Top Ways to Charge Your Smartphone More Quickly

Top Ways to Charge Your Smartphone More Quickly

In these days and age, more and more people wonder whether there is a way to charge their phones faster. Indeed, you can make every effort to conserve the battery but it can’t spare you the shock of realizing that your phone is going to die right at the moment you desperately need it. Luckily for all phone users including you, there are a few tried and true tips to make the world’s most popular mobile device charge more quickly. Read on to find out the top ways to do it really fast.


Opt For A Magnetic Charging Cable

Despite what you may think, magnetic alternatives to regular charging cables do not serve only to provide an easier connection with your mobile device, especially in dark spaces or when you are driving the car. A quality magnetic cable also facilitates impressive charging speeds, the rule of thumb is, the stronger the magnet, the merrier. 

Look for models that support quick charging with overheating protection and, of course, those that are compatible with your smartphone or tablet. If you wonder what makes the best magnetic phone charger, click here to read a comprehensive guide on how to choose your perfect fit. By the way, magnetic cables are very durable and can withstand plenty of bending and teasing, as well as more than 10,000 plugs and unplugs.

Use Wall Charger Whenever Possible

Although using a USB port of your laptop seems a far more convenient way to charge your phone if you want to get the job done quickly, give preference to a wall charger whenever you can. The reason for such a piece of advice is that USB ports usually do not support charging speeds higher than 0.5 amps while the power adapter you’ve got with your phone does it twice as fast. 

Well, you can also give a shot at popular nowadays special cables that allow for charging one device using the power of two different USB ports (such cables have one micro and two normal  USB connectors) but at the end of the day, a classic wall charger is still king.


Turn Your Smartphone Off

Let’s face it, turning your phone off may sound pretty frustrating but it will significantly shorten the charging time. If you think that you can survive without social media, calls, as well as all other thrills and chills brought by modern technologies, let’s say, for an hour or so, opt for turning off your device completely instead of just switching to Airplane mode.

Keep Your Smartphone Cool

This one is probably a no-brainer but you will be surprised to learn how many people do not bother to keep their phones away from direct sunlight even when charging. It can be especially dangerous if done inside a car that is more akin to a scorching desert. Well, charging your smartphone in the immediate proximity of various sources of heat is not a good idea whatsoever, hence make sure to find an appropriate cool place for your device.

Switch To Airplane Mode

Switching to Airplane mode can help charge your phone faster. It doesn’t matter that you are still sitting at your office desk without any intention to fly to some faraway exotic destination, switch your phone to Airplane mode to speed up the charging. Just a heads up, do it before connecting the charger to shut down all the applications that use cellular, Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth services. It’s common knowledge, those apps “eat” power even when you do not use your smartphone. However, do not forget that in that mode you won’t be able to receive any calls, SMS, or other texts.

Invest In Fast Charger

If you still haven’t bought a fast charger, perhaps it’s time to do it, of course, if the model of your phone is compatible with one of those hi-tech wonders intended to charge mobile devices at lightning speed. You will notice that your quick charger tends to slow down somewhere around 75% of capacity – no worries, it is necessary to avoid overheating the phone that can damage the device.

Get A Portable Charger

Let’s face it, sometimes you just do not have access to a power outlet but it doesn’t mean you can’t charge your phone. Consider buying a portable charger to cover all eventual issues that may happen on the go, all the more so, today they are compact, light, and more than affordable. 

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Top Ways to Charge Your Smartphone More Quickly

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