Easeus vs. Recoverit: Which Software To Choose In 2022,

Easeus vs. Recoverit: Which Software To Choose In 2022

File recovery software makes a great solution for cases of unforeseen data loss. When standard tools are no longer effective, or the situation requires more professional instruments, third-party tools, such as Recoverit and EaseUS, come in handy.

Of course, it is much easier to prevent data loss than to deal with a disaster in your digital storage place. But if the incident has already happened, this article will review EaseUS and Recoverit and suggest other alternatives of data restoring software for you to tackle this problem quickly.

2 Famous Recovery Heroes EaseUS and Recoverit: Key Features

Every case of data loss needs an immediate reaction. If you hesitate to swing into action, it might be too late for a recovery program to get the file back. But while this is true for many average tools, professional software can restore files and folders no matter how long ago they were erased.

First, we will get you acquainted with EaseUS. This program is packed with features to help you not only get files back but also manage your hard drives, do regular backups, and quickly transfer data (including accounts and settings) from one device to another.

EaseUS lets you choose from several versions

  • Free User
  • Home User
  • Business User

All of them include different levels of data recovery and the amount of data being recovered. To compare, a free version allows for 500 MB of data restoring, while business and home users have no limits.

What types of devices does EaseUS work for? The program is effective for Windows and Mac personal computers as well as mobile devices running on Android and iOS. On every device, you can go for a free data restoring option or pick the pro or technician version to conduct serious recovery. For extensive info on EaseUS, visit this comprehensive EaseUS review.

The hero number two of today’s review is Recoverit by Wondershare. Its principle of work is identical to the one of EaseUS. Most features will meet all your needs in retrieving data, but some exclusive peculiarities include:

  • Video repair
  • Recovery of computer storage due to system errors. Other scenarios Recoverit can cope with include virus attacks, computer corruption and breakdowns, and other cases that seem impossible.
  • Getting files back from various devices (even crashed ones): SSD cards, pen drives, cameras, drone cameras, music players, etc.

This trustworthy Wondershare Recoverit review will reveal more of the key features that Recoverit can boast. All in all, the tool is a perfect choice if you need to retrieve a file in a rare format since Recoverit supports over 1,000 file formats. Recoverit also works for both Windows and Mac computers.

The process of file recovery with these tools is simple.

Step 1. Download and launch the tool on your device.

Step 2. Choose the location you want to scan.

Step 3. Start to scan and spy for a necessary file looking at the parameters, such as type and size of the file, time of editing, etc. (choose them in ‘Filter’ for Recoverit).

Step 4. Preview and retrieve the files.

This guide is for basic data recovery when you don’t need advanced scanning.

Are EaseUS and Recoverit the Only Options for Retrieving Lost Data?

While having excellent interface and function sets, these programs are not the only choices. They have worthy rivals, and one of them is Disk Drill.

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Disk Drill belongs to the same category of professional but easy-to-use recovery tools able to get the lost files and folders from any type of device, in any format. It helps you get the files you erased by accident, fix partition errors, and even ‘resurrect’ data from formatted devices or external storage drives.

It is up to you which tool to choose, but one thing you can know for sure – no data loss case is hopeless with professional tools.

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