6 Scents to Have in Your Bedroom for Better Sleep,

6 Scents to Have in Your Bedroom for Better Sleep

6 Scents to Have in Your Bedroom for Better Sleep

Hacking your sleep involves stimulating or depriving a certain sense. For instance, listening to white noise helps keep off any disturbances that can keep you awake or prevent you from staying asleep. Also, shutting off the lights to use darkness as a tool to slumber fast is using the sense of sight. The sense of smell is vital to help with falling asleep with ease. But you need to know the best scents to help you sleep soundly and deeply. So, once you tackle other essentials, learn how to select bed frames, the best mattresses, rugs, and curtains, among other things for your bedroom. Take care of your senses and for the sense of smell, choose a scent that will help you relax. Below are some scents to help you sleep better.

 1. Lavender

Lavender is a popular scent among most people. It helps lull people into a peaceful slumber. Also, it is pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory, and sedates the nervous system. Lavender has molecules that help relax the body and ease the mind from overthinking. Plus, lavender helps slow down and deepen our breathing. So we rest better. To use the scent, you can diffuse lavender essential oil like most people. But you can integrate it in other ways. For instance, you can drink lavender tea, use lavender pillow spray, shower with lavender soap tablets, and any other way you prefer.

2. Your partners’ scent 

According to studies, your partners’ scent is a thing if you have a partner. Those with a partner experience better sleep while sleeping next to them, and when they are far from them, sleep efficiency decreases. Therefore, a partner’s scent is a vital sense of smell in helping boost your sleep efficiency. Notably, if you spend long hours away from your partner, try snuggling with their t-shirt, and it will promote a good night’s sleep.

3. Rose

The rose scent is also vital when it comes to sleep. It has two roles in supporting sleep. First, the rose scent is naturally relaxing and helpful in relieving stress levels. Secondly, research suggests that the rose scent helps improve learning as you sleep. Therefore, consider having some flowers in a vase next to your bed the night before exams or a big presentation to help you learn better and calm your nerves as you sleep.

4. Clary sage 

This scent is best known for reversing any restlessness effects you might have. If you find yourself just thinking about your never-ending to-do list or your turning and tossing in bed because you are uncomfortable physically, the clary sage scent will come in handy. Plus, it has antispasmodic properties, so it eases away any stress manifesting in the body if you use it to massage your shoulders, neck, and feet and anywhere you feel tense.

5. Chamomile

 Chamomile is amazing to help calm down your body and mind. Hence why most people prefer chamomile tea as a pre-bedtime beverage. Chamomile is antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory. Thus, it is very comforting and soothing to the nervous system. Use it when your emotions tend to stress out your gut. Plus, it is good at relaxing muscle stiffness from any tension you may be experiencing.

6. Frankincense

To soothe heightened nerves, use the frankincense scent. So, burning the frankincense incense is one way to use this scent to boost your sleep. It is best to deepen and relax your breath and quiet your mind so you can fall and stay asleep. Also, it is pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory, which is good for physical stress that most people get from anxiety.  To sum up, the above scents are popular among many people and the best to choose for your bedroom. They help in relaxation and hence improve sleep. Good sleep quality is vital for overall wellbeing. Before bedtime, it is best to have a quiet mind away from any worries and thoughts about the world. To find the right scent for you, consult with an aromatherapist to get the right one for your sleep needs. Also, ensure the scent you choose is one your partner also likes to make a good scent experience for both of you.

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4 Things To Know Before Selling Your House,

4 Things To Know Before Selling Your House

4 Things To Know Before Selling Your House

Selling your house can be a daunting task. There are things you should know before selling your home, and they will make the process easier for you. This article is going to go over 4 things you need to know before putting your house up for sale.

The Popularity Of Your Area

There are areas that are simply more popular than others. If you’re going to sell a house, it wouldn’t hurt to do a bit of research into the area and find out if there are things that could affect how much your property is worth in comparison with other properties for sale nearby. The state of North Carolina has multiple towns that are hot at this moment. People who are selling their houses in Raleigh will have a lot easier time doing so than someone who is trying to sell in a less popular area. As you are looking things up, keep an eye out for any changes that might have occurred recently in the town or city where your house is located. Make sure to explore how popular is your location, so you can sell your house for the best price possible. This is important for negotiating with the buyer and not leaving money on the table. If it’s a good area, you’ll have multiple offers on the house, which is always a good thing. The things that are important to know before selling your house are things like how popular an area it’s located in, what changes have occurred recently, and if there are any new houses being built nearby. These things will determine the price you can get for your home, so make sure you do some research and things will go smoothly.

The Better The Condition, The Better The Sell 

The condition of your property will dictate how much you will sell the property for. These include whether or not there is enough space in the house if it’s a family home, or if there is a lack of light and natural ventilation. They will look into how well maintained the garden is because landscaping plays an important role in selling your house quickly. 

These are some of the things important when selling your home. Here’s what you should do to fix up your house for sale:


  • Clean it thoroughly, inside and out. 
  • Make sure everything is sparklingly clean, including kitchens & bathrooms
  • Fix everything up
  • Declutter things you don’t want to take with you
  • Make sure the floors, walls, and ceilings are in good condition
  • Put things in boxes, if you can’t decide what to do with them, leave the box closed until you’ve made a decision. 
  • Make sure it’s empty before taking pictures because people will be able to plan their future better if they see all the space they have to work with

You Need To Promote It 

Put up your house on real estate websites and make sure that your home is listed on all relevant real estate sites where people can see it. Make sure to include rich descriptions of the things you feel are most important about your house so potential buyers will want to learn more- things such as how many bedrooms there are, what kind of neighborhood it’s in, etc.

Use Good Photos 

When taking photos for your listing, use wide shots that showcase each room or area within a room rather than just one corner at a time; this way you’ll give buyers an idea of the space they’re getting with their purchase. Also be sure to do some exterior shots too because let’s face it: no matter how nice your house is, the exterior will play a major role in how people view it.

Post Lots Of Photos 

Make sure you post at least 20-30 photos of your home on each website where you advertise so that you can give potential buyers a virtual tour! If customers can’t really get an idea of what things look like because all that’s included is a measly couple photo, they probably won’t be all that interested in learning more about what your house has to offer.

There Will Be Bargaining 

Be prepared to negotiate the price of your house before you put it up for sale. Bargaining is standard practice when selling things to someone else, so get used to the idea and be prepared! You will need to answer any questions that come from potential buyers about things they see in your home or things that have happened there in the past.

Selling a house is no easy business, but when you are prepared, there are not many things that can stop you. The popularity of your area will determine the interest of people, and therefore the price, but don’t forget about fixing it up before the sale. Promote it with photos and virtual tours, and be prepared for people who will bargain to lower the price and compromise if you have to. Good luck!

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How To Lower The Cost Of Your Heating This Winter,

How To Lower The Cost Of Your Heating This Winter

How To Lower The Cost Of Your Heating This Winter

Winter is coming, and soon you will be paying higher heating bills. Whether your home has a forced-air system or not, there are many ways to lower the cost of heating this winter. Read below for some tips on how to save both time and money.

Think about the use of a natural gas-powered heater

One of the primary things that you can do in an attempt to lower the cost of your heating this winter is to think about using a natural gas-powered heater. This method of heating your home can help you save money on your energy bills since it uses less electricity than an electric furnace does, and the cost is often significantly lower for those who use this type of heat source in their homes. Take the time to research the natural gas rates in Georgia if you live in this state. You can also explore the rates in other states for you to be able to compare accordingly. By doing so, you will have a better idea of the potential savings that you can achieve.

Add insulation to your home’s exterior walls and attic

Another easy way to lower the cost of heating this winter is by adding additional insulation to your home’s exterior walls and its attic. In this way, you will help keep heat inside of your living space during cold weather conditions because it will not be as easy for this heat to escape from your home. In addition, you can keep the cold air from entering your living space by sealing up any cracks or crevices that exist on the exterior of your home so that you will reduce drafts in these locations throughout the wintertime. You may also want to install weather stripping around doors and windows to help keep cold air from entering your home.

Check the condition of your furnace filter each month

It is also important that you check the condition of your furnace filter each month during wintertime because dirty filters can impact how well it works at keeping warmth inside of a room, and they may lead to higher utility costs as well depending on how dirty it is. For this reason, it is a good practice to replace your furnace filter at least once per month or more if it is particularly dirty. In this case, what you can do is to set a calendar reminder for you to check the condition of your furnace filter regularly and then replace it when you notice that its quality has diminished.

Lower the temperature on your thermostat

To conserve energy and save money, you may also want to lower the temperature on your thermostat by a few degrees during wintertime. Just make sure that you do not set it too low, as this can lead to discomfort and an increase in energy bills if it causes people living inside of your home to turn up their heaters even more than normal. Additionally, many heating systems are set up so that they will not work properly when the temperature on a thermostat is too low so you have to make sure that the thermostat is set appropriately.

Be strategic when it comes to your windows

You can also lower the cost of heating this winter by closing your windows during cold weather conditions and opening them again upon warmer days. On colder days, also close all doors leading into unheated areas like garages or outdoor storage spaces so that heat will not escape from these areas inside of your home. On the other hand, during warmer or sunny days, open your doors and windows to allow fresh air inside of the house. While you may want to avoid this practice in areas where many insects can enter into these spaces when they’re left open for too long, it is still a good idea to take advantage of natural sunlight during wintertime by letting fresh air through on nice days.

Close off areas that are not in regular use

To further reduce the amount of money you spend on heating this winter, keep a few extra spaces closed off when they’re not being used by members of your household or guests who visit from time to time. For example, if there is a space in your home that is not used daily, such as an extra bedroom or guestroom, you may want to avoid heating and cooling this area when it’s unoccupied. This can save money because these spaces will not need any additional heat throughout wintertime if they are closed off from the rest of your living space.

Use a space heater instead of turning up the heat to warm rooms quickly

There is also the option for you to use a space heater to warm up specific rooms quickly instead of turning the heat on in your ductwork and making it uncomfortable for everyone living inside of your home. In this case, you can also save money by using their timer so that they only run when needed. Just be sure not to leave them plugged in overnight or at other times while no one is around to keep an eye on them.

Get yourself an electric blanket or heated mattress pad

If you want to stay cozy in bed all winter long, you can also invest in an electric blanket or heated mattress pad to keep your body warm and cozy while you’re sleeping rather than turning your heater up. You may even want to consider getting yourself a model that is capable of warming up the sheets throughout the wintertime. This means it will work by itself during colder days as well as on those cold nights when you cannot get comfortable no matter how many layers of blankets you put on top of your sheets. In this way, you won’t have to force your heater to work more.

It’s important to make energy-saving decisions this winter. Lowering your thermostat is one way you can help conserve resources, which means less money spent on your heating bill. You should also replace the filter in your furnace every month and close windows during cold weather for better insulation. A space heater or electric blanket are other ways you can stay comfortable without spending more than necessary. All these are geared towards ensuring that you won’t have to pay a significant amount for your heating this winter.

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6 Products That Will Help You Keep Your Home Clean,

6 Products That Will Help You Keep Your Home Clean

6 Products That Will Help You Keep Your Home Clean

Having a clean home is very important. It can impact your mood, your productivity levels, and also the health of those who live in it. Whether you’re trying to impress your guests, or just want to spend some time alone and unwind at the end of a long day, having a clean home waiting for you can go a long way. However, not every cleaning product works well with all surfaces, so it’s best to look at different rooms to see what would work best in keeping it in top shape.

1. Garage

Keeping a garage clean isn’t something people think about often. Usually, they go about it once or twice a year and call it a day. However, it’s important to keep your garage clean on a weekly basis so that you don’t get debris and grime your car tires pick up all over your home. One way to prevent this would be to look into containment mats for the garage since they provide an easy-to-maintain surface. As the name suggests, it will contain the dirt within the mat, preventing it from reaching your home.

Apart from that, going over the garage once a week with a vacuum cleaner is also important. Alternatively, you can use a broom, but wide brooms are more effective when cleaning this area. If there are particularly dusty or dirty spots in the garage, you can use a wet mop to apply some cleaner.

2. Bathroom

Of course, bathrooms are another place that needs regular maintenance since you’ll be using them multiple times a day. There are lots of cleaning products suited for bathrooms, however, some will work better than others depending on what kind of tiles you have in your bathroom. If you opted for some mosaic tiles, you may find that a microfiber cloth does the trick. Chances are you can use any cleaning solution, as long as you don’t use a brush that can scratch the surface of the tiles.

The grout is also a problem area in bathrooms. Sometimes, you might find that the grout becomes discolored or stained with mold or mildew. In this case, you’ll need a product that targets these areas specifically and will help control the growth of harmful bacteria. As for the toilet, sink, and bathtub, you should look for a cleaning product that contains bleach in order to remove surface stains and potential bad odors.

3. Kitchen

The kitchen is usually where people spill things and make a mess when they clean up, so using proper cleaning products that have been tested for their ability to remove even the toughest spots on the kitchen floor is important. On the other hand, if you have marble countertops, you’ll want to use a milder solution so as not to damage them. There are specific cleaners designed for marble, as well as most other sensitive materials. You can use a steam cleaner to remove stains within the grout, but it’s important not to directly spray them on the tiles.

Additionally, if you have hardwood or linoleum floors in your kitchen, you should avoid using any cleaning solution with bleach as it could damage the surface of the tiles. Instead, opt for a softer cleaning cloth and any solution that doesn’t contain harmful chemicals.

4. Living Room

A living room is the center of your home’s entertainment system. You’ll be inviting guests over regularly and will want your furniture looking pristine at all times. This means it needs to be dusted regularly and spot cleaned when needed. Vacuuming your furniture once a week is also recommended, and you can use a cleaning solution for tough stains on your furniture’s upholstery. If you have fabric or leather chairs or couches in your living room, make sure to only clean the spots with water and remove any large stains immediately with a piece of cloth wrapped around your fingers.

Curtains are also another area of your living room that will need regular attention. Washing them once a month is recommended if you want to keep them as clean as possible. If your curtains aren’t machine washable, it would be best to take them to a dry cleaner and have them professionally cleaned.

5. Bedroom

The place you should make sure you’re always spotless is your bedroom. Because bedrooms are where we rest and relax after a long day, they need to be maintained regularly so that you’re always in the best environment. If you have carpeted floors, it would be best to vacuum them once or twice a week, ideally using an attachment that will clean your bed’s headboard.

Additionally, when cleaning stains on your floor or anywhere else in the bedroom, you should be extra careful. Make sure to use a dry cloth if the stain is fresh or dampen it with some water, avoiding getting any moisture on your carpet by mistake. If the stain has been there for a while and has turned into a dark spot, try using some vinegar and baking soda on top of some warm water and let it sit overnight before removing it.

6. Dining Room

Last but not least, you’ll need to clean your dining room as well. If you have a table that has a lot of nooks and crannies, then a microfiber dusting cloth will be the best choice for cleaning it thoroughly while avoiding any damage to the table’s finish. This is also true for any wood surfaces in your home.

Additionally, you’ll need to make sure your chairs are free of dirt, food stains, or any other particles that might damage them over time. While fabric-covered chairs can be wiped clean with a damp cloth and then left to air dry, wooden chairs will require the use of environmentally friendly oil in order to maintain their beautiful finish. If there’s a stain on a fabric chair that just won’t come out, you can try using some water and dish soap to try to get it out, but if that doesn’t work, you’ll need to bring them into your local dry cleaner.

Keeping your home clean requires a lot of dedication and effort, but ensuring everything is perfectly in its place can take years off the look of your house or apartment. Make sure you choose the proper cleaning products to avoid damaging any surfaces in your homes that are delicate, such as marble countertops or fabric-covered furniture. Some surfaces require products specifically designed for them, while others are easier to maintain, needing little more than a microfiber cloth, a vacuum, and the good old-fashioned baking soda and vinegar solution.

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Tips to give your bedroom an expensive hotel suite feeling,

Tips to give your bedroom an expensive hotel suite feeling

Tips to give your bedroom an expensive hotel suite feeling

Are you bored with the look of your bedroom? If you are looking for ways to make it give you a luxurious hotel vibe, this place is just for you. Keep reading.  It’s easier than you think to make your bedroom more luxurious. It doesn’t matter what style the room is; you can achieve a luxurious feeling. You can design it in such a way that it gives you a sense of harmony and homeliness. You can transform your bedroom without breaking the bank.  These tips to give your bedroom an expensive hotel suite feeling will help you achieve that.

Update your bed linen

A simple and inexpensive way to transform your bedroom’s look is to get luxury bedding. Then, for a more stylish look, you can match your bedding with your curtains and cushions.

Make a blanket statement

You don’t need to worry if you cannot afford luxury bedding. Instead, focus on your throw. A thick, chunky knit throw will emphasize your comforter or duvet.

Layer those pillows

This is probably the simplest trick you can follow. In a typical luxury bedroom, you will see layers and layers of pillows placed against the headboard. You can also make use of your spare pillows, so you don’t have to spend a lot. A luxurious look can be achieved with a carefully arranged collection of colorful, symmetrical pillows. The layering will not only look great but will also make your bed much more comfortable.

Raise the Curtains

The smallest, most expensive bedrooms are often small and boxy. If you find yourself in this position, raise the curtains a bit higher to create some illusion of more space. If you place the curtain rod just a few inches below the ceiling line and hang the drapes to the ground, your entire room instantly looks bigger.

Unique Headboard

This will instantly improve your bedroom style. While a gorgeous headboard does not have to be expensive, it should feature unique elements like bold colors, impressive shapes, or elegant fabrics like linen or velvet.

Big Mirrors

There might not be a scientific reason for it, but a large mirror can make your bedroom look more extensive and more expensive than it is. Mirrors are a great way to make your bedroom appear larger, particularly if it’s a girls’ room. The mirrors should not face a bed. This will affect your subconscious. A large thoughtfully positioned mirror should be placed away from your bed to make your bedroom seem more elegant.

Tidy up Your Nightstand

For many people, their nightstand is the place they use to store essentials. A glass of water, forgotten pins, and charging cords can all be found on the top of the nightstand. It can make your bedroom look messy, and it will detract from the overall elegance. It is time to tidy up your nightstand. Rethink how to handle the mess. It’s possible to hide it in your drawers. Keep any other temporary stuff, such as a book, glass of water, or perfume bottle, off your nightstand. It’s easy to find practical solutions for this problem by using a beautiful, repainted tray.

Transform Your Lighting

Alter the lighting in your bedroom to make it richer. It is possible to change the lighting switches to dimmable ones, which will give you control over the room’s mood and theme.

You can create different atmospheres, giving you more control and adding new dimensions to your bedroom. Place a variety of lamps and candles around the room to create the same effect. Try to place different levels of a standing and desk lamp in other rooms to illuminate various features.


Display artwork

You can display unique images, sculptures, paintings, or other artwork to showcase your individuality. You can also show your favorite piece against a wall.

Upgrade your hardware

A messy bedroom will never look elegant. This does not mean putting up piles or extension cords. It’s not a good idea to stay with the hardware that came with your nightstands, dresser, or chest of drawers. It’s cost-effective and simple to update your space. You have many options for personalizing the appearance with gemstones, copper, and crystal.

Organize your vanity

Disorganized vanity mirrors can create a chaotic look in your bedroom, just like a messy nightstand. This is the right time to get a storage solution for your makeup, such as stackable acrylic cabinets.

Get Rid of Clutter

Take a look at what you use your bedroom for and determine what you really need.  You can transform your bedroom by simply decluttering it and making the best use of the space. Luxury bedrooms do not have to look large. They can just feel larger. For example, you might consider a Small Double (Queen) bed frame for a smaller bedroom than a Standard Double or King Size. It may seem more luxurious to have a larger bed, but it will make your bedroom look cramped.

Add a fashionable chair

A bench or accent chair will allow you to read or even place clothing temporarily. This styling trick, common in boutique hotels, allows you to add a distinctive design element to your bedroom.

Fake architectural elements

You don’t need to make any permanent changes to the space you live in or rent. However, fool-the-eye paint and decorative finishes can make the room’s architecture look more expensive than it is. For example, make faux-wall paneling using washi tape or paint a solitary wall looking like wainscoting. These design tricks can be done faster and cheaper than you might expect.

Keep it Minimal

An expensive look does not always have to be about expensive furniture. A minimalist furniture piece will still look much more expensive than a sophisticated, luxurious one. You need to keep the bedroom’s focal points in focus.

It is important not to let furniture distract the eye from the focal point of your bedroom. Bedding is always the main focal point in a bedroom, so make sure you focus on that.

For a more luxurious look, a simple and elegant bedding set is an excellent choice. You can also add a blanket statement to enhance the luxury. For a more luxurious look, a faux fur blanket can be a wonderful addition to your bedroom.

Use a rug

A rug can dramatically enhance the appearance of your room. Choose a rug with a unique pattern or detail and lay it under your bed for a feeling of luxury.

Add greenery

It’s the quickest way to make your room look beautiful. It’s up to you what shape this takes. Place small potted plants on your dresser. No matter your style preference, adding a few plants can elevate a space to look luxurious.



You can make your bedroom look more expensive than you might think. It’s possible to make your bed space luxurious and relaxing with just a few easy changes.

Whatever decorating style you use, your bedroom should feel cozy, simple, and sophisticated. Allow for at least three feet of space between the bed frame and large furniture or sidewalls. Leave at most two feet distance between the bed frame and low furniture such as tables and dressers. These tips to give your bedroom an expensive hotel suite feeling will help you achieve the look you love.

Common Mistakes People Make When Decorating a House

Common Mistakes People Make When Decorating a House

There are very many elements to decorating a house which means that there are many things that can possibly go wrong. Decorating a house properly is about the things you do and also about the things that you fail to do.

If you seriously observe how most people decorate their homes, certain trends will start to become apparent. In particular, you will start noticing the mistakes that are commonly made when decorating. These mistakes include:

Choosing the Paint Color First

The first thing that most people think about when they want to decorate their home is the color. Applying a different color of paint is certainly a major decorative action. However, the mistake is that people do it too early. There are hundreds of paint colors you can use and if you make a mistake, you can simply repaint it which means you have a larger margin for error.

Contrarily, if you make a mistake with a centerpiece, you just cannot remove it and get a new one. Therefore, choosing the paint should be one of the final decisions you make when decorating a house.

Choosing a Small Area Rug

Area rugs are a fantastic accessory you can use to decorate your house, particularly exotic animal skin rugs. However, the rug can have serious implications on the interior design of your home. A common mistake you will see in most homes is an area rug that is too small for the space in which it is located. Many people select area rugs without taking accurate measurements of the space which is a grave mistake.

The result is furniture legs that are not on the rug and scuff the floor which is very common. So, if you are selecting area rugs, it is better that it is slightly oversized than undersized.

Hanging Artwork Too High

Art is a crucial element of the interior décor of most homes. However, a common mistake you will see people make is in regard to how they hang their artwork.

Hanging artwork too high and close to the ceiling is a prevalent mistake. It makes it very hard to get a clear view of the art piece negating its importance in the room. When hanging artwork, you should try and keep it as close to eye level as possible. The distance will vary depending on your height but it is better to go slightly lower than higher.

Short Curtains or Drapes

Curtains and drapes on windows are a feature in essentially every household. On the other hand, how the curtains and drapes fit into the interior décor is very different. You will commonly see windows with curtains or drapes that are too short which is an error. They should hang as close to the floor as possible depending on the height of the windows.

When thinking of curtains and drapes, you should think of shorts or pants. If they are too short, they will have a negative effect on the appearance of the house.

Going for Style Over Comfort

When most people decorate their homes, the most important thing is aesthetics. Therefore, they often choose items for their style rather than their function.

Choosing style over comfort is a great mistake, especially in the bedroom. When you acquire beddings from a place like Vision Bedding it is difficult to know if they are functional. You will have to test them to know if they are or read the reviews from others.

You should always think about how you are going to utilize an item before buying it. Even though decoration might be the primary purpose for its acquisition, functionality will be the deciding factor for its maintenance.

Using Restrictive Themes

When decorating a home, it is common to see people choose a theme for the entire house or a specific room. A theme can be a great idea but most people use themes that are too restrictive.

It is a decorating mistake because such themes make decorating incredibly difficult and cumbersome. The reason is that instead of buying items that you love, you have to look for items that match the theme.

Moreover, if you no longer want the theme, you have to change very many elements of a room. It is best to use a theme that you can easily change or add decorations to for longevity.

Using Too Many Throw Pillows

Throw pillows are a great decorative addition for most houses. They make all the pieces of furniture better and more varied than they otherwise would be.

However, the problem is that most people overdo it when decorating their homes. It is a classic case where too much of a good thing becomes bad.

If you have to move several throw pillows every time you have to sit or lie down then they are too much.

Another mistake is that people display the many throat pillows just the way they saw them in the store. Be creative and come up with your own designs.

Pushing Furniture Against the Walls