool, click on design and select a suitable YouTube channel art template or upload a preferred image. According to your taste, add some stickers and text and good-looking background to complete. Once done click on import to save it directly to your gallery.

  • Background Remover

A transparent background is very versatile for an image as it allows the use of different backgrounds and also fits in well in different environments. Fotor has the background remover which as the name indicates allows you to remove background from your image.

To get the transparent background, click on edit followed by tap enhance. Then select the magic clipper then upload the photo you want to be edited. Select a brush from two options, removal or retainer followed by the brush size. Move the brush with your cursor to the areas you either want to be retained or removed.

Check its preview and if satisfied click on save to select the quality and file format before downloading your image with a transparent background.


The Fotor online image editor and design tool is nice when it comes to upping your design game to the next level. To access more design tools and features, go for the paid premium plan and have a worthwhile moment sprucing your images.


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