Although science can explain almost anything that happens on this planet, this does not mean that there is no room for small mysteries.
Some places are so crowded with man-made structures, but it is unclear who built them accurately and how they are built.
There are many legends and hypotheses about these unexplained places.
Below you will find a list of 10 most mysterious sites from around the world.
#1. Nazca Lines, Peru
The Nazca lines are a series of large land plots near Lima. There are hundreds of drawings of different sizes and different levels of complexity. The biggest drawings are over 200 m! These lines can be better seen from an airplane. The purpose of the Nazca lines is unclear, although there are many hypotheses, one of which is that Nazca’s men created them to be seen by their gods.

#2. Stonehenge, Angli
This vicious prehistoric monument was built somewhere between 3000-2000 years BC. Stonehenge are actually the remnants of a walking stone ring. The reason or purpose of this stone ring remains unclear. One suggestion that Stonehenge could be a burial ground.
#3. Puma Punku, Bolivia
Puma Punku is part of a large temple in Tiwanaku – an archaeological site in western Bolivia, which in the Inca tradition is believed to be the place where the world was created. The country contains large building blocks, the tallest is 7.81 meters tall and weighs about 131 metric tons. It is unclear how these large blocks were transported and lifted over each other.
#4. Moai, Easter Island
The monolithic figure carved by the people of Rapa Nui from the rock between the 1250s and the 1500s. Almost all Moai have incredibly large heads. The tall moai weighs 75 tons, but the people of Rapa Nui were able to move these statues around the island. It is still unclear how, but these statues are now among the most famous statues in the world.

#5. Gobekli Tepe, Turqi
This place gathers archaeologists from all over the world. The country dates from the years 8,000 to 10,000 BC, when people were still only hunter gatherers. This changes our perception of the first origin of religion, as this site is now the oldest religious site discovered. It is also unclear how these people were able to build and move columns weighing up to 20 tons, about 7,000 years before the construction of the pyramids!

#6. Plain i Jars, Laos
Plain of Jars is an archaeological landscape in Xieng Khouang province, Laos. Thousands of mysterious stone jars, some reaching 3 feet in height, are distributed in groups in this large area. Some believed that jars were used to keep alcohol, others believed they were determined to collect rainwater and another belief was that they were used as burial ground. Local legend claims that giants used jars to store alcohol.

#7. Teotihuacan, Meksikë
Teotihuacan is an archaeological site near the city of Mexico. The city is filled with pyramids and is about 20 square miles. It was a large urban center with 100,000 people. The city was destroyed about 1,400 years ago and later was taken by Aztec, the modern name was given by the Aztec people and the meaning is “the place where gods were created”. It is unclear who the original builders were. Teotihuacan is home to the Sun Pyramid – one of the most amazing pyramids in the world.

#8. Monuments of Yonagun, Japan
It was only discovered in 1987, this formation of underwater rocks is located on the banks of Yonagun, Japan, and is best known in Japan as the “Submarine Ruins of Yonagun.” There is a constant discussion of whether this site is natural or man-made, as many of the elements are difficult to explain. Such elements are piercing platforms, a 10-meter straight wall, a 7-meter stone pole and much more. Needless to say, it is unknown who and when constructed the structures.

#9. Pyramid of Bosniaks in Bosnia and Herzegovina
In 2005 a shocking announcement came to the world – the biggest and the oldest man who made the pyramid in the world was found near the Bosnian town of Visoko and is 25,000 years old! The excavations at the pseudo-archaeological site began in 2006, along with claims that tunnels and stone blocks were found. However, teams of geologists, archaeologists and many other scientists concluded that the hills are absolutely natural and man-made formations. Some still believe that the hills are an artificial pyramid and excavations and search for evidence is still ongoing.

#10. Baalbek, Liban
Baalbek in Lebanon is the location of the largest Roman temple ever built. Later it was destroyed by the Byzantine Emperor, but among its ruins you can find the pregnant woman’s stone (also known as the southern stone) – one of the greatest monoliths ever excavated. The big granite block weighs 1,000 tons! A similar second stone is close to that, which weighs even more – 1,224 tons. It is unclear how these blocks were transported and why such an effort was imposed on Baalbek by the Romans.