How Meat And Poultry Fit In Your Healthy Diet

For the most part, nonetheless, this nutrition type is an imperative segment of suppers, culture and way of life and a wide assortment of broasted chicken are eaten from this nutritional category. This gathering incorporates a wide range of lean meat and poultry, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts and seeds and vegetables/beans.

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Generally, the sustenance’s from this nutrition type are considered ‘protein rich’ and most Australians experience no difficulty eating enough protein every day. All the more imperatively, be that as it may, this nutrition type likewise gives a wide assortment of different supplements, for example, iodine, iron, zinc, nutrients, particularly B12, and fundamental unsaturated fats.

What else is included in the chicken?

The broasted chicken recipe is an especially decent wellspring of iron, zinc and B12 and is effectively ingested. Iron is particularly vital amid early stages and for youthful young ladies, pregnant ladies, bleeding ladies and perseverance competitors.

The iron and zinc in creature sustenance’s are more effectively consumed by the body than in plant nourishment, for example, nuts, seeds and vegetables/beans. In any case, the nutrient C found in products of the soil will help the retention of iron from this non-creature sustenance’s.

Vegetables give a significant number of indistinguishable supplements from lean meats, poultry, fish and eggs and as a result of this; they have been put in this nutritional category just as the vegetable nutritional category. They are fundamental in veggie lover and vegetarian eating examples to get enough of the key supplements found in this nutrition type.

Benefits of eating chicken:

What would it be advisable for us to eat for ideal wellbeing? That is an inquiry that man has tried to respond in due order regarding hundreds of years. For such a long time, diet was controlled by accessibility; a great many people approach a wide assortment of nourishment at the absolute most moderate costs on the planet. The inquiry currently has moved toward becoming, “Given every one of the decisions, what nourishments would it be advisable for me to decide for ideal wellbeing?”

While endless books have been composed regarding the matter, the most broadly acknowledged rule of a solid eating routine is balance and equalization. That is on the grounds that people need a wide range of supplements and the requirements are well on the way to be met by eating an assortment of chicken broast recipe by KFC. At times, food cooperates to improve supplements and make them increasingly “bioavailable” to the body. For instance, meat can enable the body to ingest iron in plant food.

Human Nutrition Needs

Meat’s Role in Human Evolution in anthropological and archeological research uncovers obviously that meat utilization assumed a basic job in advancement and human improvement. Here at PunjabiDesi Foods, we know very well that how to broast chicken in the finest way. An early man devoured organic product, nuts and leaves and required vast volumes of sustenance to infer adequate vitality. Accordingly, early man had a vast gut.

Since the body was centre intensely around the diligent work of processing these nourishments, he additionally had a little cerebrum and constrained ripeness. Be that as it may, when man figured out how to chase and started to expend creature protein, little volumes of meat supplanted the vast volumes of sustenance in his vegan diet.

Simpler to process meat likewise enabled the body to utilize its vitality to construct its mind. After some time, man’s cerebrum developed thus did other human attributes like upstanding stance, discourse and ripeness. Not exclusively did the individual develop, however, the populace additionally did, as well. While people are unmistakably further developed today, meat and poultry assume basic jobs in structure solid bodies and sound cerebrums and in keeping up our bodies as we age.


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Different Ways in Which You Can Get On Top of Your Medical Debt and Come out Smiling

According to a recent report, the biggest reason for personal bankruptcy is medical expenses. It is also exacerbated by the lack of medical insurance, which has assumed serious proportions with around 15.5% of the American population left uncovered. However, even before you start examining the best ways of resolving your medical debt, you should first closely scrutinize your medical bill and make sure that all the entries are correct and accurate. If you have insurance, compare the bill with the explanation of benefits to figure out your liability and if the amount is really large, you can try to negotiate a reduction. Often, if you are not covered by insurance, service providers charge more than what they do to covered patients and this disparity represents an opportunity to reduce the amount of the bill. However, even after negotiating the reduction, if you find the amount unaffordable, here are some smart ways of tackling your debt:

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Payment Plan

Most medical service providers, including hospital, clinics, and even doctors are agreeable to work out a payment plan for patients who are not in a position to pay the entire bill at one shot. They will generally allow you to split the bill into equated monthly installments over a few months to enable you to pay the full amount. While many providers may not charge anything extra, be sure to ask because you could be charged fees for this facility that may have an impact on the affordability of the payment plan.

Medical Credit Cards

If either your provider cannot extend the facility of a payment plan or you find it to be unaffordable due to the short repayment period, you can inquire if they accept medical credit cards. Most service providers do accept them and even have the application forms at hand. Medical credit cards can be used for certain specified medical procedures and give the patient the flexibility of paying the debt off without any interest being charged for a period of six to twelve months. You need to be certain that you can pay off the amount within the interest-free period allowed to you as otherwise, typically, deferred interest rates can be levied. This is the normal APR of the credit card, which is typically very high and can make your medical debt significantly more expensive and difficult to pay off. Ask the card issuer for details, if you are unable to understand the impact of deferred interest on your medical debt.

Medical Bill Advocate

If you are facing a huge number of bills after an extended stay in the hospital, it can be quite difficult for you to spot any mistakes or incidents of overcharging in the bills. It is possible for you to engage the services of a medical bill advocate who are experts in the matter of deciphering medical bills and ensuring that all errors are spotted and set right by the service provider. Since they have detailed knowledge about the costs of various procedures, they can intervene on your behalf and negotiate with the service provider to reduce the billed amount that can be considered as excessive. Be sure to ask about the fees charged by the medical bill advocate to ensure that you stand to benefit even after signing up. If you would rather avoid the expense of a medical bill advocate that may be up to 30% of the amount saved or if your debts have already been turned over to a collection agent, you can choose to negotiate a reduction of the bill amount. When done aggressively, it is possible to negotiate for pennies on the dollar. To get a better idea about debt negotiation, read up on debt settlement reviews available online.

Unsecured Credit

You can take a personal loan from a bank or a private lender to pay off your medical bills. However, unless you have a very good credit score, you are unlikely to get a rate of interest that is low enough to make it a very attractive proposition. Even as personal loans can get you relatively large amounts of money, you should ideally examine this option if you have been unsuccessful in getting your service provider to accept a payment plan or a medical credit card with a long enough interest-free period. The terms of personal loans can vary a lot from one lender to another, so if you are considering one be sure to shop around for the best offer.

A zero-percent balance transfer offer can also prove very useful in medical debt repayment. This works exactly like a medical credit card and offers you a period that may extend to as many as 24 months when you will not be charged any interest on the balance of your card. However, you will not only need a good credit score to become eligible for a promotional offer but also need to charge the medical bills on one of your existing cards and then sweep that balance to the new card. As tempting it may be to sweep other card dues to the new card, you should use the balance transfer card only for the medical expenses to prevent confusion about accounting for the tax deductions you are allowed.

Income-Driven Hardship Plan

If your medical bills are very high in comparison to your income, you may qualify for hardship assistance. There are some states that require hospitals to provide services either free or at reduced rates to patients with low income. You will generally have to produce evidence that your income is insufficient to make the payments in fullbut the effort may well be worth it. In addition to the amount being reduced, your service provider may offer a plan that allows you to make the payment over a few months. You may also be required to apply for Medicaid before being considered as eligible for a hardship plan.


Medical debt is a serious issue and while ill health, to a certain extent, is unavoidable, you must never ignore medical bills that are outstanding. Medical debt does not go away by itself but by taking quick action, you can reduce its impact to a large extent and lead a stress-free life.


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The new trend: micro-bikinis (Photo)

Instagram models brings the new trend: micro-bikinis (Photo)

Instagram’s beauties are very fond of the new microscopic bikini that has recently come out for sale.

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It is a bikini branded “Oh Polly“, which is worn by Gabby Epstein, Sierra Skye and Laura Amy.

This micro-bikini costs around 45 euros and comes in two colors: flesh and red.

Would you have the courage to go out on the beach with a such bikini?

What do you think about this? Let us know your thoughts, Drop a comment and let us know in the comments section below. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more news and updates.

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Selecting The Perfect Working Leather Bags ToccoToscano Singapore

Admit it or not, as you along with your daily life, you’ll see a lot of working women walking on the streets or going into the mall with their bags worn on their shoulder or carried by their hands. In totality, you might rarely see a woman without a bag. They say that if men have a collection of shoes, then women have a closet full of bags.

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That said, it is empirical that if you are a working woman, you need to select a kind of working bag that best suits for you. Undeniably, you might see a lot of working bags anywhere and you can get it as long as you want to, but on one hand you should also mind that each working bag has a personal style that needs to fit and at the same time there are factors you need to consider before getting that perfect work bag for you.

Therefore, choosing a perfect work bag is not a hard thing to do. While ingesting your personal taste and style might work, there are still other things you need to take note. Today, we’d like to show you these important factors in getting the right work bag for you so it can wholly fit your personality and looks.

The Professional Look

All leather bags are considered to have the most professional look compared to other types. This is for the reason that each leather bags are fully polished. The quality of leather used is also considered to make it more appealing and classy.

So, to look for a perfect leather bag that creates the most professional look as you head on to your office every day, look for the ones that’s made with a full grain leather. They guarantee optimum durability which you can carry easily and helps you look more elegant.

The Right Amount of Space

If you are looking for the right working leather bag, the most practical factor you need to consider is the amount of space you can use. A leather bags ToccoToscano Singapore is one great example of a working bag that offers the right amount of compartments which helps segregates your valuables inside your bag without leaving anything important.

Additionally, you also need to consider in getting a working bag with spaces where you can put you working folders and files without folding them.

With A Solid Structure

The space of your working bag along with its material won’t make sense if you get a bag without any solid structure that enables you to hold heavy things. As a working woman, you bring a laptop with you to make your work easier and your working bag should be able to hold it without any hitch.

A Minimalist Style

A perfect working bag should not come as overlooked. You must understand that having a one toned-or two-toned working bag is enough to complement your daily look and style. Black and brown colors are best to suit whatever type of dress you are going to wear.


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The most expensive divorce in history may be that of Amazon’s Boss Jeff Bezos

The richest man in the world, the founder of Amazon Jeff Bezos, agreed to divorce his wife MacKenzie for what would cost it $35 billion.

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She will hold 4% of the online distributor’s stock worth 35.6 billion dollars.

Amazon was founded in 1994 by Jeff Bezos, a year after the couple married and Mrs. Bezos was one of the first employees.

Both sides published Twitter twitters on each other. Shares in Amazon will make Mrs Bezos the fourth richest woman in the world, while Jeff remains the world’s richest man in the world, according to Forbes.

Bezos 55 years old and his former wife MacKenzie 48 were married in 1993 and have four children

Bezos held 16.3% of Amazon shares, and now owns only 75% of them, with 25% going to his wife.

The latter decided to give him all the voting rights and to hold back from the Washington Post and the Blue Origin firm. Today Amazon is one of the largest distributors in the world with $ 232.8 billion in sales.

Jeff Bezos and his family have a fortune of $131 billion according to Forbes.

What do you think about this? Let us know your thoughts, Drop a comment and let us know in the comments section below. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more news and updates.

neOadviser – POP NEWS

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The new bikini that does not leave white stripes but covers ‘not at all’ (Photo)

A new bikini type has “conquered” Instagram and will probably be seen too much in beaches and swimming pools during the summer.

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It is a bikini that only brave women can wear, as it is too small and leaves little room for imagination.

According to the “Oh Polly” brand that has put it for sale, this bikini “covers only the main things”.

What do you think about this? Let us know your thoughts, Drop a comment and let us know in the comments section below. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more news and updates.

neOadviser – POP NEWS

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Invest Time In Roof Maintenance And Inspection To Solve Problems early

There are so many things that are involved in roof repair. Many of them are difficult to gauge unless you talk to experts. And it is this feeling of being involved in countless small and big things, which makes many people go on and on with their current roof problems. If you are also one of them and are compromising your life’s security and comfort every day with a roof which look, some repair, or reinstallation, then now is the time you understand the risk of continuing this way. If you know the risks, then you would certainly get inclined to invite a roofing expert to your place, get the roof inspected, and get a quote soon.

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Risks of living with a damaged roof

A damaged roof is called damaged for many reasons. One or the other reason will be applicable for your while others won’t. Therefore what kind of damage, what extent of that damage and many such things are to be evaluated. Talking of damage, there are some issues which are commonly seen. The obvious signs of damage are discussed here.

Cracks in the roof due to weather

Some roofing materials are susceptible to cracking. There are wood, asphalt, and tiles. They all crack with time, aging and weather. Wood naturally crack after some years as it ages. Asphalt and tiles crack too with extreme sun’s heat and rapid drying and wetting due to weather conditions. Other problems like hail storms, snow, etc. also cause them to absorb impact and crack. If the cracks get wider and split open the shingles, then the protected layer of roof underneath will automatically get the weather impact and soon develop cracks. Water can directly seep through or gradually spread damp inside and create wet spots.

Cracks due to aging

Look for cracks in shingles after a time period. Every roofing material has a lifetime. Some have a longer life while some have a moderate to short life span. When this life gets to an end, then you should start checking for signs of damage. Cracks are visible signs of damage to shingles which are visible on close inspection. If you believe you cannot understand it well, then you can call an expert from reliable services like Alignment roof repair St Louis. A roofing expert will guide you the right way, tell you how much life the roof still has, how much of it is damaged if it needs any immediate repair, and what are the expected problems you may get from the current status.

When shingles lose their granules in huge quantities?

Granules in shingles have a purpose. Granules protect the felt matting layer under the shingles from damage. Also, granules make shingles fire resistant and add weight to them. Granules also add to looks and color of the shingles. Some granules are lost with time, and this is natural and common. But if your shingles are losing their granules too fast, or totally all in patches, then it’s a significant indication of damage. In that case, the felt matting beneath the shingles will absorb the weather and water and will soon develop larger leaks into the building.

Damage due to rough weather

Rough weather like extremely harsh storms, a hail storm, or just heavy hail fall, and also rough winds can damage roofs seriously. Shingles may crack, get displaced and expose the felt matting layer, and shingles may break or get carried away by wind too in extreme cycles and tornadoes. If you see such damages, then you have no time to think actually. The first thing you should do is call for a roof restoration expert and get things checked and repaired as soon as possible. In such cases, you would also get your insurance company to pay for the repairs. And expert roof restoration and installation services also can help you fetch the payment from your insurance company through their complete guidance and paperwork.

Why roofs get damaged

Roofs get damaged for numerous reasons. Weather is one of the prime reasons surely. But there are other reasons as well. Negligence and low maintenance is another big reason for damage. If you are not maintaining your roof well, then you surely will not reap the most out of your roof installation investment. Timely care, a little cleaning, watching for signs of damage are the things a roof needs. Though a low maintenance roof sounds great, and in this busy lifestyle everyone seeks for low maintenance things, yet you need to watch out a little from time to time.

Near the gutters, near drains, and at the corners of a roof, where it may accumulate some water, if you do not frequently check for signs of moss and algae growth, then from the continued touch of water in the monsoon moss may grow. And if once moss or molds catches the surface, then it will soak and retain more water. And this surely will bring on water damage to those parts of the roof.

Sometimes piles of leaves, loose soil, and dirt, or leftover pieces of items brought for shelter and nesting by birds, etc. can settle as a mess at parts of the roof. These small messy lumps may retain water and attract insect infestations. You must watch out for them too. If you see any such heap of leaf, soil lump, twigs, and small items in a small heap somewhere, then do poke inside, break the lump, and clean off that mess before it invites in elements for damage.


These are simple small steps of maintenance every property owner can do on their own or with little professional assistance. That’s all about caring for the roof; the main part of the property which protects it from the weather. A close watch, time to time inspection on your own, and getting things inspected once in five to ten years would keep things under control and will save you and the property from severe damages.


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Sewing Projects

Use Fabric Glue for the Sewing Projects – Save Time

There is a common misconception that people who do not know how to sew like to use fabric glue. This is not true. Fabric glue helps you to save time and money. You do not have to compromise on the quality of the project at all. The use of fabric glue gives you amazing results and experienced experts love to use this glue to do amazing projects that last for a long time.

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The many uses of fabric glue for diverse sewing projects

You may use fabric glue for basting. This helps you to save a lot of time in the long stitches. Moreover, you are able to find glue specially made for basting. This glue washes out from the fabric that you use, so it is ideally suited for garments, quilts and other sewing projects. This saves you from the hassles of using pins and having to rip the stitches for basting later.

Allow the glue to replace pins in the sewing projects

If you like to sew with the constant use of pins in your projects, you should replace the above with fabric glue. This helps you a lot when you use a serger as if you use the serger; this can damage the sewing machine to a large extent.

Use fabric glue for pockets

Many people often find it hard to sew pockets especially if they are new to projects. This is where fabric glue comes in handy as it helps you to keep the pocket in place while you sew them. The line of the pocket will never be crooked as the glue helps them to keep it in place. It is simple for you to sew the pocket without having pins stick out from the sides. With the help of credible CraftOnline fabric glue websites you are able to find top quality products for your projects with success.

Use fabric glue to fix hems

In case you are in a rush and do not have the time to fix hems, you can make use of top- quality fabric glue to help you fix temporary hems. In fact, you can get back to fix it later!

Fix patches as well with fabric glue

If you need to cover up a hole in your jeans, you can use fabric glue to fix patches. It just takes a few seconds, and you are good to go!

Last but not least, you have the option to fix small pieces of jewellery and embellishments to any fabric with the help of this glue. This makes the garment look appealing and fashionable.

Thus, from the above, it is evident that with the help of fabric glue, you effectively can do many things. There are several fabric glue products available online. Choose from credible brands to help you attain the best results for all your sewing projects. You can also introduce them to children who are working on sewing projects. There are several non-toxic products available in the market safe for children to use.


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Weighted Blanket

Get Rid Of Anxiety by Using Weighted Blanket

People have been using heavy blankets for obvious reasons for years. You probably do the same thing.However, only recently have doctors came across an astonishing fact about these products. They are beneficial for patients suffering from chronic anxiety. This may come as a surprise to you. They don’t have seconds thoughts about using them to treat such individuals.They are essential items in the deep touch pressure therapies. These medical experts have come to understand that weighted blankets boost the production of serotonin. This important chemical substance helps in regulating a person’s mood. It has a very soothing effect on him/her. With a short time, he/she eventually falls asleep.

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Can you really use a weighted blanket to reduce anxiety?

Prominent medical experts say anxiety is part and parcel of daily life. You can experience this condition when having to make a decision which change your life. However, you don’t have a clear idea of what your options are.It is normal for you to feel stressful during this phrase. However, in the worst-case scenario, they begin to worry, become restless and even hallucinate. This is when your mental health starts to deteriorate. Doctors do prescribe certain medicines to alleviate the symptoms. However, you got to remember that these are drugs at the end of the day. You are going to suffer from a variety of side-effects by consuming them. These can do more harm than good.This is the reason why these professionals suggest you use weighted blankets. They point out the following 3 important reasons for doing so:

  • Decreases serotonin levels

You may not be aware that Cortisol is a hormone found in the human brain. It regulates how people react to stressful situations. When it reaches its peak level, these individuals start to suffer from anxiety. People who respond positively to deep touch pressure therapy helps to keep such stress responses within a moderate level. They feel better, remain calm and sleep soundly at night. This should give you a good excuse to use of suitably weighted blanket for anxiety.

  • Minimises hyperactivity in the human nervous system

This probably sounds very strange to you. However, studies show that using a weighted blanket significantly reduces activities in your nervous system. These include regulating your heartbeat, pulse rate and even monitoring your blood pressure. Many people become tense on the thought of having to perform a simple task like visit a dentist. Doctors suggest they should wrap themselves around with a heavy blanket for a few minutes. They’ll soon feel relax and calm again.

  • Promotes sleep

People suffering from acute anxiety have a tough time getting a good night’s sleep. This is because they can’t control the flow of thoughts going through their head. This is why they toss and turn from one side to another. Using a weighted blanket whenever they go to bed helps to calm them down. This results from boost in serotonin levels in their brain.

The above 3 important reasons go to show using a weighted blanket is a necessity of you. You’ll able to get rid of anxiety and think clearly. In the process, you understand which is the right course of action for you to take. This is what you want at the end of the day.


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Citizen Watches

Citizen Watch Guide: 5 Amazing Watches of 2019

Citizen, a Japanese watch manufacturer, is one of the largest watch companies in the world. It is known for producing high quality, and stylish watches.

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Know more about Citizen and its most popular watch models for 2019 through the article below.

Citizen Eco-drive

Back in 1930, Citizen Watches was started by the Japanese Shokosha Watch Institute. Since its inception, Citizen watches are trendy in Singapore.

Citizen watches in Singapore are the most popular watch brands in the world. Ranging from professional divers to classic dress watches, the brand has many series.

Best Citizen Men’s Watches of 2019

Citizen Chronograph Silver Stainless Steel AN3420-00E Black Leather Strap Watch

Create the right impression with this classy analog watch from Citizen. Comes with a leather strap, this durable watch will instantly deck up your casual look.

It features a round dial, and this appealing analog watch will do much more than just keeping you informed about the time.

Features and Design

  • Glass – Mineral Glass
  • Case Material – Stainless Steel
  • Case Color – Silver
  • Strap Material – Leather
  • Movement – Analog, Quartz
  • Function – Chronograph with Date, Quartz
  • Local Warranty – 1 Year
  • Water Resistant – 10 atm
  • Style – Casual
  • Gender – Men
  • International Warranty – 1 Year
  • Case Size – 43mm

Citizen Chronograph Gold Stainless Steel AN3552-50E Watch

This Chronograph Gold Stainless Steel watch by Citizen is sure to keep you wanting to buy more watches by this splendid manufacturer.

Features and Design

  • Glass – Mineral Glass
  • Case Material – Stainless Steel
  • Case Color – Gold Tone
  • Strap Material – Stainless Steel
  • Movement – Analog, Quartz
  • Function – Chronograph with Date, Quartz
  • Local Warranty – 1 Year
  • Water Resistant – 10 atm
  • Style – Casual
  • Gender – Men
  • International Warranty – 1 Year
  • Case Size – 43mm

Citizen Chronograph Rose Gold Stainless Steel AP1052-00A Brown Leather Strap Watch

This watch is crafted with a durable 43MM stainless steel case that is sure to last. The remarkable gold stainless-steel band that the timepiece has which allows it to be worn daily makes this watch even more irresistible.

As a whole, the black dial and beautiful mineral crystal enhance the features of this timepiece.  It is perfect for casual wear.

Features and Design

  • Glass – Mineral Glass
  • Case Material – Stainless Steel
  • Case Color – Rose Gold
  • Strap Material – Leather
  • Movement – Solar
  • Function – 3 Hands with Day, Date and Month, Eco-Drive, Quartz
  • Local Warranty – 1 Year
  • Water Resistant – 5 ATM
  • Style – Casual
  • Gender – Men
  • International Warranty – 1 Year
  • Case Size – 42mm

Citizen Eco-drive Radio Controlled Chronograph AT9035-51A Watch

Create the right impression with this classy analog watch from Citizen. Comes with a stainless steel strap, this durable watch will instantly deck up your casual look.

Features and Design

  • Glass – Sapphire Crystal
  • Case Material – Stainless Steel
  • Case Color – Gold
  • Strap Material – Stainless Steel
  • Movement – Solar
  • Function – Date, Chronograph, Solar, Radio Controlled World Time
  • Local Warranty – 1 Year
  • Water Resistant – 20 ATM
  • Style – Casual
  • Gender – Men
  • International Warranty – 1 Year
  • Case Size – 44mm

Citizen Eco-drive Radio Controlled Chronograph AT9082-01A Watch

This appealing analog watch will do much more than just keeping you informed about the time.

Features and Design

  • Glass – Sapphire Crystal
  • Case Material – Stainless Steel
  • Case Color – Rose Gold
  • Strap Material – Leather
  • Movement – Solar
  • Function – Date, Chronograph, Solar, Radio Controlled World Time
  • Local Warranty – 1 Year
  • Water Resistant – 10 ATM
  • Style – Casual
  • Gender – Men
  • International Warranty – 1 Year
  • Case Size – 43mm


Citizen isn’t recognized just because of its size. It also holds a prominent place as one of the leading producers of advanced technology.

If you are searching for an efficient yet stylish watch, Citizen is a brand that you should consider.


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