4 Most Common Water Heater Problems,

4 Most Common Water Heater Problems

Whether you leave in a cold environment or you simply like warm showers, your water heater is such an important item. Your heater heats water in your taps and water in other appliances like showers. All the same, at times your heaters overwork and end up having problems that may unexpectedly cut short all the benefits you enjoy because of owning a water heater. 

These are the 4 most common water heater problems:

1. Leaks

It can be so boring to have your tank draining water in your utility broom and or basement. Plumbers advise that to determine the part of your heater that is leaking and to know how to fix the leaking problem, you can visit waterheaterleakinginfo.com, to learn step by step procedure of fixing your leaking water heater. Your water heater can leak from the bottom often because of the normal condensation during heating. When some amount of water is expelled through your overflow pipes as the temperature and pressure valves open up to release excess pressure into your tank, your heater can end up leaking from the bottom. A stuck valve, a bad gasket, and faults in your pressure valves can also make your heater leak from the bottom. You can also have your water heater leaking from the top and if such happens, you can check your hot water and cold water inlets and outlets to ensure they are not loose. Check your relief and temperature valves for looseness and faults as such can also cause leaking. Remember, corrosion can also cause leaking of your water heater and in case this happens you need to immediately replace your water heater.

2. Temperature Issues

This is an issue that I can bet you have experienced before. At times your water is cold and this can happen when there is no power, when you have a faulty thermostat, and when you have a faulty heating element. Restore power by resetting the tripped circuit breakers and/or replacing blown fuses. Check your switches to be sure they are on and the power indicators are on. Check your thermostat too to ensure it is receiving power. In some instances you can have warm water but with inadequate warmth. This could be because you are using an undersized water heater, crossed cold and hot connections, and faulty thermostats.  You can restart your heater to solve the crossed connections. If the problem does not resolve, you can contact a professional for further advice. Read your water heater manufacturer’s manual to know how to adjust your thermostat to the right temperatures. An average temperature of 120 degrees celsius is an efficient setting.

3. Discolored And Smelly Water

When you have smelly water from your water heater, it is likely that your water is infected with certain bacteria. The most common smell is that of a rotten egg and the best way to resolve this is to flush your tank and fill it with clean water. You can clean your tank by filling it with a solution of hydrogen peroxide to kill all bacteria. Don’t forget to let the solution stay in the tank for at least two hours before you flush it out and your tank is ready for clean fresh water. However, if both your cold and hot water has a smell then you need professional assistance as the problem could be more than your water heater. You can also have rusty water running from your taps and this is often a good indicator that the inner lining of your tank is corroded. A faulty anode rod can also cause discolored water. You can resolve this by replacing your water heater. If the problem persists, a professional can help you resolve your problem.

4. Weird Noises

When sediments build up in your tank, you can hear weird noises coming from your water heater. You can flush your water heater to see if the problem will resolve. However, the failure of the noises to disappear after you flush your heater means that the sediments are too strong to remove, and at this point, it’s only a professional who can help you out. In case your heating element is starting to burn out then you can also hear odd noises from your heater. Ensure you regularly maintain your heater to prevent wear and tear.

Water heaters are a need for many homes and it can be stressful to survive without one. There are some common problems like temperature issues which you can resolve on your own and there are complex issues like leaks that need professional intervention. Regular maintenance of your water heater can help you avoid such problems as corrosions caused by wear and tear. Read your manufacturer’s manual for instructions on how to use and maintain your water heater. Adjust your settings accordingly to avoid the discouragement that can come when you expect some warm water in your shower but end up running freezing water instead.

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Nimiq: Simplifying Blockchain Adoption with Instant, Browser-Based Transactions,

3 Ways to Stake Crypto

3 Ways to Stake Crypto

If you are looking for 3 Ways to Stake Cryptosystems, then you probably have come across the article. The goal of this article is to give you some insight into how to successfully implement a staking package. Staking is used in the financial markets, but it is equally important in the forex market. Staking can be done in many different forms. The topic is very important but many people do not fully understand the concept behind it. Besides you can ensure a basic income using “masternode”.


Stakes are simply bets. Staking is the process of creating a way for a user to receive rewards for making their bets using the cryptosystem. Users are able to stake coins through numerous methods including online betting, cold storage deposits, software gambling, and mobile computing. 

3 Ways to Stake Crypto

  • There are several different ways to sell your coins. Most people go through a broker. With a broker, you can make a deal with him, and he will make sure you have a nice profit when you decide to liquidate your cryptosystem. You can set deals with multiple brokers and they will let you sell your coins on their website. This is nice because you don’t have to do any of the leg work. However, not every broker will do this. When you’re ready to sell you will need to find someone to trade for you. How you do this depends entirely on you. Some people like to have the ability to sell shares manually, and some people prefer the convenience of a software program. There are plenty of programs out there that you can use to buy and sell cryptosystems and make a nice profit.
  • Collect the cryptocurrencies at a low market price as much as you can. One important thing to remember is that when you are selling you will need to watch the market closely. And it will be a wise decision to sell the collected crypto when the market price is high.
  • Finally, there are many places where you can find ways to stake cryptosystems successfully. If you are serious you should look into learning how to use an automated software program to do this for you. It can also help you to watch the market in order to make sure that you don’t lose money. When you learn how to stake cryptosystems successfully you will be glad that you took the time to learn about it. You should be able to make a nice profit from it in no time at all.

3 Steps to Stake Crypto

  • Firstly, you need to choose proof-of-stake coins for staking. Make sure that you have enough coins to continue staking crypto.
  • Secondly, select a PoS Nano wallet that will keep your private transactions and activities secure, then you need to make sure that you select a PoS Crypto coin that you want to stake. These coins are referred to as Private Secure Systems or PDS. Once you make the decision to stake your precious asset in this way, then you need to find a high-quality and highly secure company that will give you a choice of different coins.
  • Finally, to stake crypto, you need to choose the right hardware to stay connected to the internet all the time. Then you need to choose staking software. You’ll need to set up your account. If you’re just starting out, you might want to use an online trading platform. These platforms are easier to use, and oftentimes you can test out the system without having to invest any money. Just be sure to keep an eye on your profits and losses.


Staking your system is one thing that you need to know when you are working with this type of market. If you do not understand it or do not know how to implement it then you will most likely not make as much money as you could if you just took the time to learn how to do it properly. If you can take the time to learn then you can easily make a decent living from it. This is far better than trying to figure it out on your own and failing miserably.

The more that you can learn the more profitable it becomes. This is true even for those who are experienced with this form of investing. If you want to be successful here are some important points that you should keep in mind. When it comes to stake trades you should always have one stop loss. You should also only get involved in trades when they have a very high chance of being profitable. You also want to stay active in the market to make sure that you are keeping an eye on trends and trying to figure out what is going on so that you can take advantage of them when they present themselves.

Staking cryptosystems can be a rewarding experience for anyone willing to learn. If you want to stake out your own turf or learn more about how other people are making money with this method, it’s easy to do.

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3 Ways to Stake Crypto

Top 3 Home Office Upgrades You Need If You Work from Home,

Top 3 Home Office Upgrades You Need If You Work from Home

Top 3 Home Office Upgrades You Need If You Work from Home

Your home is not equipped for work. Duh! It is a space where you should be resting, not doing office work. However, because of the recent pandemic, a lot of employees had to their jobs at home. 

It is already difficult to keep “home” from “office.” Now that people are required to integrate both, it becomes extra challenging. Do not worry, though. Whatever challenges you might be facing with your current work from home situation, you can solve them with these upgrades.    

Separate Screens


Are you the type of person who uses a lot of tabs? Some jobs would require you to switch to different applications all the time. There are even situations where you need to look at other tabs at the same time! For sure, you have experienced being in a video call, and you need to type in notes or check a document while talking about it. It is a struggle to keep up, and honestly, a disorganized strategy looking and switching different tabs. You might be conquering this problem by using your desktop screen while also using your phone screen. This technique is excellent, but it can hurt your neck in the long run because you are looking at two screens on different levels.  

You need screens that are standing equally side by side. The best dual monitor stand can help you be in a video call on one screen while taking notes on the other. Using this tool is also an excellent way for you to be efficient and look at two things simultaneously instead of switching on tabs. You will be more productive if you create a designated space for your work with VoIP desk phones. Are you curious to know what are VoIP desk phones? VoIP phones are the future and you need them most when you are focusing on work from home.


Of course, you are not alone in your house. You live with your family. You also might not be the only one working from home. Living with other people can be a challenge when you are in a meeting. You do not want any noise interrupting your presentation or call with your boss and co-workers. 

Your home office is exposed to a lot of noise – noise from your housemates, dog, and traffic outside. Make some upgrades to your home office that will help dampen the sound. You can put in soundproofing strips to the rims of your door or windows to help soundproof your office. You can also use noise-canceling earphones to help you focus on your work and not get distracted by noises. 

Work Space


You will be more productive if you create a designated space for your work. It does not have to be a room. It just needs to be a space or a corner as long as you are not working on your bed or just putting your laptop on your lap. Look for a table where you can put all your work-related things on. It is also essential that you get a comfortable office chair. You would be working long hours and probably sitting for long hours. You can opt to get a standing table if that would be better for you. 

Working from home can be difficult, but you can separate the house from the office with proper tools. You can design a home office that is effective and comfortable with these upgrades. With these hacks and tips, you will be able to do your job better. 

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Three Historical Dramas to Keep You Entertained During the Pandemic 

Three Historical Dramas to Keep You Entertained During the Pandemic

Three Historical Dramas to Keep You Entertained During the Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic and its accompanying lockdown measures caused a significant surge in TV viewership and online streaming. As people have become more reluctant to leave their homes, they have settled for spending their Saturday nights curled up on the sofa with a great show.

If you are a fan of historical dramas and you feel like you have exhausted every possible show, here are some of our favorites that will keep you entertained during the pandemic.


This show has captured the hearts and attention of viewers worldwide. Although Bridgerton is a period drama set in early 19th century London, the show features an array of racially integrated aristocrats. The show is based on a best-selling book series written by Julia Quinn. It follows Daphne Bridgerton’s journey throughout the debutante season as she is highlighted by the Queen as the pick of the season.

Netflix has once again proven that there is a lack of demand for homogeneous casting in shows, no matter the genre. They celebrate diversity by challenging traditional media norms of what is constituted as historically accurate or acceptable. If you are a sucker for British accents and beautiful Regency era costumes, you need to watch Bridgerton.

2.Women of the Movement

Women of the Movement has not been officially released yet, however, the six-episode historical drama is expected to premiere during the 2020-21 television season on ABC. The show will retell the story of a brutal murder that undoubtedly shocked the world and propelled the civil rights movement 65 years ago.

The show focuses on the story of Mamie Till-Mobley, a mother who dedicated her entire life to seeking justice for the horrific murder of her son Emmett Till. This limited series will chronicle the civil rights movement as told from the perspective of the women who formed part of it. Women of the Movement features both a stellar team and cast. Aaron Kaplan (Kapital Entertainment), Will Smith, and Jay-Z have all signed on to produce the show whilst Niecy Nash, Adrienne Warren and Tonya Pinkins will star in it.

3.Peaky Blinders

Peaky Blinders is another historical drama set in England; however, this show features the explosive crimes of the Shelby family in Post WWI Birmingham. Unlike Bridgerton, this show is better suited to those who prefer a slow-burning, gangster genre of television.

Apart from the fantastic attention to detail that is demonstrated in both the costume and set design, this show contains fantastic acting. This show features talented actors like Cillian Murphy, Paul Anderson, and Helen McCroy. On the surface level, the show may seem to only depict overtly macho characters, however, the character development in this show illustrates a very different story.

Period dramas are not only incredibly entertaining, but they are also very meaningful and enlightening. They offer a small window into what reality was like in the past. These shows can help bring you comfort, encourage you to unwind, and give you an insight into what life was like back in the olden days.

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Three Historical Dramas to Keep You Entertained During the Pandemic 

Important PCI Compliance Tips You Should Never Forget,

Important PCI Compliance Tips You Should Never Forget

Important PCI Compliance Tips You Should Never Forget

With many companies investing in cloud computing now more than before, there are rigorous data security frameworks as well as best practices for storing, transmitting and processing customers’ credit card information. All this has to be done efficiently, safely, and securely. In that regard, every business organization in the payments industry has to adhere to the established credit card regulations. Otherwise, they would be prone and liable to consequences like data leak risks, damaged brand reputation, hefty fines, and other related sanctions.

So, to help you nail it when it comes to card payment regulations, below are some PCI compliance tips you should never forget.

1. Get Help from an Expert

More often than not, maintaining PCI compliance efficiently can be overwhelming. This is especially when doing it without sufficient know-how. In such a scenario, consulting a respectable PCI or data security expert goes a long way. As elaborated at www.securetrust.com, a PCI compliance expert provides all the tools, resources, and brains needed to ensure your business operations run smoothly without violating the compliance requirements and regulations. They can also offer the much-needed advice to navigate complex paperwork and technical jargon that could otherwise cause headaches. In a nutshell, they can help ensure:

  • Card payment security is prioritized
  • Best practices are established
  • Visibility and control are improved
  • PCI compliance resources at your disposal

They might even save you the trouble of reading the rest of the article, but it’s best to be informed!

2. You’re Responsible for Ensuring Your Compliance As Well As Your Vendors’

In a nutshell, any card-related transaction you make is supposed to be PCI compliant. Regardless of whether you made a single or many financial transactions, PCI compliance is a requirement. In that regard, it is your responsibility to learn, understand, and adhere to all the PCI regulations. Otherwise, you might find yourself on the wrong side of the law, attracting hefty fines. Also, you are responsible for any individual you hire, as well as vendors providing your business with software and other services, e.g. outsourced third-party credit payments processing agency services.

3. Protect Stored Card Data

You are required to add additional data security controls and authentications if your organization stores sensitive credit card information. For instance, you should ensure the sensitive credit card data is well encrypted to prevent any unauthorized access. So, ensure you use validated cryptographic keys and algorithms to protect the encrypting keys. Also, avoid storing sensitive authentication data such as passwords, personal identification numbers (PINs), etc.

4. Regularly Test your Security Systems and Processes 

If you thought that PCI compliance is a point-in-time assessment for annual certification, then you’ve been thinking wrong. It is actually something that should be embedded into your organization’s day-to-day operations. Vulnerabilities may come in at any point, days, weeks, or months after the annual certification. This could be due to flaws in software, faulty security tool configurations, or even as a result of human error. Therefore, it is crucial to keep a regular test of your security systems to ascertain they are always functioning optimally and in compliance with the PCI requirements.

5. Noncompliance Brings Heavy Penalties

Let’s not hit the bush, non-compliant financial transactions are fined heftily. There is nothing cool with that because the fees charged as fines would otherwise be used for other important purposes in your business. For instance, if you collect debts for a bank or car dealership, remember you are responsible for ensuring everything is compliant. Otherwise, if a PCI non-compliant transaction is found during a PCI audit of their systems, they will definitely pass the fine on to you. To make matters even worse, this would trigger an audit requirement on your company. In such a case, since you’re non-compliant, you will certainly get penalized. That would really harm your reputation.

6. Have an Incident Response Plan

Since security breaches may happen when least expected, it is a PCI standard requirement for every business or organization to have a formalized plan for fixing unanticipated system security breaches. Most importantly, the response plan should always be ready to be put into effect as soon as a PCI security breach is detected. Moreover, the particular incident plan should allow for forensic evaluations.

Bottom line, even if remaining PCI compliance might feel like a daunting process, it is a crucial element of preventing your financial service business from credit card-related fraud. Also, there are numerous resources from the PCI council and from other certified experts that would help you figure out the requirements for you to be fully PCI compliant.

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Top 5 Crypto Performers Overview

Top 5 Crypto Performers Overview: Litecoin, Binance Coin, EOS, Dash, Monero

Top 5 Crypto Performers Overview: Litecoin, Binance Coin, EOS, Dash, Monero

Cryptocurrencies have been very popular recently. With a sudden spark of interest in Bitcoin that took place in the previous couple of months, crypto enthusiasts started exploring alternatives to digital gold. 

Some of the cryptos that have been on many lists of crypto investors are Litecoin, EOS, DASH, Monero, and even Binance Coin. Let’s check out how each of these cryptocurrencies has performed lately. Read on.


Charlie Lee’s brainchild is still considered digital silver, despite many other cryptocurrencies pretending to its throne.


During the last couple of weeks, the price ranged from $144 to $185, which is also the 52-week maximum at the moment. Still, LTC failed to meet its all-time high set on December 19, 2017, when a single unit of this crypto was trading at $375.


The current circulating supply is more than 66 million LTC, with the maximum supply being 84 million LTC.


One of the cryptocurrencies that Litecoin is traded against most often is Bitcoin. That’s why there are so many easy ways to exchange LTC to BTC and vice versa nowadays. 

Binance Coin

The popularity of Binance Coin skyrocketed recently, and the cryptocurrency has shown steady improvement over time.


In the last 30 days, the price varied from $35.17 to $59.39, the latter also being the all-time high for the cryptocurrency. If you take a look at the 52-week high/low, you’ll notice that the lowest BNB price was just $6.96 during that period. In other words, those who invested in it while it was still low saw a huge ROI.


There are currently 154 million BNB circulating, with the total supply being 170 million BNB.


Unlike many other cryptocurrencies, EOS didn’t experience a boom lately. Still, its price consistency makes it worth taking into account. The 30-day low was $2.41 and the high was $3.92. The lowest that cryptocurrency got in the past year was $1.46, and the highest was $5.48. Still, that is no match for the all-time high which the cryptocurrency reached on April 29, 2018, when a single EOS was $22.89.


However, when you take a look at the trading volume, you’ll notice that crypto is now traded more than ever, meaning it’s still very popular among traders. 


Dash is another crypto that’s still popular among traders, even though it experienced its heyday in 2018. The trading volume may not be as high compared to other cryptocurrencies, but it still has some room for some short-term profit.


The price of Dash fluctuated between $92.63 and $156.67 for the past 30 days. The 52-week low was just $34,91, and the $156.67 is the highest that the cryptocurrency reached during the past year. Still, compared to December 20, 2017, when DASH peaked, that’s still pretty low. On that day, a single unit of Dash was $1,642.22.


Monero has shown huge potential lately, as it was a part of the second wave of crypto-craze that started in 2020. 


Monero’s 30-day low was $122.95 and it peaked at $189.28, which also happened to be the 52-week high. On the other hand, the lowest Monero dropped in the past year was $26.70. The all-time high for this cryptocurrency was $495.84 on January 7, 2018.

Final Thoughts: What Does the Future Bring?

As you can see, the crypto market is currently heavily invested in, especially in Bitcoin. However, other cryptocurrencies followed this trend more or less. It’s difficult to predict where things will go from here, but it’s safe to assume that some cryptos are close to hitting the ceiling.

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Top 5 Crypto Performers Overview: Litecoin, Binance Coin, EOS, Dash, Monero

Benefits of Using a Smartwatch,

4 Benefits of Using a Smartwatch

Benefits of Using a Smartwatch

The rising popularity of smartwatches has been quite significant during the last decade. Although the first smartwatch was out in the market by 1998, it wasn’t until recently that our understanding of watches completely strengthened. The fact that, nowadays, a watch has so much more to offer than just telling the time salvaged the watch industry. Many people started losing interest in watches after the dramatic surge of smartphones. Watches are relatively expensive, and several people appear to believe that buying a watch is useless, especially since they can view the time in multiple areas, set alarms, access calendars, reminders, and even schedule a meeting through their phones. While the timelessness and elegance of a traditional watch are irreplaceable, smartwatches added a new meaning to the watch industry. Now, smartwatches can do everything that your smartphone can do and more. 

Here are 4 benefits of using a smartwatch. 

1.Health Features

Smartwatch curators took advantage of the fact that a watch is to be worn on the wrist throughout the day and introduced a variety of health and fitness tracking features. Smartwatches can monitor your heart rate, allowing you to keep track of abnormal changes and show your overall fitness level. This is also a beneficial fitness feature, as you can practice keeping your heart rate constant at a range that will maximize your fitness performance. Electrocardiogram, or ECG, is another health feature that is now available in some smartwatches. ECG measures heart rates with higher accuracy and can detect potential cardiovascular problems. Various smartwatches also have blood pressure measurement and fall detection features. With a gyroscope and accelerometer, smartwatches can now detect falls and alert emergency contacts in case you’re unresponsive. You can also use your watch to keep track of the quality of your sleep; some smartwatches measure blood oxygen levels to determine things like sleep apnea. Smartwatches can use a variety of health tracking features to measure your stress levels and remind you to relax when needed.

2.Fitness Tracking

The accelerometer is a sensor that is used to track movement and the gyroscope tracks rotations and determines the type of movement that you are doing. These two sensors allow smartwatches to offer a step counter feature. Smartwatches can also estimate the number of burnt calories according to the type of physical activity that you completed. Sensors like the thermometer, compass, and barometric altimeter can keep track of your elevation, which is a handy feature if you like to run or hike. Many of us can’t resist the temptation to check our phones whenever we receive notifications and smartwatches allow you to take a quick peek into whichever app or notification that you like while you exercise. Some smartwatch models are also highly water-resistant and are good to use even underwater.

3.Social Media and Apps

If you forget your phone at home, you won’t need to go all the way back just to get it. Smartwatches sync with your phone and allow you instant access to social media apps, phone logs; you can also make and receive calls through the watch! You will no longer need to fumble through your bag to get a hold of your phone when you’re in a rush since everything you need is literally available at your wrist. This way, you’ll be able to reply to messages and pick up phone calls on the go. You can click here to gain more insight and understand which type of smartwatch suits your needs. This is because some smartwatches require Bluetooth signals to remain connected to your phone, while other typically more expensive standalone smartwatches only need a SIM card and a data plan. 


Smartwatches offer turn-by-turn direction and navigation. This feature on a smartwatch is essentially more helpful than on a smartphone, especially when you’re driving or walking. Some smartwatches are designed to give off distinct vibrations to signal right and left turns. This significantly reduces the need to stare at the map for directions. If you’re a tourist, you will probably enjoy the scenery without risking getting lost. 

Modern technology is constantly changing the way we perceive ordinary gadgets in our lives. Simple and timeless technologies are continuously updating to meet our modern-day needs and keep up with our fast-paced lives. Smartwatches have been rising in popularity during the last decade because of the variety of features that they offer. With the features of a smartphone and more on your wrist, you will easily access apps, reply to text messages, view notifications, and make and receive calls on the go.

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Benefits of Using a Smartwatch

Everything You Need to Know About Supplemental Security Income

Everything You Need to Know About Supplemental Security Income

Affected by recent negative developments in the economy, more and more people across the US are looking for additional sources to support their living. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is one of the programs able to help a big number of people who face financial difficulties. Read on to find out what is SSI and whether or not you qualify for the benefits it offers.

What Is SSI? 

The acronym SSI stands for Supplemental Security Income, a program administered by Social Security. Designed to provide extra help for people in need, it offers monthly benefits to blind or disabled adults and children, as well as people of age 65 and older with limited income and resources. 

How Is SSI Different From Social Security Benefits?

Even though you may be eligible for both SSI and Social Security benefits, you have to know the difference between the two. First of all, in contrast to Social Security benefits, SSI incentives are not based on your or your family member’s prior work. 

Another difference is how the programs are financed – SSI is fueled by general funds of the U.S. Treasury that include personal income, corporate, and other taxes. In addition to that, in the great bulk of States, an SSI recipient is eligible for Medicaid that provides medical assistance with paying hospital stays, prescription drugs, as well as doctor bills, and a range of other health costs.

Who Is Eligible For SSI?

In general, to apply for SSI you have to be aged, blind, or disabled and have limited income and resources. You also have to be a U.S. citizen or national or fit in one of the categories of aliens defined by the Social Security Administration (SSA).

One of the most frequent questions asked by people who want to apply for SSI is what exactly “limited income” and “limited resources” mean. As it can be clearly seen in the article written by social security attorneys at laportelawfirm.com/supplemental-security-income, income for the purposes of SSI includes money you earn from work or get from other sources such as Social Security and unemployment benefits, workers compensation, the Department of Veterans Affairs, as well as your friends or relatives. When it comes to the limits for resources that are set at $2,000 for a person and $3,000 for a couple, those are things you own, from cash, stocks, and bank accounts to land, personal property, or life insurance.

Who Is Not Eligible For SSI?

Apart from people who do not meet one or more of the aforementioned requirements, certain categories are also ineligible for SSI benefits. For instance, someone with an unsatisfied felony or arrest warrant won’t be able to receive the monthly benefits, as well as people who are in prison, jail, or any other type of correctional institution. Here are also non-citizens who fail to meet the alien status requirements. Another category is those who intentionally give away their resources or sell them for less than they are worth.

Who Can Apply Online?

There is an opportunity to file for SSI online but only if you are also applying for Social Security disability benefits and if you meet the following requirements:

  • You are between the ages of 18 and 65
  • You’ve never been married
  • You aren’t blind
  • You’re a U.S. citizen residing in one of the 50 states, the District of Columbia, or the Northern Mariana Islands
  • You haven’t applied for or received SSI benefits in the past

If you don’t fit the description above, you can’t apply online. In this case, you will need to contact the SSA by phone or visit one of their field offices.

SSI Benefits

Generally speaking, the maximum Federal SSI benefit varies from year to year because it depends directly on the Consumer Price Index. However, at the moment of writing this article, the Federal benefit rate was $783 for an individual and $1,175 for a couple – this rate came into effect on January 1, 2020.

In addition to that, the majority of States supplement the Federal SSI benefit with extra payments.  States or territories that do not pay any supplements to SSI recipients are Arizona, Mississippi, North Dakota, West Virginia, and the Northern Mariana Islands. In a number of states such as California, New Jersey, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, Vermont, and Hawaii, Social Security administers the State supplement. 

If you think that you, your child, or another family member are eligible for Supplemental Security Income, do not hesitate to get in touch with your local Social Security office or consult with the attorney to make the most of SSI benefits.

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Everything You Need to Know About Supplemental Security Income

One Stop Software for Established Traders and Active Investors

One Stop Software for Established Traders and Active Investors

One Stop Software for Established Traders and Active Investors

Are your investments spread out in several places and institutions? All investors need an investment portfolio tracker or software that can monitor their mutual exchanges and traded funds, individual and public stocks, and bonds. These software tools can help you examine your overall investment returns, asset allocation, and commission fees, all in one place.

To achieve that, active traders and investors need personal investment software to do that on their behalf. 

And whereas you can do that by yourself and track stocks and investment trends on a spreadsheet, there is far more excellent investment portfolio management software available out there. But why should you bother to use this one-stop software? With free investment software, which you can make a one-time or spread-out fee payment, you will get investment analyzers, tracking software, and tools that can handle your stock tracking. 

That said, let’s look into some of the best top software for established traders and active investors.

NetPicks Smart Trading

Established in 1996, NetPicks has been around for over 20 years helping people achieve their trading success. Moreover, NetPicks specialize in trading systems and education that covers an active day and swing trading for stocks, futures, and options. With regards to education, this agency is reputable for its highly experienced traders that take clients through their trading journeys.

With their top-notch training in education and trading systems from experienced coaches, the team at this agency is hailed for its fully committed coaches that walk with clients to become successful active traders. 

The Packages They Deal With

Stock Market Trading System

With NetPicks, you can learn to swing and day trade stock, thanks to their proprietary trading systems, which come with complete training in the live market and support for their clients.

Options Trading System

With their options trading system, you can profit in multiple ways. They keep abreast with informed predictions and trends by scouring the market to shift the edge to favor their clients. Moreover, they cut through the complex jargon and develop real-time strategies that can get established traders off to a quick start.

Futures Trading System

With this option, traders with this software can take advantage of the short-term opportunities available with regards to Future Markets. Moreover, they take you through the process of setting up the trades in such markets.

Master Investor 6

As a derivative of the Owl Software, the Master Investor software is designed to cater to investors’ professional portfolio management. And whether you are a company or in person, the software analyzes personal portfolio management for individual investors.

With this software, investors and professional money managers can track and analyze investments that range from stocks, funds, options, and other prized assets. Furthermore, the software can analyze retail and technical portfolio management. The most noteworthy feature of this software includes:

  • Tracking investment transactions.
  • Automated calculation of your net worth, pending or unrealized gains, capital gains, returns on investments as well as asset allocation.
  • Can create up to 1000 portfolios together with their investment reports.
  • Has charts for visual analysis with regards to price dynamics.
  • Has indicators for MACK relative strength prediction, stochastic oscillators, and polynomial trend analysis.
  • Offers online quote updates and asset allocation reports.

Quicken Premier

This has been a go-to financial management software for many traders. And it continues to rank high in the personal capital analysis for investment portfolios. Recently, Quicken premier launched an annual one-time subscription model to its software to track investments as well as supplement the regular desktop app that you can install on a computer. Aside from that, the software has an online portal and app to access the on-the-go money manager.

The most noteworthy features in the Quicken premier investment management include:

  • You can download and track your income, dividends, commission fees, among others.
  • Offers scores of money and investment reports with a variety of customization options.
  • Offers reports on capital gains, return on investments versus the market performance, tax reports, investment transactions, among others.
  • Has a retirement planner tool.
  • Offers an options trading tracker.
  • All investors and active traders need software that can analyze their investment capabilities in one place. It helps if your income, expenses, ROI, budgeting, and overall money management capabilities are in one place. So, why bother downloading data from several of your investment or credit card accounts if you can use one of the above-mentioned one-stop software for portfolio management? And whereas there are legitimate security concerns from banks and brokerages, it is not a problem for the aforementioned software.
  • Read next >https://www.neoadviser.com/what-you-should-know-about-franking-machines/

  • One-Stop Software for Established Traders and Active-Investors