Zooqle is one of the best torrent sites providing trusted and verified torrent files. You will find all the type of torrent files here from movies, TV shows to PDFs, Full Games, Software, and many more, all for free to download. Zooqle become very popular mostly after big names like Kickass Torrents, RARBG, Torrentz2, and KAT.cr were banned. The website is up an running at the time writing this article and you can access it at zooqle.biz. There are still other similar sites like Zooqle, or some good torrent sites like Zooqle in 2020, and that’s the purpose of this article.
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What is Zooqle?
As we shortly mention above, Zooqle is an excellent torrent website hosting torrent files. If you are searching for trusted and verified torrent files, then this is the right site for you. You can access all type of torrent files here from movies, TV shows, software, applications, to eBooks, audio, music albums, and many other type of files. The files are free to download, and you can download then at a good download speed thanks to the good trackers. All you will need is to have access to a good internet speed and have installed a bittorrent client like BitTorrent, uTorrent, etc. on your PC.
Zooqle is one of the big torrents sites that host more than 3.5M verified torrents and 2200 trackers supporting it. You can download almost everything from this website. It has an distinctive designs and UI (user interface) than makes it easy to use and navigate through.
Is Zooqle Accessible and Why Using Zooqle alternatives?
Zooqle is not down, instead is still up and running well. You can still access it from the link mentioned above. Due to copyright issues, it will not show up in Google search results, but you can find it using different search engines like Yahoo.
We all love using Zooqle website, but due to high internet piracy and copyright laws, many ISPs are blocking access to it. For this reason, if you live in one of this countries, you are unable to access it. Due to this, Zooqle is not accessible to everyone and they users are searching for some good alternatives. So, if you can access Zooqle website, or the site is offline at that time, go through the list below to find you next best Zooqle alternative in 2020.
Zooqle Proxy/Mirror sites
Another way to still uses Zooqle is by using Zooqle proxy/mirror sites. Zooqle proxy and mirror sites are clones to the main domain and hosts the entire content library of the main website but at a different domain name. For more these mirror sites uses the same user interface as the parent site and you can expect periodic updates. Depending an where you live, you may need to use an good VPN to avoid penalties from your Govt, and we at neoAdviser always recommend to you to use these mirrors/proxyes that have a SSL certificate.
So below, there are some Zooqle proxy/mirror sites that are working fine at the time writing the article and you can still use to have the same experience as at Zooqle website:
Zooqle Proxy/Mirror | Status | Speed |
https://zooqle.unblockit.one/ | ONLINE | Very Fast |
https://zooqle.proxybit.space/ | ONLINE | Fast |
https://zooqle.123unblock.pw/ | ONLINE | Very Fast |
https://zooqle.unblockproject.pro/ | ONLINE | Very Fast |
https://zooqle.nocensor.icu/ | ONLINE | Very Fast |
https://zooqle.unbl4you.fun/ | ONLINE | Fast |
https://zooqle.unblocknow.casa/ | ONLINE | Fast |
Top 5+ Best Zooqle Alternatives to Download Torrent Files for Free in 2020
So, if Zooqle isn’t working or is not accessible to you, then go to the following top 5+ best alternatives. The sites shared below are randomly, so make sure to go through all of than and find your next best Zooqle alternative in 2020.
#1. LimeTorrents
Limetorrents is a safe and verified torrent site to not contain any malware of infection that may harm its users. You can access it now from limetorrents.co. This is a pretty good website that host a good amount of torrents, but beside then, when downloading files make sure to check the number of seeders to get a fast download speed.
Limetorrents website: https://www.limetorrents.online/

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#2. Kickass
Kickass is one of the most popular and oldest torrent download sites. It packs thousands of torrents to browse and download for free. Kickass, similar to Zooqle, provides torrent files for Movies, TV Shows, Games, Apps, Music, Software and many more.
Kickass website: https://thekat.app/

#3. The Pirate Bay
The Pirate Bay is one of the legendary torrenting sites that for sure most be in this list. This has been around for a long time now, and is one of the biggest torrent sites. Within the website you will find all the type of files, from movies, software, games, TV shows, to video songs, mobile applications, eBooks, Mp3s, and everything else, with more than 10,000 torrent files added daily.
The Pirate Bay website: https://thepiratebay.org/

#4. 1337X
1337X is yet another well-know old torrent website. It pack a modern design and UI that distinguish it from other similar sites and some advanced features. 1337X is safe to use and the top qualitative torrents have maximum numbers of seeders. The torrent stuff you are getting is also great.
1337X website: https://1337xto.to/

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RARBG has started first since 2008 and is being providing high quality torrents since than. It shares both torrents files and magnet link for peer to peer file sharing. Similar to Zooqle, you will find all type of torrent files here from movies, TV shows, games, to music, software, and many more. RARBG is safe and reliable to use. It many look outdated from the design, but is pack a good amount of torrents. The community of RARBG is very active and this may help you to find the top high quality torrents.
RARBG website: https://rarbggo.org/

#6. Torlock
You may not know this website to much, but it’s a really good website and a top alternative to Zooqle to give it a try. You can even get paid $1 if you find a malicious or a fake download. Torlock has some policing involved with the community which is a very good idea. The website pack a distinctive design which tell you the health score of iach torrent, but it has gain popularity for is safety and the top high-quality content it provides.
Torlock website: https://www.torlock.com/

#8. YTS
YTS deserves its place when it comes to the top similar sites like Zooqle. This torrent site, unlike the mention above, lists only the latest Movie torrents files. They are pretty well organized, so you can search then by genres, by using its advanced filters, or even list then by quality (720p, 1080p, 3D), ratings etc. YTS is known to be safe to use and you don’t need to worry about malware or viruses.
YTS website: https://yts.mx/

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So here you have 5+ top best alternatives to Zooqle that are safe torrents sites you can use. Hope you found this article useful. If you have any alternative to Zooqle, or a top similar site like Zooqle that you use daily, please let us know in the comments section below, follow us on twitter and facebook for more news and updates.