3 Tips For Successfully Asking For A Raise At Work

3 Tips For Successfully Asking For A Raise At Work


If you’re ready for a raise at work but you’re a little nervous about actually having this conversation with your boss, there are a few things that you can do to prepare for this that will help you have the confidence and knowledge that you need to give a compelling argument for being paid more money.

To help you figure out just what these things are, here are three tips for successfully asking for a raise at work. 

Know Your Worth

In order to successfully ask for a raise at work, you first have to know what amount you should be asking for. To come up with this, it’s helpful to know how much you’re being paid in comparison to people who do a similar job as you in the same field that you’re working in. 

You can usually find this information by researching online or even speaking with people you know in the industry, if they’re willing to share this with you. Just keep in mind that just because you want a raise doesn’t necessarily mean that you deserve one or that one should be given to you. This is why knowing your market value as an employee and comparing it to what you’re currently making can be a great jumping off point for asking for a raise.

Get Your Timing Right

The timing of when to ask for a raise can also have a big impact on whether you’re able to successfully get this increase. 

If you know that your company does pay increases at a certain point in the year, make sure you’re ready to have this conversation during this time and try to avoid asking for raises outside of this time. Unless there’s been a big change to your role, the chances of getting a raise outside of the typical review time might be slim. Additionally, if your boss is generally in a better mood at certain times of the day or month, scheduling your meeting to discuss pay during this time might prove better for you. 

Consider Your Total Compensation Package

While you might really want to just make more money on each paycheck, there are other ways that you can get an increase to your total compensation package that your employer might be more willing to compromise on than you realize.

If you want to pay less for your employee benefits, consider if you can negotiate here rather than getting a pay increase. You could also see if you can get more vacation days during the year, which your employer may be able to give you more readily than a larger pay increase.

If you want to improve your chances of successfully getting a raise at work, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you with this. 

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