Top 5 Companies Providing an Online Divorce Service,

Top 5 Companies Providing an Online Divorce Service

Top 5 Companies Providing an Online Divorce Service

It shouldn’t be a challenge to get a divorce easily and cheaply. And this becomes possible with online platforms offering services on marriage termination. From printable divorce papers free, up to online guidance, and 24/7 support from website specialists. It is now accessible for everyone to put an end to marriage without any hassle and much waste. Your only task is to pick out a reliable and high-quality website to cooperate with and reach the best divorce outcomes without trouble.

1.  3-Step Divorce

3-Step Divorce is one of the first-to-appear online divorce services which still manages to please its clients. You truly take only three simple steps to use the platform for your marriage termination:

  1. Check out whether you qualify for an uncontested divorce in your state.
  2. Fill out the questionnaire.
  3. Get your papers ready, download them, and print them out.

If you face any difficulties, you can access the round-the-day support team to help you out. Depending on your place of residence, you will pay between $300 and $500 for the services. The pleasant fact is that if you lack money to pay for the services, you can request an installment plan. The only pitfall is that the platform doesn’t file for divorce for you. You will have to deliver the forms to the local office on your own.

2.   My Divorce Papers

My Divorce Papers can be easily called the best online divorce service with its universal and high-quality proposals. The largest perk is that you can file for both uncontested and contested divorce on the platform, unlike on other websites. The process is simple and enables you to get your papers ready in less than an hour. In case of any trouble, you have a personal manager appointed to assist you. Plus, you can get legal advice from experienced attorneys online. Though, you may have to wait a bit to reach the attorney on your issue. Another great feature is that you don’t have to pay upfront. You may prepare the papers, consult with the lawyer and quit if you hesitate about anything—no obligatory charges. You just have to cover the fee of $159 when you wish to download your ready-made divorce pack and file it to the court.

3.   Legal Zoom

Legal Zoom is one of the biggest legal support platforms that offers not only divorce services but may aid you with your business issues, bankruptcy, and more. They work fast and efficiently, reviewing every document personally to guarantee the best quality services. Their divorce pack includes customized papers for you and your spouse, a divorce settlement agreement, and a parental plan. However, you will have to pay no less than $499 for their services. Plus, a name change is an additional free service you can get used to. If you need any assistance, their phone lines are open during business hours daily with well-qualified experts on the other side. Yet, if you wish an attorney’s assistance, you will have to pay some extra for a separate service.

4.   CompleteCase

CompleteCase is among the best online divorce sites to do marriage termination on your own. You simply need to get registered at the website, fill out the questionnaire and get the papers ready for you. The standard divorce pack costs $299 and implies you deliver the docs to the court on your own. If you pay an extra $299 for the VIP pack, you will get filing and spouse serving done for you. Mind that there are only platform specialists to assist you. If you need an attorney to advise you, you have to look somewhere else for legal aid.

5.   It’s Over Easy

It’s Over Easy is a high-quality divorce platform with a range of packages to please your marriage termination needs. But you will hardly find a budget-friendly proposal here. Commonly, you can pick out from the following divorce packs:

  • get your customized papers ready and reviewed for $750;
  • your documents will also be filed and served to your soon-to-be-ex for $1,200;
  • if you pay $2,500, all the above services will be complemented with a co-parenting planner, financial support calculator, state filing fees covered, and some other pleasant benefits.

Mind that there are no refund policies on the website. So, if you decide to quit, you will not get any money back. You can also rely on 24/7 support. And if you need professional advice, the website can help you get through to an experienced divorce attorney.


There are plenty of divorce platforms to simplify your marriage termination process and reach the desired outcomes. You should consider your budget and services pack preferences and pick the best suitable divorce website out of recommended ones.

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