3 Things to Do After Winning a Workers' Compensation Case,

3 Things to Do After Winning a Workers’ Compensation Case

3 Things to Do After Winning a Workers’ Compensation Case

So you got a workers’ compensation settlement. That’s good news! It means you’re (hopefully) on the mend after a rough patch, with some breathing room while you heal. Understandably, knowing what next to do with the money can be tricky. Basically, you want to make sure this windfall becomes a springboard for your future, not just a temporary fix. So, here are 3 helpful tips. 

Tackle Today’s Troubles 

First things first.  This settlement might be a windfall, but it’s also replacing income you might have lost due to your injury.  So, assess your current situation.  Are there any outstanding medical bills lingering?  Do you have any high-interest debt like credit cards that are draining your wallet?  Clearing these up should be top priority.  Debt is often a black hole for your money. Pay them off first. This frees up your future income for essentials or further investing.

Your Goals

Alright, now that you’ve dealt with the present, let’s talk about the future!  What are your dreams?  Do you want to buy a house someday?  Maybe finally travel the world?  Figuring out your long-term goals will guide your investment strategy.  If retirement is way down the road, you might consider investments with a little more risk that have the potential for higher returns.  But if that dream house is just a few years away, you’ll probably want something more stable.  

For example:


  • Short-term goals (1-5 years):  Think high-yield savings accounts or certificates of deposit (CDs).  These won’t make you rich, but they’ll keep your money safe and accessible when you need it.


  • Mid-term goals (5-10 years):  A mix of stocks and bonds might be a good option.  Stocks can grow your money faster, but they also come with more risk.  Bonds are generally safer but offer lower returns. 

Get Some Help

Really, investing can be tricky, and there’s a lot of information out there, some of it conflicting.  Don’t be afraid to seek help from a financial advisor.  A good advisor will consider your specific situation, risk tolerance, and goals and create a personalized investment plan.  Think of them as your investment coach, there to guide you and make sure you’re on the right track. Interview a few advisors to find the perfect fit for you.You want someone who motivates you but respects your limits. Look for one with relevant certifications and experience who prioritizes your interests and. And of course, choose someone you feel comfortable talking to and who explains things clearly. 

Remember, your workers’ compensation settlement is a chance to build a secure future.  By following these tips and doing your research, you can turn this setback into a springboard towards your financial goals. And hey, maybe that fancy vacation can be part of the plan down the line! 

Check Next >https://www.neoadviser.com/tips-for-investing-personal-injury-settlement/

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What is Employment Separation Certificate, and When is it Used?

What is Employment Separation Certificate, and When is it Used?

COVID-19 has had an impact on numerous employment and enterprises. However, losing a job can be a very stressful time for a variety of reasons. When requesting government income support starting on January 1st, 2021, terminated employees may be required to submit an Employment Separation Certificate. Ask your employer for an Employment Separation Certificate if you lost your job and want to claim unemployment benefits. Also, if you are an employer that had to fire an employee, you should give the fired employee an Employment Separation Certificate.

When you fire an employee, you have obligations under the law as the employer. For instance, if you fire an employee, you must promptly fill out an employment separation certificate. To prevent problems in the future, you should take these commitments seriously. As a result, this article will define an employment separation certificate to make it easier for you to comprehend and comply with this need. What they are, what to do if a former employee requests one, and how to get one are covered in this article on employment separation certificates.

What is an Employment Separation Certificate?

A document that Services Australia issues are an employment separation certificate. You, the employer, are responsible for finishing the Services Australia form within two weeks of receiving a request. This document gives the fired employee pertinent job details. A completed certificate also enables Centrelink to determine and disburse income support benefits. A certificate has to contain the following:

  • Details about the terminated employee and the employer
  • Information about their employment
  • Information about why they left the organization
  • The terminated employee’s final gross salary, any unused leave payments Information about redundancy payments.

When is an Employment Separation Certificate Required?

An Employment Separation Certificate is used by Services Australia to accurately evaluate your claim for income support and guarantee that people are receiving the appropriate benefits. No matter why an employee’s time is working for your end, you may generally be requested to fill out an Employment Separation Certificate. However, an employee you still employ may request an Employment Separation Certificate in some other circumstances, such as if their work hours have been cut or their employment status has changed from full-time to casual. Having information on your staff available and understandable is always a brilliant idea. Doing this can spare you the hassle of searching your records and deciphering the data necessary to fill out the Employment Separation Certificate. Remember that Section 535 of the Fair Work Act of 2009 mandates that you maintain personnel data for seven years.

Should an Employer Provide a Separation Certificate?

Employers are not required to offer a certificate for each termination of an employee. You must give one, though, if Services Australia, Centrelink, or a fired employee ask for one. Additionally, you have 14 days from the time the request was received to complete and sign the Services Australia form. If your employee’s employment status changes from full-time to casual or their work hours are reduced, Services Australia may also need them to submit this form.

Are Separation Certificates Required for Casual Employees?

The same guidelines apply if a casual employee asks you to provide an Employment Separation Certificate. Again, the certificate must be produced and given to the appropriate body.

What happens if your employer declines to give you an employment separation certificate?

If your employer refuses an employment separation certificate, your claim for benefits like JobSeeker Payment or Youth Allowance may be rejected. In addition, some employers are challenging to work with and need help to complete the form or complete it. Your benefits should be finished on schedule even if you cannot receive the certificate due to unavoidable circumstances. To enable Centrelink to conduct the following actions, you should let them know why you can’t submit the certificate:

  • They may directly or indirectly contact your employer.
  • They might take your payment and afterward get the required data.

Employees should be aware that there are other ways to give Centrelink the information they need if they have trouble getting an employment separation certificate from their former employer. You may provide Centrelink with a payslip that details your last payment from your employment, including any termination or leaves costs, as well as a letter from your company as an illustration. Before submitting your claim, you must contact Centrelink if your employer needs to provide you with an Employment Separation Certificate. Sometimes, you are not needed to give a separation certificate to Centrelink. Here are a few instances:

  • If your former employer went out of business
  • If you experienced sexual harassment or physical abuse at work

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Food safety training is essential.,

Food safety training is essential.

Food safety training is essential.

Food safety is still a matter of common sense for some food businesses. This can be seen in their food safety training policies. While a common sense approach to food safety might work at home, where you are the only one who can harm you, more is needed when you provide food to the public.

There are many reasons this is true. You can own, operate, manage, or work in a food company.

  • Health Inspectors hold you to a higher standard.
  • You must comply with all federal, provincial, and municipal laws and bylaws.
  • You could face financial and legal consequences if you don’t handle food safely.
  • You could face a fine or closure if you fail to adhere to food safety and hygiene standards.

Safety hazards, such as broken glass, chemicals, bacteria, viruses, and toxins, are a significant concern for food businesses. Food businesses are full of safety hazards, including broken glass, chemicals, bacteria, viruses, and toxins. You can protect your customers, your company, and yourself by ensuring ongoing training and education in food safety.

Your customers are protected from food safety hazards by training them

To protect your customers against food poisoning, allergies, and other potential health hazards resulting from eating contaminated foods, you must provide adequate training in food safety to all food handlers within your company.


Health Canada reports this every year:

  • 4 million Canadians are sickened by food-borne illnesses
  • Over 11,000 Canadians are currently hospitalized

Most food-borne diseases in Canada are due to food handling errors, poor hygiene, and contaminated food preparation surfaces. Everyone involved in food handling must follow these guidelines to prevent food-borne illnesses.

  • Understand how food can be contaminated and the various types of contamination
  • Know about high-risk foods and potentially dangerous foods
  • Understand the causes of foodborne illness (bacteria and toxins, viruses).
  • Learn how to store, thaw, and prepare food safely.
  • Know how to clean and sanitize surfaces and equipment.
  • Understand the importance of good personal hygiene and proper behavior in the workplace

Food safety training is a must. You can be confident that your employees have the knowledge and skills to handle food safely and maintain high standards of hygiene and cleanliness. A strong Food Safety Plan and trained, certified Food Handlers are key to food safety in your company.


Anaphylactic shock caused by food allergies results in approximately 3,500 Canadians being admitted annually to the ER. About a dozen of these people die. Research shows that most allergic reactions to food occur outside of the home (e.g., Restaurants, fast food, and other types of food are all at risk for allergic reactions.Every employee in your company must follow these steps to protect customers from potentially life-threatening allergic reactions.

  • Food allergies can cause serious health problems and should be treated with caution.
  • Know the most common food allergens and understand that allergens can occur in any food.
  • Communicate with customers, employees, and management to ensure safe meals are prepared.
  • Know how to recognize signs and symptoms of allergic reactions and what to do when you are in an emergency
  • Learn how cross-contamination occurs and how you can prevent it

If you want your food business to succeed, it is essential to ensure safe food handling. Your livelihood depends on your business’s success and growth, whether you are the owner, manager, chef, or server. You’re wasting your time and reducing your chances of earning a living.

Training in food safety is a good idea for businesses

Consumer Reports National Research Center survey found that dirty tables, utensils, and restrooms were the most common complaints from diners. Close behind were Food Handlers who had sloppy appearances or poor hygiene. These complaints outweighed those about poor service or the quality of food. Customers put off by untidy servers, and crusty forks will not be forgiving about undercooked chicken or fingernails in their salad.

Food safety problems can cost you money and ruin your reputation. This, in turn, will affect your business’s long-term health and profitability. It is important to remember the following:

  • If a customer returns food they believe is not cooked correctly, smells bad, or has been contaminated by physical objects (e.g., hair, glass, and staples.
  • Food Handlers who need to learn how to stock rotate can lose money.
  • You can lose money if your business is infested by pests attracted to food not correctly stored or if the premises need to be cleaned up and sanitized.
  • Negative online reviews and embarrassing health inspection reports on government websites can damage your company’s reputation. This could result in a loss of revenue.
  • You can lose money if you fail to pass your health inspection or are subject to fines.
  • If you are a “just a server” within a business, you could be held legally liable for causing damage to a customer.

You can make a difference by investing in food safety training and ensuring that your employees have a valid Food Handlers Certificate.

  • Protect your brand and reputation
  • Avoid negative online reviews, customer complaints, and media scandals
  • Reduce operational costs associated with food waste, meal comps, and pest eradication
  • Avoid costly fines and business closure

It’s a great way to ensure everyone is trained in food safety.

Food safety training is a legal requirement.

Training in food safety is crucial to the success and sustainability of any food business, no matter if it’s a restaurant, cafe, or corner shop. This is also a legal requirement. If you offer food to the public, you must adhere to all food safety regulations and laws in your territory or province. Many food safety regulations and laws vary from one province to the next. In most provinces or territories, at minimum, one employee must be present during business hours. You are required to show the Food Handlers Certificate to the Health Inspector upon request. Learn more about regulations and food safety laws in your territory. To ensure compliance, you can hire Certified Food Handlers for your business or ensure that every person who works with food is issued a Food Handlers Certificate from an approved provider. It’s simple — you can get your Food Handlers certificate online.

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