Signs Of Narcolepsy

The Signs Of Narcolepsy And How It Affects The Body

Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for your wellbeing, both physical and mental. Your body and brain require good quality sleep in order to recover and recharge so that you can function well the next day and remain healthy. Unfortunately, a few conditions affect how much people sleep as well as the quality of their sleep. This, in turn, results in damaged physical and mental health.

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Narcolepsy is a known sleep condition, which causes the individual to suffer from excessive sleepiness, hallucinations, sleep paralysis, and in more severe cases, cataplexy. This condition affects both men and women, and symptoms tend to manifest during childhood or adolescence. Diagnosis of this condition is not usually quick and patients can suffer from symptoms for a few years before this is recognized. In this article, we will discuss the signs of narcolepsy and how it affects the body.

The Signs of Narcolepsy

There are five main symptoms of Narcolepsy – however, people with this condition may not have all of these or suffer them on the same frequency. Each individual is unique and so it will be their own experience. Although understanding the main signs to look for remains important.

Excessive Daytime Sleepiness

The most common symptom experienced by people with Narcolepsy is sleeping way too much during the day. This symptom is called excessive daytime sleepiness. It may not come as a surprise seen as this condition affects sleep, therefore sufferers feel constantly tired and are unable to remain alert during the day.  This also usually stops people from living a normal life as they do not have the energy that most of us do to undergo full days at work or social activities.


Cataplexy is characterized by a sudden inability to control your muscles and reduced consciousness. This sign does not affect every person who suffers from Narcolepsy, as studies estimate it affects just below 75% of narcoleptics, and it is generally triggered by emotions such as anger, laughter, or surprise.


A good percentage of those who suffer from this sleep condition, experience dreamlike hallucinations as they are falling asleep, and they are not usually pleasant and stop the individual from falling asleep.

Sleep Paralysis

Sleep Paralysis affects less than half of individuals with Narcolepsy and it can be a very scary experience for those who experience it. During this phase, people feel incapable of moving muscles or speaking as they transition between asleep and awaken states. Patients often also experience hallucinations as these happen, which can turn into night terrors for many.

Sleep Disruption

The vast majority of people with Narcolepsy will suffer from sleep disruption, considering the signs we have previously discussed. Individuals often experience frequent awakenings and are unable to get good quality sleep. The professionals behind Sleep Authorities say that sleep is required for your wellbeing. Therefore, it is important that if you experience such disruptions, that you consult sleep experts, who provide reliable information online on how to deal with sleep issues. Ultimately, you should seek medical help in order to get adequate treatment to support you in obtaining a good night’s sleep.

How It Affects the Body

Feeling Exhausted and Low Energy

Individuals suffering from Narcolepsy, as discussed above, will not be able to experience a good night’s sleep. This is due to continuous sleep deprivation being suffered by these people. For this reason, their body will not be receiving the recovery rest it requires therefore people will be feeling very sleepy and even fall asleep during daily activities.

Loss of Muscle Control

As previously mentioned, one of the signs of Narcolepsy is the sudden loss of muscle control, which is what normally happens to muscles during REM sleep cycle. This is often manifested through a slack jaw, or weak arms and legs, even causing people to fall.

Loss of Awareness Between Dream and Reality

The unique symptoms of Narcolepsy, make it difficult for the individual to differentiate between sleeping and awakened states. This is worsened by the hallucinations and sleep paralysis that accompanies this sleep disorder and in which people experience vivid dreams.

Narcolepsy and the Brain

Narcolepsy has an impact on the structures in the brain that support us to remain awake. Usually, warning signs derive from the brain stem, a section deep in the brain in control of various elementary functions. These signs extend to all areas and “wake up” the rest of the brain. As this occurs, a group of cells in another section known as the hypothalamus generate the chemical hypocretin, which triggers and sustains the action of those alerting signs deriving from the brain stem. Individuals with Narcolepsy do not have the ability to produce hypocretin meaning that it is difficult for them to stay awake and experience vivid hallucinations as a result. This also has a negative impact on other essential hormones such as dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine, which are required to reduce depression. 

Living with Narcolepsy can be extremely difficult, as it will affect your overall lifestyle and your health. Learn what signs to look for and how it affects the body in order to recognize it – If you believe that you or a loved one are suffering from Narcolepsy, make sure you seek medical help to support you. 

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Kim Kardashian

Kim back to “normality”, sex photos in the middle of the night (PHOTO)

The reality show star has posted some incredibly sexy photos

Kim Kardashian seems to have “overshadowed” the drama of her husband Kanye West’s mental disorder and has returned to “normalcy”.

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The reality show star has posted some incredibly sexy photos on her Instagram.

The 39-year-old appears posing in a bikini in a pool while enjoying a cocktail. For more see the gallery below:

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Rita Ora

Rita Ora raises the “temperatures” in tight bikinis (Photo)

The famous singer is back in the UK after spending most of her summer holidays in Greece and Ibiza

Rita Ora felt nostalgic as she shared a video with a series of poses on a cruising yacht. The 29-year-old looked incredible in the clip as she showed off her figure in tight orange and black bikinis.

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Rita allowed her blond hair to fall loosely as she completed her look with some gold necklaces. The singer of the hit ‘How To Be Lonely’ wrote next to the video: ‘Here is a memory I found”.

Before Greece, Rita was on holiday in Ibiza with her friends and her new boyfriend Romain Gavras. The singer has aroused envy with her picturesque bikini photos separated from the villas of Ultima Corfu.

Her holiday villa in Corfu is certainly suitable for a superstar, boasting seven apartments, a two-level pool, and its 78-meter private yacht. The 1,000-square-meter house, which can accommodate up to 14 people, features stunning views of the Greek and Albanian coasts, a cinema, and a waterfall.

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Lose Weight

Is It Possible to Exercise and Still Not Lose Weight?

With a pandemic sweeping through the world, leaving behind untold misery and disaster in its wake, many people, as a way to prevent the virus from seriously affecting them and making them ill, are turning to exercise to strengthen their bodies, lose weight, and improve their overall health. Governments across the world have recommended exercise as a remedy to the COVID-19 virus, and because of this, people are frantically heading to gyms, out on runs, and exercising at home – a problem arises, however, when exercise bears no fruit. There are many reasons why you may exercise and still not lose weight, and this page will discuss a few of them – as well as sharing a few tips to lose weight effectively.

Is it possible to exercise and still not lose weight, you ask? Well, let’s find out…

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Weight loss supplements are very helpful and can be a fantastic way for a person to lose weight – if you are exercising but not losing weight, you may need to consider supplements. Many people use supplements to help them lose weight to great effect. The fitness specialists from explain that diet pills affect people differently, meaning you must research the diet pill of your choice carefully, lest it not work. Diet pills are a fantastic way to lose weight, while still living healthily and exercising. You mustn’t ever take weight loss supplements while not exercising, as it would be counterintuitive, and you will see no real changes.


You may not be losing weight while exercising because you have not made any changes whatsoever to your diet. It is essential, should you want to lose weight, to be in a deficit of calories. This means your body must burn more calories than it takes in from your diet. Exercise is a fantastic way to burn calories, but for you to actually lose weight, you must exercise in combination with a calorie deficit. Exercise alone is unlikely to lead to significant weight loss, studies suggest. Most calories are burnt through basal metabolic rate. This is the process that sustains life, such as digestion and breathing – even your brain burns calories. Physical activity, surprisingly, takes up far less energy. Without a significant reduction in the number of calories that you consume, you will likely never lose weight, and this may be why you are seeing no benefit from your exercise routine.

Fad Diet

Another reason that you may be experiencing no significant weight loss is that you may be following a fad diet – fad diets often come with serious consequences to the health of those who are undertaking them. They seldom work as they are suggested to and can leave the users with nutritional deficiencies. A fad diet may be the reason that you are experiencing no weight loss, and rather, maybe putting weight on. Always check the calorie intake of the food that you are eating to ensure that you are consuming fewer calories than you are taking in.


You may simply not be exercising enough – it is very common for people to think that they are exercising far more than they are, or to think that they should be experiencing more dramatic changes with the level of exercise that they are performing. If you are not seeing any significant change to your physique through exercise, but everything else is in order, it may well be worth exercising more. People generally see significant changes after exercising for upwards of two-hundred and twenty-five minutes of exercise a week. If you are exercising for less than that, then you may not be exercising enough to warrant any serious changes.

Sugary Foods and Drinks

Sugary foods and drinks can be the reason that you are not seeing any significant changes to weight loss. Junk food is very high in calories and can when used in combination with exercise, counteract any of the exercises that you may be doing. If you are consuming a lot of sugary drinks, you may not be able to lose weight and may find yourself putting on more than you shed. Sugary foods and drinks are very harmful to you and can cause serious health problems. Sugary foods and drinks must be avoided at all costs when you are exercising, lest your efforts fall in vain.

Health Problems

If after addressing everything suggested here, you still cannot lose weight, you may need to see a doctor. A doctor could potentially help you with a strategy to lose weight and see healthy changes in your body.

Now, with the help of this page, you know why you may not be losing weight while exercising. Exercise is very good for you and must be carried out should you want to live a long, healthy, and happy life.

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Cancer 101: Comprehending Cancer & 5 Ways to Deal With It

Cancer is a series of diseases caused by abnormal cell multiplication and spreads to the body’s other organs when one gets infected. The spread of cancer in the human body is called metastasizing, which causes death to the infected person. The disease is also called a neoplasm or a malignant tumour. Cancer is among the dangerous conditions that are counting to the end of many people worldwide.

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Types of Cancers

There are different types of cancer as they affect differently in both genders affecting the treatment. Males are commonly involved in the following organs; lungs, prostate, colon, stomach, and the liver, while the females are commonly affected in the outlined organs; breast, colorectal, lung, cervical, and thyroid. Cancer affects a person in four stages, and by this, classified as:

Carcinomas is the first stage of one’s infection covering the skin surfaces with tumours in organs such as the breasts or prostrate, resulting in breast cancer and prostate cancer.

Sarcomas – the second stage of cancer involves the sarcoma getting into the muscles, fat, blood cells, and nerves. During this stage, cancer is curable.

Leukemia’s – after the sarcoma stage, the cancer virus gets entangled with the blood, making it called blood cancer. During this stage, the virus affects the normal functioning of the blood cells, enlarging enormously. Leukemia is categorized into four: acute lymphocytic, chronic lymphocytic, acute myeloid, and chronic myeloid leukemia.

Lymphomas – this is the final stage, and it begins by destroying the lymphatic system that helps fight infections in the body. Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma are the two main types of lymphomas stage.


It depends on the type & stage of cancer, treatments to remove the tumour or slow its growth may include some combination of surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy or immunotherapy treatment.

Significant Ways to Deal

There are numerous ways you can deal with the disease; you can either know all the facts and details about your progress to be involved in the decision-making process or keep the doctor’s details. Outline are some of the ways you can deal with the disease:

Being Transparent in Communication

After being diagnosed with the virus, you should be honest in sharing all the information with your family and friends. It avoids your loved ones and the doctor not to keep crucial information away from you. When you honestly express your feelings, your family and friend can strengthen you and vice versa, and it helps one expand your life span as you don’t live a false life.

Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle

Excising your body is and participating in manual activities helps a lot to cope with the infection. Involving in these activities helps one to live longer and also cope up with the medications. Also, choosing wisely the nutrients that one input to the body plays a significant role in the treatment. It helps manage stress and fatigue caused by the disease and increases the body’s energy level.

Accepting to be Monitored

Most family members and friends tend to leave and forget about you, but some keep up with you to your last breath. Accepting them to help you with home chores, being driven to the hospital, preparing meals for you makes them get a sense of contributing during the tough times. It helps to evade stress and fatigue in your family members.

Living a Normal Life

Maintaining one’s everyday life and adjusting where possible plays a critical part in one’s life. One should take every challenge that occurs every day with ease. You can organize and plan your schedule well.

Checking Impacts on Finances

Many financial burdens arise as one funds a lot the cancer aid treatment. Medication costs, travelling to the hospital costs are costly, making one bankrupt.

In a nutshell, as discussed above, it can be recommended to follow the significant ways to deal with the disease.

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Dua Lipa

PHOTO/On vacation in California, Dua Lipa sets the network on fire with sexy photos

The singer from Kosovo, Dua Lipa, does not stop to amaze with her appearance

A singer with a strong voice, and quite successful songs, Dua seems to have it all.

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The singer of the hit “new rules” is vacationing in California, while the latest photos posted have set the network on fire.

Dressed in a pair of orange bikinis, Dua looks super sexy.

What do you think about this? Let us know your thoughts, Drop a comment and let us know in the comments section below, your comments help us. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more news and updates.


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Nicole Scherzingerrr

42 years old, but Nicole Scherzinger ‘drives’ crazy the network with the latest photos (Photo)

Age for Nicole Scherzinger is just a number

The 42-year-old singer has confirmed this once again through her recent posts on Instagram.

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The star of “Pussycat dolls” has published two photos in a black bikini while relaxing in a luxury resort in the Caribbean.

Despite her real age, Nicole looks incredibly stunning as if she has the body of a 20-year-old! For more see the gallery:

What do you think about this? Let us know your thoughts, Drop a comment and let us know in the comments section below, your comments help us. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more news and updates.


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Wanda Nara

Wanda Nara caught while poses in a bikini snaps taken by her young son

Wanda Nara was recently caught by the paparazzi posing in a bikini in front of her son

Wanda Nara together with her husband Mauro Ikardi and her children continues to enjoy the ‘extended’ vacation in Ibiza.

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The images show Wanda being photographed by her son, a not-so-common thing, but when it comes to Wanda everything can be expected.

What do you think about this? Let us know your thoughts, Drop a comment and let us know in the comments section below, your comments help us. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more news and updates.


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Kim Kardashian

Kim leaves everyone in the shadows, the TV star appears “hot” in a small bikini (PHOTO)

During the summer season, TV celebs, and not only, try to realize the perfect photo with a swimsuit

And of course, there will be no lack of poses by Kim Kardashian, who has no problem exposing her bombastic forms. The TV star recently published a series of images and videos from Cabo San Lucas, in which she appeared wearing a pair of pink bikinis.

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Kim had her hair braided, and this time she made everyone turn their eyes from her because of her perfect physique. On the other side, Kim Kardashian in recent months has been commented on a crisis in her marriage with the famous rapper, Kanye West.

What do you think about this? Let us know your thoughts, Drop a comment and let us know in the comments section below, your comments help us. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more news and updates.


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Organic Skincare Products

The Benefits of Organic Skincare Products for Your Baby

You have got every right to choose the best skin care products for your baby in order to keep their skin healthy and smooth. When you decide what enters their body, being an informed and conscious consumer is crucial.

There is a serious need to pay attention to the ingredients as many skincare products are toxic and may cause long-term health implications for your baby. To be honest organic baby skincare is crafted from the safest and most soothing ingredients that are safe and affordable.

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A baby’s skin is not completely developed to protect itself from the harmful reactions from human-made industrial chemical products. They may have allergic reactions or other adverse health effects.

Organic skin care products work well for a baby’s skin than those harsh chemical products because they include less natural ingredients and contain fewer pesticides, chemicals, and other harmful ingredients. A baby’s skin readily absorbs organic products into their whole system.

Low Health Risks

Remember, your baby’s skin is thinner and much more porous than yours. Their skin is fragile and less resistant to bacteria and harmful substances. It can absorb things quite easily. Hence, it will always be better to buy the naturally uncomplicated products for your baby as they have very low risks.

Minimises Risks of Irritation

Using gentle products minimises the risk of irritation in your baby’s skin. It is so thin and sensitive that doctors recommend bathing them with only water for the first few months. Hence, it would be advisable to protect your baby’s skin with pure and natural products in the initial years of growth.

Hydrates the Skin Gently

A baby’s skin is more susceptible to drying and itchiness. Apart from hydration from breast milk, it would be better to keep your baby’s skin moisturised with gentle product ingredients.

Organic skincare products can be used in the skin multiple times as they don’t have any additives and are quite gentle for the skin. Nourishing products prevent scratching as well as sore and cracked skin from developing. You don’t have to worry about the risks that might come with multiple applications.

Breathable Skin

Organic baby skincare products don’t clog the pores of your baby’s skin and let it breathe. It helps in the natural release of toxins from the body and absorbs the beneficial ingredients applied to the skin. They are safer, and it just feels fantastic to be applied in the skin.

Less Exposure to Toxins

Organic products are safer, sturdier, cost-effective, and last longer. It is beneficial to cut down on the amount of exposure that your baby gets to toxins. Choosing organic products ensures natural and healthy living for your sensitive and precious baby.

Natural products are biodegradable, recyclable, and are also environmentally friendly. As more consumers have recognized the health benefits of going organic, the popularity and demand for babies’ natural and organic products have increased dramatically.

In terms of health, life, and baby’s safety, the natural and organic baby skincare products are the best way to go. But, choose them wisely from a reputed brand after looking at ingredients, quality, and compliance.

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