Types of Health Insurance You Can Choose From

Health Insurance – it’s one of those things people tend to put in the back seat, mostly because none of us believes that we may get sick and not be able to pay the bills. But can you imagine how tough a situation can become if the sole earner of a family is now in a hospital bed? Well, the statement is not to scare you – it’s just to throw light onto a scenario wherein we already know that these things can happen yet choose to do nothing about it. It’s one of the main reasons why more than 70% of medical expenses are borne by individuals when they could be easily covered with a health insurance policy.

Types of Health Insurance

So, what is health insurance and how can it benefit you?

Basically, it is an agreement where a health insurance company agrees to pay the compensation for medical expenses in case the insurer meets with an accident or falls ill. A health insurance policy would usually cover expenses such as consultation fees of a doctor, ambulance charges, cost of various medical tests, hospitalization, surgery and post recovery charges to some extent. The insurance companies also provide compensation in case of loss of income due to an accident. As without health insurance, the hospitalization cost can burn a hole in your pocket and can derail your finances.

Today, in the market we have so many insurance companies who are offering their health insurance products; there is no dearth of choice. So, what’s the right time to buy a health insurance plan? It’s now! Yes, when you have good health and you are in your 30’s is the best time to plan and buy a product for you and for your family. Here, we are listing out the type of health insurance plan guidewhich you can select accordingly:-

Types of Health Insurance Plan

For Individual: – The plan covers all the health and hospitalization expenses of the insured. The premium for such health insurance policies is decided as per your age, existing medical conditions, etc. If a health insurance plan doesn’t cover the cost of extra prescription drugs, you should have a low-cost option to get them from like online PricePro Pharmacy in Canada.

For Family: It is also known as ‘floater plan’. This sort of plan provides coverage for you and for your family members against multiple diseases. With this policy, you get cover for the family members you choose to include under the plan. Under the plan, the benefits can be availed by all the members of your family or by any one individual in the family.

For Senior Citizens:  Health insurance plans for senior citizens are designed in a way that any individual who is in the age group of 55 years to 65 years old can be covered from the various health issues during old age. The insurance regulatory of India has mandated that the maximum entry age for any standard health insurance plans offered by the insurers should be at least 65 years.

Critical Illness Health Insurance Plan: – Previously, there was no standard definition of critical illness and every insurer had own criteria’s. Then, IRDAI standardized the 11 critical illness terms and hence the Critical Illness Health Insurance Plan. The product covers serious diseases like Heart-attack, cancer, kidney failure (who require regular dialysis), etc. Most of the people who have a health insurance policy often think that they are covered for all kind of health-related emergencies. This is not true. If a person gets diagnosed with a critical illness, people find that their health insurance policy covers only the limited hospitalization expenses with a cap on doctor’s consultation fees.

Well, the coverage amount for Critical health insurance plans varies from one insurance company to another. Usually, the medical expenses or the treatment cost in the critical illness is very high; hence to combat with this one must get a critical insurance plan.

Maternity Plan: – As a responsible parent, it becomes your prime duty to suitably prepare yourself for the up-coming cost related to pregnancy and your baby’s delivery. As medical costs are increasing day by day. Hence, one must consider maternity insurance while deciding health insurance plans. A maternity Health Insurance Plan covers all your expenses in the pre-natal and post-natal phase. The plan covers the act of delivering the baby i.e. delivery expenses, whether it is normal or cesarean, the cost of vaccinations (at it can be very expensive, thus it cover the cost incurred for the first year). There are many insurance companies that cover expenses prior to 30 days of hospitalization and 60 days post hospitalization. In addition to all this, the plan takes care of your hospitalization costs i.e.  Room charges, surgeon charges, ambulance, nurse and medical practitioner charges.

No matter what combination of health insurance plans you choose, just make sure that you assess your need and communicate to an insurance company properly. One must keep in mind that your personal life and health of your family members always remains the best investment

Hope this information helps!


Demi Rose

Demi “Resurrect” the Dead Sea (Photo)

Her body shapes have led her from England’s neighborhoods to Hollywood and Demi Rose once again deserves this uplift with some new posts on Instagram.

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The 23-year-old model made a photographic set in Israel, featuring a white bikini.

Subsequently, she was immersed in the Dead Sea, “floating” in his waters.

What do you think about this? Let us know your thoughts, Drop a comment and let us know in the comments section below. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more news and updates.

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Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus, without clothes on social networks (Photo)

In recent weeks she has embraced the nudist cause and on social networks, she appears without clothes.

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A chair in the desert and just a dog to keep in the company to the pop star, which looks completely naked, covering her breasts with one hand. And it is a “brom” with “like”.

What do you think about this? Let us know your thoughts, Drop a comment and let us know in the comments section below. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more news and updates.

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Wine and Health: A brief study of the relation between the two

Well, this seems to be a little weird as many of you may have no idea about the benefits of Wine. But its true and many studies have found the beneficial effects of Wine. Read below to know how wine exactly contributes to your health. Wine is a beverage prepared by fermenting grapes in which alcohol is an active ingredient.

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Some studies have found that drinking small quantities of wine can actually have incredible health benefits.

How does it benefit you?           

A long list of positive effects of wine is sometimes surprising. However, that doesn’t mean having an improper quantity can also make things work for you. It’s very important to consume a proper amount so that it doesn’t lead to any ill effects. Having the pour size proper one can actually see plenty of health benefits as follow:-

  • Reduces risk of heart diseases – The antioxidants present in the Red Wine can help combat against severe heart diseases. Moderate consumption can keep your heart healthy and also reduces the chance of heart attacks when compared to non-drinkers.
  • Reduces the risk of cancer- Red wines are rich in phytochemicals which act as an antioxidant for the prevention of cancer. But again, consuming an oversized glass of wine can make things worse so be cautious about the quantity of wine you are drinking.
  • Boosts immune system – Moderate alcohol consumption can help boost the immune system. It has the quality to fight with infection as well.
  • Lower blood sugar levels – Red wine was found effective in lowering the risk of diabetes. Excess of anything can certainly turn the table upside down so be careful with the intake quantity.

Wine and its ill effects

With all these above health benefits it is important to know that consuming too much alcohol can cause catastrophic health effects. If consuming alcohol is your addiction then you are definitely on the wrong path. Drinking too much wine regularly may bring many life-threatening diseases and ultimately a shorter life span.

A couple of drinks aren’t actually bad if you know where to draw the line. But if you don’t know, then you might have to go through a lot of physical ailments.  In the case of mental health problems, even a small amount can have adverse effects. Alcohol can trigger the symptoms of people suffering from depression and anxiety.

Moderate alcohol consumption which means having up to 1 or 2 drinks per day can surely reap benefits, but if you are an oenophile, then your love for wine is a real disease. It may be fancy to drink wine and flaunt your passion for wine by having a good collection of wine accessories, and you can even buy some excellent stuff at sokolin wine accessories as they have lots of varieties for you to indulge.

As long as your alcoholic habits are healthy, there is nothing much to worry about, and it is good if you maintain appropriate boundaries.


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Alessandra Ambrosio

A real “Bomb” on the beach!

The summer has still to come, but Alessandra Ambrosio seems to be more than ready for the hot season.

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In recent photos she has introduced her new line of bathrobes.

This weekend, Victoria Secret’s 37-year-old star has made a photographic set under the sunset where it shines.

Apparently the time has not passed for her, though mother of two children, she keeps the perfect lines.

What do you think about this? Let us know your thoughts, Drop a comment and let us know in the comments section below. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more news and updates.

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Rihanna amazes with her forms

And to celebrate the return of one of her most popular products, the “Body Lava” brand, Rihanna covered the whole body with highlighter to introduce it to fans

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It should be noted that the star of music is in excellent shape.

What do you think about this? Let us know your thoughts, Drop a comment and let us know in the comments section below. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more news and updates.

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Georgina Rodriguez

Georgina with red bikini catches record with “likes” (Photo)

Suffocate a red suit to exaggerate the physics of Georgina Rodriguez. , Cristiano Ronaldo‘s partner, though holding a low profile, has been able to make the pursuers thanks to her stoichios, reaching the 9.8 million share and drawing around herself in fashion.

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The last one is exactly Yamamay, who has chosen her as representative for the SS19 campaign.

The first photo with Essential Two Pieces Scarlet, has exceeded a million ‘like’ in just a few hours. Merit, of course, is the charm of the Argentine model, its magnetic face and the good body.

Georgina Rodriguez simply interprets herself: an independent woman in thoughts like the way she understands the style, a free woman to be sensual in her own way.

Mediterranean beauty of the 25-year-old will soon appear on the table. For now let’s be happy with these stolen images behind the scene …

What do you think about this? Let us know your thoughts, Drop a comment and let us know in the comments section below. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more news and updates.

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Fitness Journey

Five ways to get started on your Fitness Journey

So you’ve been essentially sitting for the last few weeks. Probably feeling unmotivated to get up and out of the house. You’ve decided you are ready to try (again maybe) to get fit and healthy and up to feeling like your best self. It’s tricky to figure out what method is right for you, especially knowing that there is no single path that works for everybody. You are unique and so will be your way of getting yourself fighting fit! Here is a general step by step method in unveiling your fitter, happier, healthier self!

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Set some SMART Goals, Pick some Specific goals so you can figure out what steps are needed to achieve them. SMART goals are SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE, ACHIEVABLE, RELEVANT and TIMELY.

For example: Lose 7kg by the end of this year by going to the gym 3 times per week and eating one vegetable eat week than the week before.

If you’ve found that reaching long term goals haven’t worked for you in the past, try getting yourself into some good habits. A fail safe way to get a habit to become a habit is to incorporate these behaviors one at a time. Start with 30 day challenges, hopefully by the time day 30 rolls around, the habit is well engrained.

For example: “I am going to drink 2 glasses of water before 9am every day.”

Set a reminder in your phone or check off a calendar each and every day.

  1. Identify Why You Haven’t Stuck With It

If you’ve tried to get in shape in the past and failed, it’s important to know why. It will make a world of difference when you educate yourself on the hurdles that caught you unaware in previous attempts during your fitness journey.

  1. Clean Your Diet

80% of your success in your fitness journey depends on your diet. It’s a tricky area to implement and stick to changes. A common struggle people run into is when they try to make too many changes at once. Similar to how you might change your habits one at a time, changing your diet is given the best chance of success when you pick one food change every few weeks.  Great places to start could be: Drinking one less sugary drink per day, eating more vegetables, cooking your own dinner at least once per week.

  1. Find Your Activity

We are designed to be active. If you’re go-to line is “I don’t like exercise”, then you probably haven’t found the activity for you! Whether it’s a team sport like softball or soccer, Tennis or Swimming for solo athletes or Yoga for slow movers – there’s an option out there for you. If you don’t like to move then it’s time to try new things. A Strength and Conditioning Class can give you the group atmosphere for support and equally keep you away from the spotlight while you’re sweating up a storm.

  1. Put It Into Action As a Lifestyle

This is a journey, a lifestyle change – not a fad diet or a short term result. If you’re hoping to create a fitter, healthier you, then this is a long term game. You’ll thank yourself in 6 months when you’ve committed to the small changes in the long run.


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Belen Rodriguez

Belen Rodriguez between horses and … butterfly (Photo)

Time, finally, has improved and the desire to get naked is too great. Here, then, the sisters Belen and Cecilia Rodriguez, hunt social media followers with the first photos of the new collection of bathing suits, “Me Fui”.

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The campaign, launched a few months ago in Fuerteventura, sees the two “Showgirls” on a wild and endless beach in the ocean, among the rare shrubs and horses.

More than the animal, however, are the costumes that adorn the perfect Argentinean bodies that strike: linear and geometric motifs for bikini and monocinus rang in a range of colors ranging from blue to green lands.

Such dry pictures leave little room for imagination. Here, then, Belen Rodriguez‘s butterfly appears in the intimate area. We are in the spring …

What do you think about this? Let us know your thoughts, Drop a comment and let us know in the comments section below. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more news and updates.

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Kimberley Garner

Elegant and sexy, Kimberly marvels with black bikini (Photo)

Kimberley Garner became famous after attending a television show in Britain during 2012.

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Since then, the 28-year-old continues to be in the center of pink media.

Recently, Kimberley is photographed on the beach of Miami, where she appears dressed in black bikini and looks pretty sexy.

What do you think about this? Let us know your thoughts, Drop a comment and let us know in the comments section below. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for more news and updates.

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