Can Chiropractic Treatment Help Relieve Headaches,

A chiropractor is a healthcare professional who relieves health symptoms by focusing on the spine. They pay special attention to the connections between your spine and nervous system. They can either adjust the spine using their hands or perform other physical therapies that promote good health. Chiropractic practices are perceived in the medical field as complementary medicine. If you have persistent back pains, neck pains, and headaches, you may benefit from seeing a chiropractor.


What Triggers Your Headaches?


There are some external conditions or substances that cause headaches to occur. These are called triggers. This may include certain foods like stimulating teas, coffee, dairy products, or excess sugar. Environmental triggers include harsh lights, persistent noises, and stress. Headaches can also be triggered by behavioral changes like lack of sleep, water, or exercise. 


Types Of Headaches


Depending on the cause, headaches can be categorized differently. There are tension headaches, migraines, cervicogenic headaches, and cluster headaches. Underlying diseases like diabetes and malaria can also cause some headaches. In this case, the headache is referred to as a secondary headache. Of all the primary headaches, the most common is the tension headache. It’s most common because many people’s lives today involve sitting at a desk without making movements for more than five hours a day. This tends to increase muscle tension in the neck, joint irritation, and pain in the scalp and upper back. This, in turn, causes a headache. Here are some ways chiropractic care can help relieve your headache:


For Cervicogenic Headaches


Cervicogenic headaches are those that are caused by underlying neck problems. They are usually caused by an injury or bending over a desk for hours every day. They typically start with a sharp pain at the back of the head. The pain moves up towards one side of the head and can also involve discomfort in the shoulders or arms. This is the main type of headache for which chiropractic spinal manipulation is recommended. They rarely get better with medication because the problem is in the nervous system and not the muscles. Spinal manipulation is a procedure where a professional chiropractor applies controlled force to a specific spinal joint using their hands. You will hear a cracking sound accompanying the force applied. The procedure isn’t painful but almost instantly relieves the migraine. If you live in Florida, you can find a Jupiter chiropractor that will help you regain perfect health.


For Tension Headaches


Tension headaches are mainly caused by tension in the neck, upper back, and scalp muscles. This is most likely caused by living a sedentary lifestyle, clenching your jaws, or straining your body in one position for long hours of the day. Most people who suffer from tension headaches find relief from over-the-counter pain meds and anti-inflammatory ointments. Chiropractic care, especially spinal manipulation, has not been proven to help with this kind of headache. This is probably because tension headaches have more to do with muscle tension than nervous system issues. However, light pressure applied to the neck joints can loosen up the tension by allowing the spinal cord segments to move freely. Also, other approaches can be taken like soft tissue therapy, stress management, and lifestyle change. Soft tissue therapy involves practices like stretching, light exercise, and trigger-point therapy. 


For Migraines


Migraines are painful headaches that can be felt on a specific part of the head. Migraines are also known to come and go almost instantly. Other symptoms like nausea and dizziness can accompany them. There are pills and pain injections that have been proven effective for migraines. Fortunately, spinal manipulation can help you with your migraine. Moreover, other kinds of chiropractic treatments like trigger point therapy can work. This involves gently massaging points on the temples, scalp, neck, and shoulder to relax the tense nerves, relieving the headache. Migraines can also be cured by changing some aspects of your lifestyle like exercising more, staying hydrated, and managing stress effectively.


Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Headaches


Most of the time, chiropractic adjustments alone won’t completely get rid of your headaches. You will have to make some lifestyle changes to get rid of the problems that caused the headaches in the first place. First, you’ll have to find out what your triggers are. When you notice a headache has started, try to identify what environmental change or food item could have caused it. Once you see a pattern, you should make changes to ensure you don’t experience the triggers again. Here are some causes of headaches and common triggers:


  • Bending over a desk for many hours on end.
  • Too much time on electronic devices.
  • Eating certain foods or drinks.
  • Not drinking enough water daily.
  • An old injury.
  • Exposure to harsh lights and noises.
  • Not getting enough sleep.

Chronic headaches can cause more than physical pain. They can disrupt your day-to-day life, cause emotional stress and strain your relationships. A good chiropractor can help relieve your problem without using pharmaceutical drugs.


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