Convert Facebook Profile To Page

How To Change/Convert Facebook Profile To Page

Facebook is rather a great place to connect with people around the world. Facebook developers are providing new features after a short period of time. As normally we have joined some groups, events and also like pages. All these features are the best way to establish a relation between people. Some of us are using Facebook for enjoyment and others are doing business on Facebook. Pages are more likely preferred by small businesses, celebrities, etc to target more audiences. But it’s not easy for everyone to grow their Facebook page. We all have to implement some strategies like to convert Facebook profile to page which are helpful to increase likes effectively.

But there is rather a difference in targeting and reach between normal profile and page. Profiles are limited having less reach as compared to a page. We can only add up to 5000 friends and then others can only follow. We can send more messages. We can boost posts on profile. These just a few issues which are normally faced by users are using a profile for business. In that case, the best possible solution is to convert Facebook profile into a page. That means we can easily migrate Facebook profile to page.

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> Check out: How To Merge Facebook Pages: All You Need To Know 

How To Convert Facebook Profile To Page.

  • First of all login your account which you want to convert into a page. Then change the name of the account to desire name. The Page will become for the name which you used on the account.
  • Then you need to proceed with migration form. Which will convert the profile to a page. You can search it on the Facebook help center. Even you can directly access from below button.
  • In the help center, everything about migration is explained and understanding you can proceed with migration through the link provided there. If you are not able to find then,


  • Visit here

  • Now Click on Get Started to proceed for migration from profile to page.
  • Then select your page category like business, brand, or community, etc. After selecting the category they get required your password as you won’t convert or not.

Sometimes it also shows this error that logs in into your account from the previous device you used for login. So don’t worry it take 24-48 hours because of account security after this time period you will be able to migrate.

After complete conversion, your page is ready to use. you can also enjoy your page from the existing account of also you can make your other account as admin by email adding at the admin panel.

Changes After Conversation To Page.

When you convert your Facebook profile to a Page, there are certain changes made to it. We feel to make you aware of those changes so you can manage your new page better. Keep them in mind before converting your profile into page as you will loose a lot of information.
These changes are :

  1. All your friends will become followers of your new page. IE. All friends will become users who have liked the page.
  2. The links to your Facebook profile will change to the links to your Facebook page. Anyone clicking on your name anywhere will now be directed to your Facebook page.
  3. Your Facebook page will have the same Name and profile picture of your Facebook profile.
  4. You will loose all the updates and photos that you uploaded from your profile. So make sure you have a backup.
  5. You will loose all your messages and conversations. Your inbox will now become page’s inbox.
  6. You will not be a member of groups that you once were.

How To Revert Back Page Into Profile?

Yes, It is possible to revert the page back into the profile. But only once, So if you migrate Facebook profile to page accidentally. Facebook provides a form to appeal to the reverse page back into the account. This form requires ID proof. Whose Name and D.O.B should match with profile which get converted. So if you are able to provide then you can appeal  here.
After appealing, if application get approved then your page will become normal profile automatically.

> Read Next: Add all friends to Facebook group By Single Click (How To)

In conclusion, we hope you guys learned something new and understand the concept to convert Facebook profile to page. If you have any doubt please let us know in comments, follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more news and updates.



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Car Covers

Why the Car Covers Is Good To Protect Your Car

We all love cars and why not? We spend a lot of money to buy them and they are the most convenient way to travel around. Just when you get your new car you will be thinking about getting the best car accessories to make it look more stylish. But, for how long you can keep your car look great especially when you have to park your car mostly outside. If you didn’t think about buying the car covers then you are losing your car’s look within a few years. The car covers may seem a cheaper car accessory but with such little spending on the car covers you can save your thousands of dollars. Buying the car covers is easier and benefits are huge. Here is what you may not know about the car covers.

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Benefits of Using Car Covers

You have parked your car outside and you find that weather is slightly nicer than usual but it is not only you who thought the same as the birds outside thought and you know what will happen next. If you have parked your vehicle under a tree without the car covers then you must brace yourself for the birds pooping that can be huge according to the weather and this can be a disgusting look for your sports car. Using the car cover to secure your car from the bird’s excretion can help save it form the UV light as well. The UV light is the enemy of your car’s exterior paint and if cars are parked outside without the car covers in sunny weather then it will be in direct contact with the UV rays and this can destroy your car’s paint and make your car older.

Weather Protection and Conclusion

Depending on the location you are living in the weather will play an important role when it comes to your car protection place i.e. using the car covers. Weather such as rain and snow it is possible that your car’s exterior, as well as the interior parts, could be damaged. With the car covers, constant rainstorms will not only damage the car’s paint over time but the water may cause rust in the car’s body as well that may result in pricey repairs and decreasing the overall price of your car. Also, the snow can freeze the car’s internal part if you didn’t put the high-quality car covers on your car. This is why you will need to buy the car covers so that you can secure your precious purchase for longer. Just get one from a reputed online store and enjoy the benefits.


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SSL Guide

Do you know how SSL certificates work? Here is your SSL guide

Internet is great – you can browse all kinds of websites, engage with people around the globe on social media, shop online, stay entertained, and do a ton of other fun and useful things which would not have been possible had the WWW (World Wide Web) not been around.

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However, is it safe to provide your personal and financial information online? There is no way you can get into a serious internet transaction, social or financial, without providing this information. But what if someone were to intercept the communication between your browser and the webserver to steal the information being exchanged (this is called MITM, or a man in the middle attack)? Now, that can be scary. Imagine someone getting access to your details and you becoming a victim of identity theft or someone emptying your bank account because they got hold of the information from a financial transaction you conducted online.

As a website owner, you must take care of these user concerns to sustain and grow your online business.

Is there a way to prevent data theft during data transactions? Of course, the SSL is the solution.

What is SSL?

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) turns your plain HTTP text (where the data is transmitted in plain text) into HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure). HTTPS works by encrypting the data before it is put on the communication channel, and the other side decrypts it. The entire encryption process works in a manner where only the endpoints know how to encrypt and decrypt the exchanged data. So, even if a hacker launched a MITM attack on you, they will not be able to succeed in their malicious intent as they will not be able to make sense of the encrypted material.

How does SSL work?

SSL works by encryption, which can either be asymmetric or symmetric. Let us look at what these encryption mechanisms mean.

Asymmetric encryption

Asymmetric encryption
Asymmetric encryption (image credit:

Also called Asymmetric cryptography, or public-key cryptography, this mechanism uses a mathematically generated pair of keys for encryption and decryption. The public key is shared with the party you want to communicate with, while you keep the private key as a well-protected secret that no one knows except you.

During data communication, the information is encoded using the private key and can only be decrypted by using the associated public key.

Symmetric encryption

Symmetric encryption
Symmetric encryption (image credit:

In Symmetric cryptography, there is no need for a private/public key pair – the same key is used at both ends for encryption and decryption.

There are two parts to SSL communication:

  • Initial SSL handshake
  • Actual SSL data transfer

SSL uses Asymmetric (Example algorithms: DSA, ElGamal, RSA, PKCS, and Elliptic curve techniques) cryptography in the initial handshake and Symmetric (Using algorithms such as AES-128, AES-192, and AES-256) encryption for the actual data transfer between the communication parties.

Let us now get deeper into the actual SSL communication process.

Initial SSL handshake

SSL communication always begins with an initial SSL handshake. This asymmetric communication where the browser verifies the authenticity of the webserver gets hold of the server’s public key and establishes the HTTPS connection for the actual data transfer.

SSL handshake
SSL handshake (image credit:

Here are the steps in of an SSL handshake:

  • The client begins by sending a “client hello” to the server. This message includes information about the client, such as encryption settings, SSL version, session-specific data, etc. needed by the server to start communicating with the client over SSL.
  • Once the server receives the “client hello,” it responds with a “server hello” message. This message includes server information such as encryption settings, SSL version, session-specific data, and its SSL certificate (which includes its public key), etc. that is needed by the client to begin using SSL to communicate with the server
  • Before initiating any further communication, the client verifies the SSL certificate presented by the server with the CA (Certificate Authority). If the server authentication fails, the client shows a warning to the user and refuses the SSL connection.
  • If the server is authenticated, the client encrypts (using the server’s public key) a session key it creates and sends it back to the server.
  • On receiving the session key, the server uses its private key to decrypt the session key and sends back an encrypted (using the session key) acknowledgment to the client.

So, once the initial SSL handshake is complete, both the parties end up with a session key to be used for encryption and decryption of the exchanged data. The private and public SSL keys are not used any further in the communication.

Actual SSL data transfer

SSL data transfer
SSL data transfer (image credit:

The actual data transfer between the client and the server uses symmetric cryptography with the shared session key used at both ends for encryption and decryption. The reason to use symmetric cryptography in the actual SSL data transfer is that symmetric encryption/decryption is less CPU intensive compared to Asymmetric cryptography.

Role of SSL certificates

Now that you understand how SSL works let us turn our attention to the role of SSL certificates. SSL certificates, also called digital certificates, are critical in establishing the secure HTTPS communication between the web server and client browser and If You want an ssl certificate to secure your website then You can get your certificate from ClickSSL, a reliable SSL provider that stocks a dynamic range of SSL certificates from some of the world’s best certificate authorities (CAs) at surprisingly low prices.

SSL certificate has been issued by a trusted CA (Certificate Authority). The SSL certificate carries the public key and other information about the certificate owner. During the SSL handshake process, the server sends its public key to the client by sharing its SSL certificate, which the client uses to authenticate the webserver with the CA.

The user can see the details of the SSL certificate on their browser too (every browser has a different way of presenting it, but the information is the same – verified and included in the SSL certificate by the CA)

SSl Role
(image credit:

There are many kinds of SSL certificates for you to pick from. The choice depends on the level of validation (yes, the CA will validate the identity of the entity requesting the SSL certificate using various levels of verification) you are prepared for and the number of domains/subdomains you want to protect.


Advantages of having an SSL certificate

Sounds good, right? Wait till you hear more.

Not only do you secure the information exchange between client and yourself, but there are also other perks of having an SSL certificate installed on your server.

Your users will see an indication on their web browsers (usually a green padlock on the address bar) to indicate that the communication is secured using SSL. This assures them that they can share personal and financial information with you without worrying about data theft during communication. Having this confidence means that they are more likely to engage with you at a deeper level and have a higher chance of conversion, which means more money in your pocket.

Not only that, but you also get targeted organic traffic from search engines when you use SSL. Yes, that is true. Search engines rank you higher on SEO (Search Engine Optimization) if your web pages use HTTPS. So, not having SSL is like leaving money on the table. Why would you not want more SEO traffic from the search engines, when it is proven beyond doubt that these visitors have a higher chance of converting as they are looking for what you have to offer?

How to get an SSL certificate?

Now that you understand the basics of SSL let us look at how you can get one. The certificate authorities like GeoTrust, Comodo, Symantec, etc. issue SSL certificates.All these certificate authorities including GeoTrust are the leading Certificate Authorities that you can request your SSL certificate from, and they offer the type of certificates to meet your needs.

When you decide to secure the website, you need to purchase SSL certificate let’s say if you buy GeoTrust SSL Certificate, you will need to share your domain name(s), physical address, business details, and other information that the CA will need to verify your identity. You may be asked for additional documents to support your claim over the domain and to establish your identity. The CA may take other steps like phone and domain verification to authenticate your request. The level of confirmation depends on the kind of SSL certificate you are seeking.

Once the CA is convinced of your identity and has verified your request, you will get your SSL certificate, which out can install on your web server and start reaping the benefits of having your site running on HTTPS.

In summary, hopefully, this article has delivered its promise. You must now have a good understanding of how SSL and SSL certificates work. Not only that, but you can also now better appreciate the benefits of having HTTPS on your website. Also, you have gained information of where to get your SSL certificate from. So, go ahead – Buy GeoTrust SSL Certificate and get on with your online success.


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Sites Like SockShare

SockShare Alternatives: Top 15+ Best Similar Sites Like SockShare (2020)

These busy days we find ourselves with a lack of time to take care of our life of even our loved ones by not going to Theaters every Friday and spending some good quality time. Even you may find a lot of online streaming sites you will end up spending too much and they do not cover everything. If you are here reading this article, you probably know that Sockshare is one of the best and among the most popular websites to watch free unlimited content online in HD format. The website got you covered with a lot of movies and TV shows from Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, HBO, Hulu, and other Hollywood hits. So follow the article below to know more about what Sockshare has to offer to its visitors and also we are going to share some best similar sites like Sockshare for 2020. If you want to go directly Sockshare alternatives, then click here!

IMPORTANTLegal Copyright Disclaimer: This technology shall only be used to stream/downlaod movies/TV shows and other stuff that fall under the public domain. neoAdviser does not endorse or promote illegal activity tied to streaming or downloading copyrighted works. The end-user shall be solely responsible for media accessed through any service or app referenced on this Website. Referenced applications/addons/links are not hosted by neoAdviser and this guide is for educational purposes only.

NOTE: If the given links are not working, please do a quick google search to find the latest working links to the given website!

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What is Sockshare ag?

Nowadays doing a quick search you may find hundreds of third-party free streaming related websites to catch up with new Movies, TV series, Anime, Sports, etc. Sockshare is one such free online streaming websites focused on the latest released movies and TV Shows. After its arrival, Sockshare got popularity quick thanks to it’s smooth and very clean interface while offering quality content with few annoying ads.

SockShare ag

Sockshare is one of the most popular websites and much loved by its users to stream movies and TV Shows for free in HD format. It has a very friendly user interface (UI) which makes it very handy and easy to use and navigate through. At the time when most of the free movies streaming sites and major torrent sites got banned, Sockshare ag grew tremendously to become one of the most fan-favorite websites. Unlike other similar sites, you will not get annoyed while searching and watching your favorite content with lots of adds.

What Sockshare ag has to offer?

At Sockshare you can enjoy your favorite free movies and TV Shows without the need for any signup, just find your favorite content and enjoy watching it without any interruption. It will play no more than just 1 or two ads, just like Youtube, but this is completely negligible. On the other way, Sockshare ag provides multiple servers for a greater streaming experience.

While you may not find any official app of it, you can enjoy watching high-quality full-length moves and TV Series at totally free of cost/

Why Sockshare is unavailable?

As we well-know all movies and TV Shows are copyrighted properties to they’re respective producers and makers. So hosting all this content for free is a copyright infringement. Like other free online movie streaming sites, even Sockshare is at risk of getting shut down by the government, Google, and ISPs. That’s the reason why Sockshare, and other sites similar to Sockshare, do changes often they domain name with different extensions so they keep going.

Is Sockshare Legal and Safe to use?

Sock Share, and other free movie streaming sites similar to Sock Share, to stay online use advertisements that are not controlled by trusted networks like Google. So clicking through ads may lead you on downloading malicious programs that may affect your system. The ads from these types of websites can be tricky, so keep in mind that.

As for its legality, as we mentioned above, Sockshare has not the right to host the content they provide. For this reason, streaming Ilegal copyrighted content is forbidden by laws in many countries, like the US. As for these reasons, these types of services are always the main target of Govt and the domain gets blocked by ISP (Internet Services Providers) in these countries. So in response, to keep staying online, these type of services change they domain frequently. So depending on where you live, a good VPN is always best to protect your identity online and have still access to the website.

Is Sockshare shutdown?

Considering the high popularity of Sockshare ag, many clones and fake websites are starting to “Born” online and take an add profit advantage. They do run a lot of ads and many Pop-Up ads, so the users start getting annoyed. The website may be down sometimes or under maintenance, but it’s not completely off, and still, the owner of sockshare helps to provide the download link to its users.

Cos of its constant shutdown, users of it are looking for some alternatives to Sockshare to have the same experience while streaming films online.

What are the officials and genuine links of Sockshare ag?

Below we are going to share some official domains links of Sockshare, so you will be able to always have the access to the original website of Sockshare and enjoy streaming free movies and TV Shows online. may not be always available, as we said above, cos they do change their website extensions very often to stay online. So feel free to try any of these sites shared below.

You may not find these sites while searching online, so its a good idea to bookmark than.

Our List of Top 15+ Similar Sites Like SockShare in 2020

So for these interested in some similar sites like sockshare or some best alternatives to sockshare, below in this list, we are going to share our top 15+ best sockshare alternatives of 2020. Finding very similar sites to this it’s very hard, there are only a few ones matching it. As we mention above sockshare offers a very friendly navigation with only a few ads and Pop-Ads. Follow the list below and find your favorite one:

The Sock Share alternatives shared below are listed randomly, so make sure to go on through all of the sites and find your next best alternative in 2020.

#1. Bmovies

Bmovies is a great alternative to sockshare for watching free movies and TV Shows online. The site is well organized and to navigate and find your favorite content to watch. You can use the Bmovies’ search bar or categorize than by year-release or name. BMovies it’s not limited to any Hollywood or English movie content. You may find some annoying Popup ads, but if you can ignore then, everything is fine.

Bmovies website:


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#2. Popcorn Time

Jet another great similar site like sockshare, maybe better! Popcorn Time offers its own desktop client app to its users so they can stream movies and TV Shows for free at any time. The site is good and friendly to navigate and find your favorites one to watch. You may find some delay and the response of the app, so we advise you to switch to the website version.

Popcorn Time its a well-known and very popular free online movie streaming site and without any doubt you will love it. The design is great and also shines in its huge catalog by covering thousands of TV Shows, movies, etc. to choose from.

Popcorn Time website:

Popcorn Time
Popcorn Time

#3. iOmovies

iOmovies is one of the best sites online to stream free movies at TV Shows and a great alternative to sockshare ag. You can enjoy hassle-free streaming thanks to its multiple serves options. You can search by top-rated movies” on IMDB or by yearly-release to easily find and stream your favorite ones easily.

The site comes with a great UI and has a lot of quality content. Here you can find all the recently released movies and the site also provides ratings and reviews of the movies found there.

iOmovies website:


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#4. MoviesPrimePro

MoviesPrimePro is an Indian website but it also offers a great collection of TV shows and movies from may countries to stream online for free in HD. You can search your favorites one by year-release or by language selection. At MoviesPrimePro you can find every movie, form English to Korean, Hindi and regional Indian languages, and German.

MoviesPrimePro website:


#5. YIFY TV / Ymovies

YIFY offers its content with high-quality. YIFY in the past was an excellent site that was used to provide great torrent links. On the other side, Ymovies is its sister site which offers free online movie streaming in HD. The content is categorized by genre, name, and years to easily navigate and find your favorite one. Plus if you plan to watch then latter, you can find the links to torrent links to download than.

Similar to SockShare, it provides HD movies and TV shows content for free without the need for any signup process. Yify TV/Ymovies provides all the info related to the specific move like IMDB rating, cast, country, language, time, description, etc and they database gets updated frequently with new titles.

YIFY TV / Ymovies website:

YIFY TV/Ymovies
YIFY TV/Ymovies

#6. 5Movies

5Movies is yet another great site to use for streaming content online for free. The best thing about 5Movies is its very clean user interface (UI) that makes it easier to navigate through the site. The site feels premium, but you will also find a few annoying popup ads.

You will find a huge collection of movies, TV Shows and anime. The content provided is from all over the world, you may find Hollywood or Bollywood one, even Japanese movies. 5Movies is really a great site to enjoy free movie streaming online and a good alternative to SockShare.

5Movies website:


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#7. VexMovies

Up next to our top best similar sites like SockShare is VexMovies. This site is not as popular as the others shared above, but it’s a great one, and the best thing it does not requires any signup process to start watching your favorite content. You will find all the types of categories from comedy, science, drama to horror, and more at the top quality.

VexMovies hosts a large collection on movies and TV Shows and offers the option to short then by genre, date released, etc. If you love watching movies, this site is best for you!

VexMovies website:


#8. Flixtor

Flixtor is yet another good site and another best SockShare alternative to watch movies in high-quality without any delay. The site gets updated regularly that’s why it is loved by its users. Flixtor got you covered cos you can watch from movies to TV Shows.

Even the site is free, it also offer an VIP membership in which you get it by donating or by signing up. In the VIP membership, there are some bonuses like watch in 1080p quality, download links, etc.

Flixtor website:


#9. GoStream

It’s very hard to not include GoStream to our list of top similar sites like SockShare. GoStream is one of the best top streaming sites available on the internet. The best thing is that it’s totally free and without any need for a signup process.  A unique feature of GoStream is that you can get any information for the content that is shared on the site.

The content is provided in high vide quality, and you also have the option to choose the streaming quality according to your internet speed. Some helpful information related to the movie are also provided like genre, country, language, and more for best.

GoStream website:


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#10. Couchtuner

CouchTuner comes up with a large-high-quality collection of movies and TV Shows for its users. This website is one of the top online free streaming sites that is visited by hundreds of peoples cos of the high-quality content it offers. You will find a large catalog of collection in HD format with a few to no ads. If you are a movie fan, CouchTuner got you covered.

It comes with a clean and cool UI with a few annoying ads but the only drawback is that the movies may freeze sometimes cos of streaming errors.

CouchTuner website:


#11. Putlocker9

Putlocker9 is in this game of the free movie streaming platforms for a long time now. Is one of the best and most popular streaming site available for every user around the world. Putlocker9  is fully free, no any sing up is required and has a very few to no ads, so you will have a great experience streaming movies. Also, the movies comes in high-quality with some of then even in full HD 1080p.

Putlocker9 website:


#12. Yesmovies

Yesmovies is one of the streaming sites that you should try. They don’t embed movies but they have hundreds of streaming links on 3rd party hosting to watch free movies online. One of the benefits of this is that the streams have different video quality which is suitable for all platforms and internet speeds. The website gets updated daily with new content so you won’t miss anything.

Yesmovies website:


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#13. Vumoo 

Vumoo is a great place to stream movies online for free and even without any signup and a top SockShare alternative in 2020. The site comes with a great well-organized UI and packs hundreds of free Movies and TV Shows right away to stream. Just like the sites above, Vumoo also hosts third-party content to its servers. Easy navigation, a dedicated search button, a great collection of movies and tv shows, and with content that is updated regularly Vumoo attracts millions of visitors every month.

Vumoo is one of the most loved among the movie-fans. You can watch form movies to TV Shows on Vumoo at any time and you won’t miss anything cos the website gets updated frequently as soon as new movies are released.

Vumoo website:


#14. SolarMovie

Directly at the SolarMovie website you will see which movies are trending, which have the best ratings and which have been viewed the most during the day. These features are what make SolarMovie one of the most liked movies streaming services among others. If you like to create an account, then they will be some other features to you like make a list of your favorites, request movies, and other features. SolarMovie also provides all the details related to the movie like IMDB rating, description, keywords, and more.

At SolarMovie you can stream and also download movies and TV Shows at totally free of cost. You will face many annoying ads so a good adblocker is advised.

SolarMovie website:


#15. Fmovies

Fmovies is absolutely the first option to watch free movies online, with an attractive interface and a huge collection of movies for you to choose from. The site is updated almost daily with new releases.

You can easily navigate through the pages and also Fmovies has all the latest TV series. The site has a few ads, but that’s not a huge problem for what it has to offer. Also, a great feature of Fmovies is the option to filter the movies from region and genre.

Fmovies website:


#16. Afdah

Afdah is one of the best sites to watch movies for free with a really great streaming experience. You can choose to watch movies in many languages, also the site is compatible with your smartphone which makes it great. You can find any kind of movies like Action, Romance, Animation, History, Comedy and many more. You can watch any movie easily with its very easy user interface.

Like SockShare it offers huge collections of contents from the latest videos to some of the best films of all the time. You can search the movies by Year, by Name, by Language, by Country, By Language, etc. Afdah is a great alternative to SockShare to watch all your favorites content for free and without any signup process.

Afdah Website:


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So these are our selection of the top 15+ best Similar Sites Like SockShare in 2020 which you can use to stream your favorite content online. These sites are the best if you want some similar sites the SockShare site. Hope you will find your favorite one on this list. If you have any alternative to SockShare that you use daily, please feel free to let us know in the comment section below, follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more news and updates.


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Convert Text Into Audio

How To Convert Text Into Audio Using Notepad

Everyone loves to hear what is written in a paragraph or in a document. This is the reason why audiobooks are getting popular nowadays. In this article, i will show how you can convert text into audio using the Notepad.

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Why Use Notepad?

Because it is the most commonly used text editor everyone uses. That’s the reason.

How To Convert Text Into Audio Using Notepad

  • STEP 1: Open Notepad. You can do this by searching for “Notepad” in the windows search Or Press “Win+R” and type “Notepad” and press “Enter”.
  • STEP 2: Now, copy the following program and paste it in Notepad–
Dim message, sapi
message=InputBox("Enter your text for conversion | #LLSINFO","Sound Testing #llsinfo")
Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak message
Notepad: Paste The Code
Notepad: Paste The Code
  • STEP 3: Now save the code that you have entered above. The code has to be saved in .vbs format. Example sound test.vbs or any other name that you desire and save it.
Save The File as .vbs
Save The File as .vbs
  • STEP 4: Now navigate yourself to the location where the code is stored. in my case it was stored on the desktop so i will just go to the desktop and check for it. You can see that the file we saved was in the Visual Studio Script (.vbs) format.
  • STEP 5: Now just “double click” on the saved file and “Enter the text” you want to hear in the text box. The moment you click “OK“. You can hear the text you entered as Audio.

> Check next: Convert a PDF File Into an Editable Text Document (How to)

So, that’s all about how to convert a Text into Audio simply by using Notepad. Hope you found this article useful. Feel free to comment your opinions down in the comments section below, follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more news and updates.


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Best Alternative Solutions to Fix iPhone Touch Screen Not Working Problem

iPhones are delicate creations of the famed Apple store, and whoever owns it knows they can’t throw it around like how people usually throw Nokia phones. iPhones, therefore, face a lot of issues, if the owner is careless like that, and one of the common problems is iPhone screens not working. You might have dropped it accidentally or without any fault of yours – but it still happens. Most of the iPhone users complain about their touchscreen problem, and given below are some of the solutions that can help solve this.

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1. Hard Reboot:

This is a classic go-to move; it’s like an unspoken mantra, ‘When in doubt, go for hard reboot’. Many people confuse it with simply switching the phone off and on, but hard reboot is not just that. Here, you will hold down the home button along with the volume down button simultaneously (for new iPhones) or press the home and the power button together (for older versions of iPhones) and wait till the Apple Logo appears on the screen. This should resolve any kind of bug or software freeze and your screen is sure to start working.

2. Cleaning the Screen:

One of the many different solutions to fix iPhone touch screen not working problem is thoroughly cleaning the screen. iPhones come with a sensitive screen and if it stops working, then the first instinct is always to wipe it off on your t-shirt. Don’t do that, instead get a soft cloth, a screen cleaning solution and, if possible, a bright light. Check the phone in perfectly slow pace, and don’t let any corner go unnoticed. Clean out all the gunk and debris that can be hidden and as an extra precaution, clean your fingers too. If this doesn’t work, I don’t know what will.

3. Updating the iOS:

Many of the times, iOS acts intolerably to delayed software updates, which can lead to iPhone touch screen not working properly and that too, quite suddenly.More often than not, this means that you needto update the iOS, and should update your phone as soon as possible. Many iPhone users have reported that updating their iOS has helped solve their iPhone touch screen problems. Updating the iOS has many benefits, including the device now being on latest version and the additional perk of the solving of the touch screen issue.

4. Changing the damaged screen:

This is kind of an obvious solution, don’t you think? Sometimes, iPhone owners complain about their touch screen not working iPhone, all the while blatantly disregarding how their screen is not a smooth one, but filled with some intricate design because the phone was handled too roughly and now there are cracks. This clearly means that you need to sort out your screen and get it replaced; it’s just that simple. iPhones can be so sensitive that even a small jagged line on the screen can put forth touch screen issues on the user – so just get it done and dusted. Also you can read here IPhones’ Common Problems Face By Users And It’s Solutions To Fix It. This guide will help you to solve it easily.

5. Cleaning the storage:

Have you filled all your phone with so much content that it has lately been freezing frequently? Now this might be a problem and can actually make the screen stop. The best way to solve this one is cleaning the storage. Dump those blurry photos and age-old images of college notes – pretty sure you don’t need that anymore. Then there are unused audios, unopened videos and documents and what not, that is stewing on your phone since years. Let go of the junk and see the phone running more smoothly than what you had expected from it, and not to forget that the touchscreen will be working just fine.

6. Complete reset:

This is the ultimate option, which people try only after having tried everything that is in their power to try. One of the final and best Ways of fixing iPhone’s problematic touch screen is resetting the phone completely. There are specific steps that you need to follow; go to general settings, where you will find the reset option. Once you are there, choose ‘Reset All Settings’ option so as to perform a full-factory reset. They will ask you about your password and once you enter it, the reset procedure will be kick-started. After it is done, you will have to conduct the exact same process you did when you got the phone for the first time. This option is very handy and has the chance of succeeding by approximately 97%.

The touch screen of the iPhones complicated yet quite a fascinating technology. In case your iPhone’s screen stops working, these ways would help fix it and if the issue still persists, you have no option other than to show it to a service center and get it fixed.


Merge Facebook Pages

How To Merge Facebook Pages: All You Need To Know (June 2020)

Facebook is the most significant social networking used not only to connect peoples but nowadays it has become an internet advertising hub. Brands and businesses use Facebook groups and Pages to engage with customers. For major brands, merging Facebook pages is a very important process, because while merging Facebook pages, all the likes and the followers from the previews page will merge with the new one. In this way, the likes and check-ins of both pages will be combined to a single Facebook page which can result in a decrease of the management work needed. So, to help admins merge their Facebook pages, in this article we are going to share everything they need to know and the simple steps to merge Facebook pages. The same method work even if you need to merge Facebook business pages.

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> Check out: How to Clear your Search History on Facebook (Mobile&Desktop)

Why Should You Merge Facebook Pages?

There may be multiple reasons why you want to merge Facebook pages.

  • Reason #1: You may have multiple Facebook pages with the same name that are usually created a mistakenly long time ago.
  • Reason #2: You may have brand pages that ar created with different names and wat to merde then in a single one.

Merging duplicated pages will help keep your customers, fans in one place and let you have full control of messages and marketing.

Preparation For Merging Facebook Page

You will be eligible to merge only these pages that have a similar name and represent apparently the same thing. Also before merging, you need to do some changes to your pages:

  1. Change the names of the pages to the same. If the same isn’t possible, then make them as similar as possible. For example, neoAdviser and neoAdvisers both are almost similar possible to merge.
  2. Update the about section with similar information. This probably maybe your website, address, and description.

Points to be noted:

  • To merge two or more Facebook Pages, you should be admin of then both
  • The pages should have the same name and represent the same thing
  • Local pages should have the same address
  • In no option to merge is available, they may be different reasons. In this time you can request Facebook for a review.

Note: You probably may want to merge the page that has fewer likes into the one with more. You most understand that content of the merged page will be wiped totally. So, before continuing to the Page merge steps, you may need to download all the essential photos and another stuff you may need.

Steps to Merge Two Facebook Pages

Sometimes admins have more than one page. If these pages are for the same purpose, admins would rather want to merge the pages together to engage more audience. In this way, admins can combine the likes and check-ins of both pages into a single Facebook page. This decreases management work.

So, follow the steps below to simple merge Facebook pages:

Part 1: Steps To Merge Facebook Pages With Similar Name.

If you fave pages with similar names, then follow these easy steps given below to merge pages on Facebook together :

Merge Facebook Pages With Similar Name
Merge Facebook Pages With Similar Name
  • Step 2. Type the names of the two pages you’d want to merge and press “continue
  • Step 3. Pick which Facebook Page you wish to keep and press “Keep Page” button
Merge Facebook Pages With Similar Name: Keep Page
Merge Facebook Pages With Similar Name: Keep Page
  • Step 4. Confirm the Merge Request by pressing the “Request Merge”.
Request Merge
Request Merge
  • Step 5. Finally, you will get a “merge request successful” message.

By doing this successfully, you will not end up with a single Facebook page that has combined all the check-ins as well as likes.

> Check out: How To Accept All Friend Requests On Facebook At Once

Part 2: Steps To Merge Facebook Pages With Different Name.

As per Facebook page policies, you will be able to merge only pages with similar names. If you are looking to merge Facebook pages with different names, before going to the steps shared above, you will need to make some changes to your Facebook page name. Follow the steps below to change your Facebook name:

So let suppose, for example, you have to different page name, the 1st is neoAdviser Name and 2nd is Endrit. Now you to merge Endrit into neoAdviser. For this, you need to change Endrit’s page name to neoAdviser. To better understand, if the page name too much different then change the name in 2 or 3 processes.

  • In first request, Endrit => neoAdviser Endrit
  • In second request neoAdviser Endrit => neoAdviser

You can do those names change according to you your page name.

Part 3: “Pages can’t be merged” Error Solution

1st Error:


This error occurs when admins are treating to merge more than 5, 6 pages. At this time Facebook restricts automatic merging. To resolve this, you can reduce the total merging pages. Another tip is to merge multiple Facebook pages that have a very similar number of likes.

2nd Error:


The solution to this is to remove the addresses of both pages before starting the margin procedure. Remove also Map.

What to do after successfully merging two Facebook Pages?

  • Update the profile picture, cover image, and fill the About section with relevant information. Also, put in the most important keywords.
  • Set the Facebook page to local and allow check-ins.
  • For the business Facebook pages, make sure to verify it. After successfully verification you page visibility in search engines will be improved.

> Check out: Invite All Friends To Like A Page On Facebook (2 Methods)

So, that’s all about how to merge Facebook pages easily. The same method shred above works even if you want to merge Facebook business pages. Hope you found it useful! If you have any question, please let us know in the comments section below, follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more news and updates.


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media entertainers

Canadian media entertainers create community in isolation

When movie theatres and galleries are shut down, festivals and concerts cancelled, and filming on sets postponed, what are Canadian artists doing? Along with moving their live performances online where possible, they are also connecting with fans using digital media.

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While people are isolating themselves at home during this unprecedented pause in public life, Canadian film and television artists are comforting, entertaining, raising funds and encouraging others—while highlighting the country’s artistic successes at the same time.

Chinese-Canadian actor Simu Liu, for example, is taking the opportunity during Asian Heritage Month this May to combat discrimination—which he calls a “virus of hate”—during the pandemic. He regularly spotlights the contributions of entertainers, like the wildly successful Korean-Canadian actor Sandra Oh, for example, on social media.  Liu is best known for his role on CBC’s hit-show, Kim’s Convenience, and was recently tapped to play the title role in Marvel’s upcoming film, Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings.

Also taking part in the Asian Heritage Month campaign is Tamil-Canadian actress Maitreyi Ramakrishnan, star of Mindy Kaling’s new Netflix series Never Have I Ever. “I’m a firm believer,” she says, “that if you don’t see what you want [to see] in the media or in the world in general, go be it. That’s your time to make that space.”

Because of the cautious-but-necessary recommendations rising from health authorities in every region, people are consuming more entertainment content at home than ever before.

For example, in its first quarter of 2020, Netflix reported that it gained 16 million subscribers between January and March.

Canadian actor-comedians like Jay Baruchel, for example, believe that Canadian talent and programming punches above its weight in that great digital smorgasbord. Film and television in Canada are powerhouse industries in a relatively small population of 38 million people. In 2017, it generated 171,700 full-time-equivalent jobs and contributed $12 billion in gross domestic product, according to the Canadian Media Producers Association.

In April, Baruchel took Canadians on a 30-day cross-country road trip to place the spotlight on the brilliant people in his own industry, both in front of and behind the camera. From the comfort of their own homes, lovers of Canadian film and TV could follow @BaruchelNDG on Twitter with the hashtags #MADERoadTrip and #ThisIsMADE to check out the title recommendation of the day and share their own favourites from each location.

Among several other Canadian celebrities, Baruchel is currently an ambassador for a national campaign called MADE | NOUS, a campaign developed to celebrate the work of Canadian creators in film, television, video games and digital entertainment. MADE | NOUS is an industry-wide initiative, bringing together more than 30 showbiz players who believe it’s time for Canadians to shed old perceptions about Canadian content–that it’s boring and pretentious–and to see the valuable and exciting work across platforms that’s being done in real time, today.  The campaign launched in February 2019 with a 60 second TV spot during the live Oscar pre-show.

Actor Ryan Reynolds has not forgotten his Canadian roots during this pandemic. Also in April, he famously supported Canadian hockey star Haley Wickenhauser’s plea for funds to buy medical supplies for Canadian hospitals, and he donated $1 million to be split between Canadian and American food banks.

At a time of such fear and uncertainty, there is no question that celebrities are doing their part to lend a hand and improve the spirits of fans and friends. It seems that part of that improvement comes from taking pride in what is a made-in-Canada cultural identity of brilliant storytellers, innovative creators, and leaders in technology.


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Torlock Alternatives

Torlock Alternatives: Top 5+ Best Similar Sites to Torlock Torrent Site (2020)

You may have noticed while trying to access Torlock torrent site that it may not be available to you. This cos back in 2019, the website was taken does due to DMCA complaints. Like Torlock, many other torrent sites offering the same services are shut down in recent years. Torlock, at the time writing the article, is live and can be accessed through here. Another way to access it us by using Torlock Proxy/Mirrors shared below. If you still can access it, or you want more options, then go through the Torlock alternatives, or the similar sites like Torlock, shared below.

IMPORTANTLegal Copyright Disclaimer: This technology shall only be used to stream/downlaod movies/TV shows and other stuff that fall under the public domain. neoAdviser does not endorse or promote illegal activity tied to streaming or downloading copyrighted works. The end-user shall be solely responsible for media accessed through any service or app referenced on this Website. Referenced applications/addons/links are not hosted by neoAdviser and this guide is for educational purposes only.

NOTE: If the given links are not working, please do a quick google search to find the latest working links to the given website!

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> Check Out: WatchCartoonOnline Alternatives: Top 15+ Best Sites Like WatchCartoonOnline To Watch Anime Online For Free in 2020

What is Torlock?

If you are a film lover, like me, and want to watch all the movie video content form the comfort of your home, then Torlock is the best choice for you. Through Torlock website you can search and Download in HD all the type of Movie video content for free and watch then offline form your PC device. Although there are many sites similar to it, Torlock has revolutionized the experience of downloading films.

Torlock is one of the best films and other video content downloading platforms that provides quality torrent files and allows is users to get the top torrent files for any media free of cost. Similar to other platforms, the site is supported through ads, but compared to then, you will find few annoying ads.

Reaching Torlock website you will face a very friendly user interface (UI) with categories that are really easy to navigate through and some of the newly released torrents showcased right at the homepage. You can even use the search bar to easily find any content you are searching for. Torlock platform packs all types of torrent files like TV shows, movies, software, applications, and many more files for torrent downloads.

Why Downloading from Torlock?

Torlock has proven to be very convenient and helpful for all download solutions needed. You will find easily every type of media, software, new and old movies, TV shows and much more to download for free. Torlock is really a completed torrent file download platform for these looking to may kind of files.

Is Torlock Accessible and Why Using Torlock alternatives?

Torlock is not down, instead, it is still up and running well. You can still access it from the link mentioned above. Due to copyright issues, it may not show up in Google search results, but you can find it using different search engines like Yahoo.

We may love using Torlock website, but due to high internet piracy and copyright laws, many ISPs are blocking access to it. For this reason, if you live in one of these countries, you are unable to access it. Due to this, Torlock is not accessible to everyone and the users are searching for some good alternatives. So, if you can access Torlock website, or the site is offline at that time, go through the list below to find your next best Torlock alternative in 2020.

Torlock Proxy/Mirror sites

Another way to still uses Torlock is by using Torlock proxy/mirror sites. Torlock proxy and mirror sites are clones to the main domain and host the entire content library of the main website but at a different domain name. For more these mirror sites uses the same user interface as the parent site and you can expect periodic updates. Depending on where you live, you may need to use a good VPN to avoid penalties from your Govt, and we at neoAdviser always recommend to you to use these mirrors/proxies that have an SSL certificate.

So below, there are some Torlock proxy/mirror sites that are working fine at the time  writing the article and you can still use to have the same experience as at Torlock website:

Torlock Proxy/Mirror sitesStatusSpeed Very Fast Very Fast

Top 5+ Best Torlock Alternatives in 2020

So below we are going to share to 5+ best similar sites like Torlock platform that you can use to download any torrent file in 2020. The alternatives to Torlock shared below are listed randomly, so make sure to check then all and find your next best Torlock alternative in 2020.

#1. 1337x

1337X is geat well-know old torrent website. It packs a modern design and UI that distinguish it from other similar sites and has some advanced features. 1337X is safe to use and the top qualitative torrents have maximum numbers of seeders. The torrent stuff you are getting is also great.

It comes with an amazing UI and good design that distinguish it from other sites. You can find any torrent file easily here by simply researching through the search bar.

1337X website:


> Check Out: Afdah Alternatives: Top 10 Best Similar Websites Like Afdah to Watch Movies Online for Free in 2020

#2. The Pirate Bay

The Pirate Bay is one of the legendary torrenting sites that for sure must be in this list. This has been around for a long time now and is one of the biggest torrent sites. Within the website you will find all the types of files, from movies, software, games, TV shows, to video songs, mobile applications, eBooks, Mp3s, and everything else, with more than 10,000 torrent files added daily.

The Pirate Bay is not only the best alternative to Torlock, but is also one of the most popular and trusted torrent file sites. You will find easily all the torrent files you may want which have good trackers as well. Thanks to its large community, you will always find genuine torrents with good seeders numbers.

The Pirate Bay website:

The Pirate Bay
The Pirate Bay


RARBG has started first since 2008 and is providing high quality torrents since than. It shares both torrents files and magnet links for peer to peer file sharing. Similar to Torlock, you will find all types of torrent files here from movies, TV shows, games, to music, software, and many more. RARBG is safe and reliable to use. It may look outdated from the design, but is pack a good amount of torrents.

The community of RARBG is very active with comments and this may help you to find the top high quality torrents. Possibly, you will not find any fake torrents here and for more the numbers of seeders and trackers are also great.

RARBG website:


#4. Kickass

Kickass is one of the most popular and oldest torrent download sites. It packs thousands of torrents to browse and download for free. Kickass, similar to Torlock, provides torrent files for Movies, TV Shows, Games, Apps, Music, Software, and many more. Know mostly as KAT is one of the most known in the world today.

Most new films are uploaded on Kickass faster compared to others. Depending on the country you live in, you will find that Kickass performs even better than Torlock.

Kickass website:


> Check Out: Omegle Alternatives: Top 10 Best Free Chat Websites Like Omegle To Chet With Random Peoples Online in 2020

#5. Zooqle

Zooqle is one of the best torrent sites providing trusted and verified torrent files. You will find all the types of torrent files here from movies, TV shows to PDFs, Full Games, Software, and many more, all for free to download. Zooqle becomes very popular mostly after big names like Kickass Torrents, RARBG, Torrentz2, and were banned.

Zooqle is one of the big torrent sites that host more than 3.5M verified torrents and 2200 trackers supporting it. You can download almost everything from this website. It has a distinctive design and UI (user interface) then makes it easy to use and navigate through.

Zooqle website:


#6. LimeTorrents

Limetorrents is another safe and verified torrent site to not contain any malware of infection that may harm its users. You can access it now from This is a pretty good website that hosts a good amount of torrents, but besides then, when downloading files make sure to check the number of seeders to get a fast download speed.

The only drawback of Limetorrents is that the old torrent don’t have a good number of seeds that can slow the download speed of then.

Limetorrents website:


#7. Torrentz

Torrentz is a torrent search engine that can be used to find any kind of torrent file you want to download. You will be able to find any torrent file available using the Torrentz search engine. You can use it to search Movies, Games, Applications and download for free.

This similar Torlock site will display only trusted torrents files at the top after searching an the verified option will help you to get only 100% legitimate content to download.

Torrentz website:


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So here you have top 5+ best alternatives to Torlock that you can use in 2020 to find and download trusted torrent files online. Hope you find this article useful! If you have any other alternative to Torlock, or a similar site like Torlock that you use daily, please let us know in the comments section below, follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more news and updates.


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WatchCartoonOnline Alternatives

WatchCartoonOnline Alternatives: Top 15+ Best Sites Like WatchCartoonOnline (2020)

These days, anime or cartoon free streaming sites are very popular. WatchCartoonOnline is one of the best and among the most popular ones to stream endless hours of cartoon series at totally free of cost. For even more, it will also allow you to download them so you can watch it later offline. But, like similar sites to WatchCartoonOnline, the site hosts copyrighted content, and as a result the website cannot be accessed in some countries, or it may be down for a period of time. For these reasons and many more, its users are looking for some good alternatives to WatchCartoonOnline, or they need more similar sites like WatchCartoonOnline to continue watching cartoons online for free. If you are one of them, then this article is for you. Below we are going to share top 15+ top options that you can use than freely as a WatchCartoonOnline alternative in 2020.

IMPORTANTLegal Copyright Disclaimer: This technology shall only be used to stream/downlaod movies/TV shows and other stuff that fall under the public domain. neoAdviser does not endorse or promote illegal activity tied to streaming or downloading copyrighted works. The end-user shall be solely responsible for media accessed through any service or app referenced on this Website. Referenced applications/addons/links are not hosted by neoAdviser and this guide is for educational purposes only.

NOTE: If the given links are not working, please do a quick google search to find the latest working links to the given website!

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> Check Out: Afdah Alternatives: Top 10 Best Similar Websites Like Afdah to Watch Movies Online For Free in 2020

What Is WatchCartoonOnline?

Simply putting, WatchCartoonOnline among the best Amine and Cartoon streaming websites that offers English subbed and dubbed anime in high-video quality to watch at totally free of cost. From all the cartoon library platforms you may find online, nothing beats the extensity and variety that this website offers.

Watching Cartoon and Anime online was one of our best childhood things, but it is something that, in general, we still love to do them these days. Thanks to WatchCartoonsOnline, and other similar sites like WatchCartoonsOnline, which packs a large collection of old and new Anime series, we can still watch out favorite shows these days for free.

If you love watching cartoons, like me, then you can choose WatchCartoon Online as your final destination. Through this, you can watch endless hours of cartoon content for free and without any limitations. For more you can even download cartoon videos to watch them offline and you won’t need any account for that.

Why using Alternatives to WatchCartoonOnline?

So with all these great options, why peoples are still looking for WatchCartoonOnline alternatives? WatchCartoonOnline is among the most popular sources for streaming anime content online. But as other live free movies streaming sites, even using WatchCartoonOnline you may face issues from time to time that varies from users to different regions. One of then is website maintenance form WatchCartoonOnline owners which they may shut down the domain and this can happen at any time, so you may end up missing your live event. WatchCartoonOnline moderators may shutdown the domain to fix issues and glitches on the site and this can take some time, so for this time is better to switch to some WatchCartoonOnline alternatives.

One other problem may be the availability in different countries of the world, as we mentioned above. Some counties have strict laws against these types of domains/contents. So if you live in any country that has strict laws, it’s more likely that you won’t be able to access this site. These countries ban the use of these types of sites in that region and you won’t have access from that country, so it is a great idea to look for some similar sites.

Is WatchCartoonOnline Legal and Safe to use?

WatchCartoonOnline, and other free movie streaming sites similar to WatchCartoonOnline, to stay online use advertisements that are not controlled by trusted networks like Google. So clicking through ads may lead you on downloading malicious programs that may affect your system. The ads from these types of websites can be tricky, so keep in mind that.

As for its legality, like other free online anime streaming services, WatchCartoonOnline has not the right to host the content they provide. For this reason, streaming Ilegal copyrighted content is forbidden by laws in many countries, like the US. As for these reasons, these types of services are always the main target of Govt and the domain gets blocked by ISP (Internet Services Providers) in these countries. So in response, to keep staying online, these type of services change they domain frequently. So depending on where you live, a good VPN is always best to protect your identity online and have still access to the website.

WatchCartoonOnline Proxy/Mirror sites

Another way to still uses WatchCartoonOnlin is by using WatchCartoonOnlin proxy/mirror sites. WatchCartoonOnlin proxy and mirror sites are clones to the main domain and host the entire content library of the main website but at a different domain name. For more these mirror sites uses the same user interface as the parent site and you can expect periodic updates. Depending on where you live, you may need to use a good VPN to avoid penalties from your Govt, and we at neoAdviser always recommend to you to use these mirrors/proxies that have an SSL certificate.

So below, there are some WatchCartoonOnlin proxy/mirror sites on 2020, found searching online, that are working fine at the time writing the article and you can still use to have the same experience as at WatchCartoonOnlin website.

WatchCartoonOnline Proxy/MirrorStatusSpeed Fast Fast Fast

10 Best WatchCartoonOnline Alternatives in 2020 (Stream Cartoon Online)

So, if the website is not accessible for you, then go through the WatchCartoonOnline alternatives shared below. The sites listed below are shared randomly, so make sure to check then all an find your next top alternative to WatchCartoonOnline in 2020.

#1. KissAnime

KissAnime is one of the best options to stream anime shows and movies for free in HD and FHD format without the need for signup. You can find a huge collection of the latest anime shows and movies from Japan and Korea. The anime comes with English subtitles or dubbed in English and in high quality video and audio resolution. About 40 million regular users visit kissanime monthly.

It offers various categories that are available and you can choose to watch then from 240p to 1080 according to your internet speed. In the recent update the newly added anime are showcased directly at the homepage.

KissAnime Website:


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#2. 9Anime

9Anime is the best competitor and a great alternative to WatchCartoonOnline. Through 9Anime you can watch for free online the latest and most popular anime shows in English subtitles and also in HD format. No signup is needed to access these features that makes 9Anime one of the best alternatives to WatchCartoonOnline and one of the best sites to watch the latest anime online for free.

Is has a UI (User Interface) that differs from the others and makes it stand out from the crowd. You will find all types of animated video content form Anime Videos, Novels, and Mangas. Users can chose also to download they’re favorite anime content which is a great feature.

9Anime Website:


#3. CartoonCrazy

Want to go crazier watching cartons? Than try CartoonCrazy. Like WatchCartoonOnline, you will find all the anime here to stream online for free without any limitation. Right at the homepage are showcased the lates added series, and you have the option to search by categories like by Genre, by Cartoon List, by Anime Dubbed, etc.

Thanks to its fluent UI, you can easily search and stream any video content and unlike WatchCartoonOnline, from different countries including countries like the United States, UK, and Canada.

 CartoonCrazy website:


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#4. AnimeShow

AnimieShow is another top source to stream anime online worldwide for free which packs a large collection of anime content. Using the search tab you can directly search for your favorite anime. Although its collection is really huge, you will face many pop-up ads while browsing the website. That’s the reason why many peoples hate AnimieShow, but on the other side, this site has a good authority with 11 million monthly traffic, most form the US and UK.

AnimieShow website:


#5. AnimeToon

AnimeToon is yet another great WatchCartoonOnline alternative to watch cartoons online at no cost. It packs hundreds of animations and films to choose from its different categories and also you may that want to look Dubbed Anime category from the website. AnimeToon gives the option to choose from different anime genres like action, comedy, adventure, crime, etc.

The well-design and simple user interface offers also many sorting options to help you discover easily all the new and most trending anime video content. You will find also anime movies and TV series that are offered with subtitles.

Anime Toon Website:


#6. GoGoAnime

A super-fast streaming site with a lot of content, GoGoAnime is marked as one of the best sites like WatchCartoonOnline. The site can be accessed from PC and form all smartphones as it works with HTML 5. The latest anime movies and series are with English subtitles and also you can find many English dubbed anime. With a huge collection of the latest Japan anime series and movies, GoGoAnime is the station of millions anime lovers.

GoGoAnime is a free website to watch anime online and downloading anime with English subtitles or dubbed in English. The site offers a clean and easy user interface (UI) which is well-organized. GoGoAnime packs all of the popular anime videos to choose from. 

GoGoAnime Website:


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#7. KissCartoon

KissCartoon provides hundreds of cartoons and anime series for free with a database that gets updated frequently with the latest anime videos. The site has become very popular while ic count around 15 million monthly traffic and most form the US and UK. If you want more features, you can create an account there and you will get notified whenever new cartoon or anime uploaded.

You will face many ads and pop-up ads, so keep in mind this while browsing it. KissCartoon is another top WatchCartoonOnline alternative which you should consider.

KissCartoon website:


#8. AnimeFreak

Animefreak offers a loot of free anime shows and movies with English subtitles and even some of then are dubbed in English. It pack a great user interface (UI) which makes this site a really great WatchCartoonOnline alternative to watch cartoons online.

AnimeFreak pack a huge collections of more than 10K episodes of anime series form various categories to stream and watch for free. Clicking on the photos of the anime you can see the review of the show, ratings, and episode list. You will find both original and dubbed series at AnimeFreak and to make the watching more enjoyable you can also download their app from Play Store.

AnimeFreak Website:


#9. Chia-Anime

This is one of the best websites to watch anime online for free, listening to anime soundtracks, and reading manga in various genres. For sure you will find your favorite anime here as Chia-Anime gets updated daily. The site offers also the feature to save or download your favorite anime.

The website is compatible with different screen device, so you can use Chia-Anime to stream anime content even form you Android or iOS device. Another top feature is the availability of dubbed in English and subbed versions of anime.

Chia-Anime Website:


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#10. KimCartoon

KimCartoon is another great well-known free cartoon streaming service online focused on animations. It packs no just a well-executed interface but its also known for its largest animation collection of content, starting from the classic ones like The Tom and Jerry Shows. Through the “Request Cartoon” tab, you can request any cartoon you wich to watch here.

KimCartoon has a responsive design, so no matter of the device you are browsing through, it will look always good and well-organized. The video quality is also great, and you can also read the manga version of the cartoons and anime you have watched.

KimCartoon website:


#11. AnimeHeaven

AnimeHeaven is yet another top WatchCartoonOnline alternative website resource that provides anime series and anime movies in both subbed and dubbed versions. It packs a large collection of anime content categorized in different categories with instant streaming at free of cost and without any restriction.

The UI (user interface) is pretty easy to use and navigate through, while it also offers support for different screen devices that to its responsive design. You will find many ads, pop-ups, so a good adblocker will be good.

AnimeHeaven website:


#12. Anime Planet

Anime-Planet offers a unique user interface (UI) to makes your experience more enjoyable. Right at the Homepage are listed the recommendations, including the newest and most popular today. Anime-Plane is an excellent website to watch anime online and packs a massive collection of anime from old, new, dubbed and subbed Anime. It offers also the signup option that will give you some features like creating a watch list to give you better recommendations.

You may find some pop-up ads at Anime-Planet, but otherwise is a great website to watch anime. Also you will find a lot of reviews, forums, and more here which is best.

Anime-Planet website:

Anime Planet
Anime Planet

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#13. AnimeTV

Yet another excellent platform to watch the latest anime content for free is AnimeTV. All the latest subbed and dubbed anime can be found here. For the same cartoon video there are available multiple streaming options. The UI is pretty simple and easy to navigate through the categorizations in different categories. Right at the homepage are showcased the lates added SUB-Movies, DUB-Movies, and the most popular ones at that time.

AnimeTV is popular in countries in the US and UK and counts over 7 million users monthly.

AnimeTV website:


#14. AnimeFLV

AnimeFLV is a big name when it comes to free anime streaming online, many the father of Anime. The only downside is that the content is offered in Spanish, not in English. If you now Spanish, than AnimeFLV is really a great alternative to WatchCartoonOnline for you.

The UI and streaming experience is on top and right at the left sidebar are showcased a list of amine.

AnimeFLV website:


#15. AniWatcher

AniWatcher provides a large collection of your loved cartoons at totally free of cost. The database gets updated frequently with new anime content that comes in good quality. This website may not be as popular as the above shared but now it counts around 800K visitors monthly. Like other free anime streaming sites, this is also ad-supported so you will face some advertisements.

AniWatcher, similar to WatchCartoonOnline, is well-organized in different categories that get updated frequently with the latest released animes. Also for more, every anime is dubbed and subbed for worldwide users.

AniWatcher website:


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#15. JustDubs

As the name suggests, at JustDubs you will find all the English dubbed versions of the latest anime shows, movies, series, episodes, cartoons, and other anime related videos. According to they “No subs, just dubs.” say, if the subtitles under the video bother you, that Justdubs website is the right for you. The lates dubbed anime series and cartoons are added as soon as they dubbed versions are available, so you may not find all the latest released newly series.

JustDubs website:


#16. AnimeDao

AnimeDao offers a large collection of diverse anime series and different categories with a great interface. You will also find dubbed anime and the only drawback is that it is not giving to its users the option to download anime.

Another top feature of AnimeDao is its “Request/Report” option, which lets is users request Anime series to be included on the website. If you are looking for an extensive library of full-length anime content than AnimeDao is your perfect place! For sure this will be you best alternative to WatchCartoonOnline.

AnimeDao website:


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So here you have top 15+ alternatives to Watchcartoononline in 2020 to stream anime online for free. You can still use the Watchcartoononline proxy/mirror links shared above, but its best to use the alternatives mention. Hope you found this article useful! If you have any other alternative, or a good similar site to Watchcartoononline, that you use daily, please let us know in the comments section below, follow us on twitter and facebook for more news and updates.


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